Gov. Noem’s team points out Rolling Stone article didn’t bother to use Noem’s answers to reporter’s question

Interesting note from Ian Fury with Governor Kristi Noem’s Staff in follow up to the Rolling Stone attack article about Governor Noem.

Fury notes on Twitter today that while the reporter asked 10 questions, and Governor Noem gave 10 answers.. the reporter allegedly didn’t use any of it in his article:

9 thoughts on “Gov. Noem’s team points out Rolling Stone article didn’t bother to use Noem’s answers to reporter’s question”

  1. Why would her staff even consent to an interview with a rag that proclaimed Terrence Trent D’Arby as the next Elvis?

  2. As O’Reilly would say, the spin stopped there. You can’t debate the facts with the nation, only SD will fall for the spin, sorry, Kristi.

  3. In the history of Rolling Stone Magazine, never has a regular subscriber EVER read any article that’s 7,500 words.

  4. Won’t give an interview to Kelo because they aren’t fair but by all means think Rolling Stone will be! LOL!!

  5. Do they have the questions and her answers?

    Have them send them out and we can take a look.

    1. They don’t and they won’t. Can’t be indignant on FauxNews about how the big bad liberal reporter treated them with that kind of approach. This a well-written, well-researched article.

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