Fox News: Senator John Thune endorses Donald Trump after South Carolina primary win

According to Fox News, South Dakota US Senator John Thune is endorsing Donald Trump after his latest primary win:

Senate Minority Whip John Thune, the No. 2 Senate Republican leader, is endorsing former President Trump for reelection.

It’s a key win for Trump from the establishment wing of the Republican Party. The South Dakota Republican is Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s top deputy in the Senate GOP.

“The primary results in South Carolina make clear that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president in this year’s pivotal presidential election. The choice before the American people is crystal clear: It’s Donald Trump or Joe Biden,” Thune told Fox News Digital.

Read the entire story here.

16 thoughts on “Fox News: Senator John Thune endorses Donald Trump after South Carolina primary win”

  1. Will he support Trump’s policies after Trump’s election though? His words and actions in the past don’t give me any assurance.

  2. and with that the u-s senate joins the u-s house in a full dead stop. ( ** insert crickets, clock ticking for the next ten months. **)

  3. John Thune…just because you are Republican doesn’t mean you have to drink the purple Kool-Aid. Trump will immediately install his crony and inept cohorts that he previously pardoned to dismember every part of our federal government. He will commit even more felonies and pardon himself over and over. He will direct his new US Attorney General to dismiss all the federal cases against himself.

  4. Thune insults his father by endorsing the thing that insulted his father when he said soldiers are losers.

    1. i disagree. we found out with daschle that taking senate leadership forces you to do things for the whole party that you might not like. thune knows this better now.
      thune also seemed careful to express support for the trump CAMPAIGN so i guess if trump loses a felony case this summer and can’t be potus, thune has given pre-support for his replacement at convention. that presupposes a us supreme court willing to deny trump’s appeals and expedite, which no sane person would put money on at this time.
      this year we will see how the people, in whose hands our fate is placed, reveal themselves to us during a very ugly political season.

  5. Looks like Thune’s ready to do whatever it takes to become McConnell’s successor. Knives must be out all around for Mitch.

  6. It’s the game politicians must play to keep in the game. Thune is so above Trump (I say this as a lifelong Republican) that he had to hold his nose to endorse him. Kristi is so bent on being the next VP candidate (even though she has zero international knowledge or experience) she treats all our congressional delegation with disdain and disrespect. Of course Thune will replace McConnell. Thune is one of the few voices of reason, & class, in congress.

  7. Thune should not have endorsed the lyingest, most corrupt,fraudulent, immoral, and unChristian president ever who shamed our military and insulted our veterans.

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