6 thoughts on “Headline of the day: “Hearings on firing shotguns inside Fort Pierre to be held at next council meeting””

    1. The manufacturer should be held responsible!

      I’m shocked, shocked I tell you….Fox News? Are the Loonie Leftists pushing you further to the right? You can now “accidentally” kill someone and walk free. However, that may be a law strictly for illegal aliens?

      1. The Fox News was for you KM, just for you. I knew you would love it.

        Actually, ever since Fox reported that a new emoji for a cheeseburger, where the cheese was shown inaccurately on the bottom of the burger, I have found Fox to be rather informative…. 😉 ……. Because we all know that a new emoji trumps a story on Russian collusion indictments any day….

        1. You mean the Nothingburger emoji? They have to talk about something when there’s not much to report on;) It’s unfortunate Brian Ross and ABC News must now join the ranks of top fake news outlets. What ever are you going to do? No NPR, no PBS, no NBC, Vox, Huffpo, CNN?

          You know I’ve got suggestions…
          Daily Wire, National Review, Conservative Review TV, The Daily Caller and only for those who dare…Breitbart.


  1. EC,

    You mean the Nothingburger emoji?!
    When there’s not much to report, they have to fill air time with something:)

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