Fundraiser on Tuesday for Jake Schoenbeck for District 2 House – April 23 at Willow Run from 4:30 to 6:30

South Dakota Legislative Candidate and co-host of the state’s most popular political podcast, Jake Schoenbeck is having a fundraiser for his campaign for District 2 House of Representatives:

And there’s a lot of recognizable names.. I won’t go into it, but I think I recognize each and every one, with many current and former legislators, City Council members and candidates, etc. Lots of good folks all coming together to support a good candidate for the South Dakota House.

If you can’t make it, but would still like to support Jake, you can donate to his campaign through his website at

23 thoughts on “Fundraiser on Tuesday for Jake Schoenbeck for District 2 House – April 23 at Willow Run from 4:30 to 6:30”

  1. They already have two quality representatives in this district. Hopefully Jake comes in third again.

  2. So basically all the progressive Sioux Falls Chamber and Eatsblished Liberals ofnour community support him. Dead give away these are very progressive people. Look at that list of supporters.

      1. Just cause they got a R behind their name does not mean they arr not. Progressive l, Liberal politician. Look at their voting record. These are al big government peeps. Schoenbeck is most definitely a liberal.

        1. Schoenbeck would easily be among the 10% most conservative South Dakota voters. I am toward the center-right so… you could mischaracterize me as a RINO… but Schoenbeck? Really?

        2. “Just cause.”

          I have to give it to you: your command of the english language is just as small as the common sense you possess. You think the election was stolen, don’t you?

      2. “registered” the key operative term in your reply.
        Of course no one on this list is registered as a Democrat. It would be bad for business and they wouldn’t be able to be in the social club which is “republicanism” in Sioux Falls.

      1. OK, I’ll play.
        What do we call Alex Jensen? (other than “One and Done At Everything He Does”).

        Matt Paulson is part of the Sioux Falls cabal of tax and spend liberal Chamber cronies masquerading as “Republican”.

        They either have you fooled, or you are a member of the masquerade.

    1. The Conservatives with Common Sense might endorse Mr. Schoenbeck, the younger, except for his participation in a particularly hayseedish radio program on the computer where people honk and bray like donkeys and make old fellows like grudznick turn the volume up and down to avoid blowing out what’s left of one remaining ear drum.

      1. Audio upgrades are in the works. We thank you for your hayseed listenership. 😉
        Honks/brays are free.


  3. This calling people RINOs, when the discussion does not fit your narrative is the most ” well my dad is gonna beat up your dad” thing i have ever heard. The people saying that should just say,” Blah Blah Blah Im a loser that cant accomplish anything, and its not fair ” Because calling someone a RINO is getting old and people are seeing through the bullshit.

    1. What’s especially hilarious is that when pressed to explain why someone’s a RINO, the little name callers never expound or have a logical reason why.

  4. In District 2 we have choices:

    David Kull – this one is kind of a no brainer – has both law enforcement and city leadership experience. He’s an open minded and fair legislator who is well liked in the district.

    John Sjaarda – akin to Steve Haugaard lite. Seems like a nice guy but possibly not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Not so much a leader and willing to follow the ult-right crowd if/when given the chance.

    Jake Schoenbeck – young and inexperienced, but talks a good game. Seems to be fairly intelligent, have a good base of financial support behind him but needs to find a way to appeal to the conservative crowd.

    I know who I will be voting for. June will be here before we know it.

  5. Come on man, don’t b.s me. I do not appreciate you all criticizing average S.D Citizens stepping inside the party in precinct committee people. Just cause a small faction are able to convince peoppe to fund their political campaigns does not make them better. These peoppe do this cause they have a passion for the Republic, and want to make it better. You peoppe who bash your fellow citizens should br ashamed of yourselves. I met some very nice people in Minnehaha County that care about becoming involved. They support America First platform.

    1. If they don’t want to be criticized then at minimum they should learn the party rules and bylaws so they understand the actual responsibilities of a precinct committee member and not have delusions of grandeur. Not doing dumb things is also an easy way to not catch flak.

      1. That is not how life works sir. God put us all here equally. Each man or woman are equal partners in the whole scheme of life. There are no rules other than God’s rules. There is no perfect means of sense of direction, or there is no perfect person other than God himself. Man is an imperfect creation of God. He is full of mistakes. It is God’s word that directs us, not some political party. Therefore, a average person choosing to be part of a political party does so with intent to become involved and to change the party to make it more like himself, not its leader. Our oath is to God, not some political leader or party. Our pledge must be to our spiritual connection to the Land, not some financial means of control. Ye know this, if you call another man names or insults, your the problem not the person joining the party to spread his voice for all to hear.

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