GOP Convention Delegate potentials, don’t forget Taffy Howard’s position on helping the SDGOP.

Noting the South Dakota Republican Party’s National Convention Delegate Selection regional and statewide selection process tomorrow evening, and understanding that a certain Congressional wannabe is going to be trying to get people to send her to the National Convention, I thought it might be an opportune time to remind people what Taffy Howard had to say about the South Dakota Republican Party bringing President Trump to South Dakota for an event earlier this year:

..while I have a deep admiration for what Trump has been able to accomplish, I do believe he is being used by the establishment elites in our state to give themselves some standing with their conservative constituents, which I don’t want to help in any way.

Read Taffy Howard’s screed here.

Yep. In what was one of the biggest events that the Republican Party has put on in South Dakota in modern history had Taffy declaring that “I don’t want to help in any way,” because she has that much loathing for the Republicans who have been elected, and the Republican voters who have put them in office.

GOP National Convention delegate hopefuls, keep that in mind when Taffy asks you to send her to the National Republican Convention tomorrow night. “I don’t want to help in any way.”

Just sayin’

39 thoughts on “GOP Convention Delegate potentials, don’t forget Taffy Howard’s position on helping the SDGOP.”

  1. This entire group wants nothing to do with being apart of any solution… ” burn it to the ground ” types. Liz May must have endorsed this one as well.

    1. Howard’s only goal in attending the Nat’l Republican Convention is to get in front of any camera who will take her. She hates the Governor, boycotted the Trump Rally, and schemed to exclude the Lt. Governor of enough votes from becoming a delegate to the convention. Pennington County carried ALL of the power of voting District 6. The other 4 counties combined did not total Pennington. So she, Craig Ericks and a German guy who barely speaks English all voted themselves in. OK But they got 2 more they could vote for. One went to Lance Russel, while the other went to a woman from Lawrence County who has never attended a Republican event, except to get voted in to represent Lawrence County. Shame on those 3 Pennington County delegates for abuse of power. Howard, didn’t need to negotiate with anyone as she had enough votes, but her goal was to be vindictive and hateful by making sure all of the votes went to ‘anyone but the Lt. Governor’. She’s proud of herself now after accomplishing more division, taking credit for obstruction and eliminating any sense of integrity to this already fractured party. Good job Daffy! That’s what dirty politics, jealousy, self serving, hate looks like. She cannot, and will not represent the Legislative district she’s running in. VOTE HER OUT! Her District needs the truth about her and they need to vote for positive, professional productive representation like Green.

  2. “In what was one of the biggest events that the Republican Party has put on in South Dakota in modern history”

    Your words Pat, but yet Thune, Rounds, and Johnson were missing in action.

    1. I believe the Senate was voting (something Taffy doesn’t do) and Dusty was thanking veterans and doing his pin ceremony (as he often does) while Taffy just didn’t go (she’s good at that)

  3. You should be reminding people that the three stooges refused to show up and support our President. The SDGOP establishment is an embarrassment. Kudos to Taffy for having principles.

    1. Didn’t Taffy skip Trumps rally? Actions are always louder than words.

    2. What principles, exactly? The only principles I see Taffy understands are the principle of self-preservation and the “do as I say and not as I do” principle of hypocrisy.

      1. Nailed it. If anyone else does or says exactly what she does or says but she doesn’t like them, well, that’s not principled anymore (to her); it’s ‘establishment’ or ‘elite’. Her words.

        1. He will flee to Russia if he is convicted. It’s pretty clear he committed fraud.

            1. It’s you’re. Everyone knows he committed fraud. Whether he flees is still up in the air but the Russians are his friends and they gave his son in law access to 2 billion. They have been funding him for years and his entire family openly admits it. Maybe he shouldn’t have paid off a porn star to influence an election. Great Republican family values.

              1. he schemed to use violent insurrectionists to overthrow the 2020 election results and eliminate the line of succession. clearly.
                i understand someone maybe being anti-vax because science is hard. you have to intentionally ignore large amounts of credible evidence of trump’s criminal involvement to think him innocent and persecuted. admit you don’t care and are gladly backing a criminal. we already know this about you so it’s not a shocker.

                  1. bet about you already knowing trump is a criminal and not caring? can’t make any money on 1:1 odds.

  4. You’re not “just saying” Pat…you’re right on the mark. It is time for the Party to build a high wall between the working majority of the Party and a minority of insurrectionists.

