Heidelberger: Do as I say, not as I do.. Heidelberger chastises Mickelson led group for unattended petitions in 2017, and then his own group does the same thing.

Screen Cap, Dakota Free Press 8/17/17

Update to the story of Cory Heidelberger’s ballot measure group leaving unattended petitions out at the Sioux Empire fair yesterday.

There is written confirmation that Cory knows better, because he chastised a ballot measure group over the issue in 2017:

Two clipboards lay on the “Protect Our Ballot SD” table, holding nine partially or full signed sheets between them, turned outward toward passersby with pens beside them inviting folks to sign, but there were no circulators there to explain the petition, hand out the required disclosure form (which was on the table), keep the petitions secure, or legally witness any signatures.

And from the comment section in his own shrill words

Donald makes a good point: every sheet left out in the open unattended on that table is now in question. In good conscience, Mickelson can’t submit those sheets.

That was Cory’s post in 2017. And reminding you that here’s what a reader sent me yesterday:

Two clipboards lay on the “SD Voices” table turned outward toward passersby with pens beside them inviting folks to sign, but there were no circulators there to explain the petition, hand out the required disclosure form, keep the petitions secure, or legally witness any signatures.

It’s like Deja Vu all over again.

We’ll have to see if Cory accedes to his own demands, and whether in good conscience, he feels he can submit those sheets. 

22 thoughts on “Heidelberger: Do as I say, not as I do.. Heidelberger chastises Mickelson led group for unattended petitions in 2017, and then his own group does the same thing.”

  1. Show me the burden of proof their both booths were unattended? A picture doesn’t do it.

  2. What was done in the Mickelson situation? Did they throw out the signatures or was nothing done? I would like to see the rule consistently enforced.

  3. Cory Heidelberger, pardon my language, is a bona fide piece of s***. Unintelligent, immoral, biased, crap journalist, [redacted] and now a hypocrite. The best thing he could do for SD politics is to stay as far away from it as possible.

    I mean look at this booth, it looks like a 2nd grader made it. I literally feel bad for the guy. You have to have some seriously [redacted] tendencies to be such a loser and still be able to twist reality enough to motivate yourself out of best in the morning.

    [editor’s note – I question whether a couple of your points go beyond opinion, so I’m going to exercise my discretion, and attempt tp keep it within bounds, while still letting the spirit of your comment stand. -PP]

  4. Cory needs to stay. He does more to hurt the SD Democrat party than anybody else.

  5. That is one of the worst booths I have ever seen. It makes one wonder if whoever put it up really cares about the petition drive. Very sad.

  6. We love Corey! Keep his site and commentary going. Look how much he gives the gop everytime he talks or writes. Maybe he should run for school board up there in the hub city!

    1. Cory has never won an election and never will. He is a loser. I just hope he can keep on running the Democratic party in to the ground. Thank You Cory for your fine leadership,keep it up.

      1. I too agree: let’s keep Cory here as he is the best face of the radicals, sexists, racists, & homophobes that all S. Dakotans condemn.

        Thank you Cory for showing us what hate looks like.

  7. Pat, you appear to have here evidence that my circulators failed to obey proper petition protocol and left petitions unguarded and thus potentially invalid. If this is correct, I am appalled and embarrassed, and I apologize to the voters of this state. Please send me copies of this evidence, in as high a resolution as possible, with the time/date information for each photo, so that I may review this apparent breach of protocol and take appropriate action.

    1. Let us all cut young Mr. H. a bit of slack here as this is still one of his first rodeos. I am sure his petition monger, for surely he must have only been able to enlist one monger or they would have staggered the potty break, will monger more diligently in the future.

  8. “We’ll have to see if Cory accedes to his own demands, and whether in good conscience, he feels he can submit those sheets. ”

    If anyone has evidence that Cory Heildelburger has grown a “conscience”, please provide it.

    Until then, he’s just another creepy-looking sexist, racist, homophobe.

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