14 thoughts on “How did they vote on House Bill 1057?”

    1. What’s terrible about it? Have you never heard of Munchausen’s Syndrome–by-proxy? There are some parents who really want to have a transgender child, even when they don’t. Doing any unnecessary medical procedures to a child is abuse.

      1. And… there are children/adults who’ve admitted they only claimed to be transgender/gender fluid because of the attention they receive. I applaud the men who want to protect children and who openly say there are only two genders.

  1. There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children. (Nelson Mandela, May 8, 1995)
    This bill protects children who are vulnerable to the psychobabble that many are exposed to in our schools, films and in the media that plants the seeds of doubt and confusion. Great news today from the House State Affairs Committee. Thanks to Representative Deutsch and the other 7 votes today, the battle moves to the House floor. Godspeed.

  2. I see the South Dakota ACLU is no better than the national group as they are against this legislation. Are any of the yahoos there parents or are they all single, upwardly mobile, self-centered millenials?

    The lawyers there probably had socialist hack professors from USD.

    1. Remember…millenials were raised by boomers. They were products of their environment. 😉

        1. Uh…really. My parents were born in 1957 & 1959. My brother was born in 1977, my sister in 1982, and I in 1987. We’re not the only family like that. 😉

  3. Sounds like Deutch had to scour the country to find proponents for his bill. Meanwhile the overwhelming majority of opponents live right here in the state and say it’s not an issue. Those darn out of staters! I mean really, since when did South Dakotans listen to Californians?

  4. To answer the above question:

    In some quarters it is “terrible” to prohibit the castration and sterilization of children.

    In some quarters it is “terrible” to prohibit adults from having sex with children. By the way, Epstein didn’t kill himself.

    In some quarters it is “terrible” to prohibit people from entering into indentured servitude. The hollywood elite have to have their Mexican and Filipino nannies you know.

    In some quarters it is “terrible” to question the ethics of any doctor or their pursuit of the mighty dollar. The idea people shopped for doctors to get opioid prescriptions is just a rumor.

  5. Why is this legislation necessary? Oh, I don’t know, maybe because there are people out there who are truly more interested in making a child into the form he/she wants rather than the way the child is. Just last fall, there was an issue about a woman (pediatrician, so we know she knows all about what her child is) wanted to make her male child into a girl. Read the story here: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/texas-judge-rules-that-father-retain-joint-custody-in-case-of-transgender-7-year-old.
    It turns out the “expert” was trying to make her son be something he was not. After spending more time with dad, the boy was feeling like a normal boy. This “mother” was telling her son when he was 3 years old that he was a girl. Normally one believes parents are the final authority, but there are times when government must step in. This is one of those cases.

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