Dem Congressional candidate gaining critics, and already promising to abandon race.

The signs should be obvious to many when we’re looking at a candidacy from a Democrat who is running for Congress. Because inevitably, they just come off as a slow moving train wreck.

We saw it with Corinna Robinson, who chewed through gaffe-proned campaign managers like they were bubble gum. We had it with the Paula Hawks campaign, which the Argus editor at the time termed “amateur hour.

And so far this election, we get to see it again and again, day by day, with the Dem’s potty-mouthed Congressional Candidate Chris Martian’s response as he responds to a potential voter pointing out that blasting out profanity-laden tweets at elected officials might not be the way to gain voter’s trust:

And it instantly got hilarious as Martian points out that if Democrats don’t like his profanity laden tweets “then run somebody else, I have no problem stepping down if a better candidate surfaces.

So, the SDDP’s candidate is already announcing to potential voters and the people he is soliciting money from to run for office that – more than a year before the election – he’s prepared to abandon the congressional race at the drop of a hat?

What was I saying about slow-moving train wrecks?

4 thoughts on “Dem Congressional candidate gaining critics, and already promising to abandon race.”

  1. Is this the best the Democratic Party come up with? It is one thing to be circling the drain, this is just diving right on in.

  2. If this guy gets on TV, the person running the 7-second delay might develop a case of carpal tunnel.

  3. I’m outraged by this guy. What’s he going to say next, that he loves grabbing women by the pu**y? How dare he use that kind of language!?! He better watch out or he might get elected president someday.

    1. You do make a very good point. Trump is a creep on his own and his behavior was atrocious and not presidential yet he was the Republican nominee and embraced and endorsed by Evangelicals. Which was shocking and hypocritical. Did Family Heritage Alliance endorse or encourage those to support Trump? Either way this type of behavior by Mr. Martian and Trump are not acceptable.

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