    1. That minority grows each day due to your betrayal of conservative values.

      1. It what world? The party of Trump is becoming more like the scarlet letter.

    2. Yes, Taffy is out for herself and wants to destroy the Republican party. She is not a true South Dakotan and should not be allowed in the Republican party. Don’t you have to be considered “in good standing” to be allowed to belong? Going on radio shows and podcasts and flat out lying should disqualify her from having any part of our Republican party. She’s not worthy to be called a Republican because all she does is try to destroy those good, hard working elected officials who actually vote and try to make positive changes for our state. I thought Dems were bad, but she puts their tactics to shame. Her desire to be somebody is pathetic. She needs to go somewhere else.

    3. Yes, I agree with Terry. Taffy is out for herself and wants to destroy the Republican party. She is not a true South Dakotan and should not be allowed in the Republican party. Don’t you have to be considered “in good standing” to be allowed to belong? Going on radio shows and podcasts and flat out lying should disqualify her from having any part of our Republican party. She’s not worthy to be called a Republican because all she does is try to destroy those good, hard working elected officials who actually vote and try to make positive changes for our state. I thought Dems were bad, but she puts their tactics to shame. Her desire to be somebody is pathetic. She needs to go somewhere else.

  5. Taffy worked against the Trump rally and 7k people who showed up. She can’t represent SD.

    Executive board needs to lead.

  6. If the Trump campaign wants disloyal Republicans then they should send Taffy to Milwaukee. It’s embarasing that SD Strong didn’t show up. Any Republican can vote.

  7. The Trump campaign itself is likely to intervene. In 2016 Isaac Latterell embarrassed all of us and by 2020, when we thought we would be having a convention, it was made clear nothing like that was to happen again. They remembered it. The SDGOP executive board will have to answer to the RNC if there is any funny business.

  8. at the 2020 SDGOP convention we had a resolution celebrating the Republican Party’s origin in the abolitionist movement and calling for June 19th to be a national holiday. Taffy Howard led the opposition against it, and it was voted down. The SDGOP, as led by Taffy Howard, thought the Emancipation Proclamation was a bad thing.
    Chairman Lederman went behind a screen, off camera, and exploded in a torrent of profanity.

    In 2022, Taffy led the group that voted against thanking Lederman for his leadership (after all the years he had put up with her bullshit) and tried to vote down a resolution endorsing the party’s slate of candidates. Incoming Chairman Wiik was so disgusted he left the convention and went home, to bring his blood pressure under control.

    That is the effect she has on people. Perhaps the Governor can give her a tour of a gravel pit. It’s time.

    1. And you nailed it. Smack on the head. But she and a few others take this kind of criticism as a good thing because they really do think they’re in the ‘right’. They are clueless how childish they look and act to the majority of us regular conservative voters. And they criticize others with higher conservative scores than themselves to boot!

      1. The question is, what can we do about Her Assholiness?

        The Trump campaign most certainly will take Isaac Latterell out to the gravel pit before they’ll let him into a convention hall again.

  9. If she somehow worms her way to successfully become a delegate to the National Republican Convention, she will find herself with plenty of ideological company from state’s like Idaho and Alabama. Perhaps she’ll get noticed and hired by the Kari Lake campaign in Arizona as an advisor, or by Loreen Boebert in Colorado. Opportunity will be knocking for Taffy.

  10. This woman has no business going to our national convention. She is not Republican. She hates our awesome Governor and boycotted the Trump event. She is going as a media whore and will be looking for any camera she can get in front of to spew lies and tear down Republicans. Every time she opens her mouth it’s to be negative and she’s working as the enemy. People in her voting district have to know that with her gone the legislative session was productive. If she goes back it will be a mess and ‘all about her’. She has to be speaking on every topic because she is a know-it-all. She gets nothing passed and wastes everybody’s time. Vote Green for Senate! Our state depends on it.

    1. this isn’t about Noem or Trump. It’s about Taffy, who is only trying to draw attention to herself and wastes everybody’s time doing it.
      If she isn’t the center of attention she will do anything to get it.

  11. well, she made the cut, and if past performances are any predictor, she will attend the convention and be constantly in search of a microphone, and there will be reporters interested in interviewing South Dakota delegates about the Governor, and what she says will be a horrendous embarrassment. This will be especially bad if people still think Noem is a candidate for VP. The delegation will be targeted by reporters who will want to talk about the dog. And Taffy won’t hesitate to run her mouth. She’ll probably complain about our Congressional delegation as well.

    You don’t need to be a psychic to see this shitstorm coming… you just need to be on the state party executive board to call an emergency meeting and stop it.

    1. Good point. That’s what should happen. She should not be considered a Republican in good standing. Spewing lies and her opinions like they are facts are beneath anyone that can be called a good Republican. She should be kicked out of the party.

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