Is it really a grassroots campaign when your paid out-of-state consultant is your spokesperson?

The Liz May for Congress campaign finally had more than 4 sentences in the newspaper. Unfortunately, it was a weekly paper with a circulation of 911.  From the Bennett County Booster II:

So I’m Liz Marty May, and I’m running for Congress. For the ranchers, for the farmers that are feeding this world, and for the kids of our future.

I’m running for congress for you. All of South Dakota, and I need you to elect me on June 2nd, and send me to Washington. Send me out there, to cull this herd. I am fighting for each and every one of us. Thank you.”

Jim McIntosh remarked after the event, “This is a grass-roots campaign. We don’t believe in the Washtington (sic) PACS buying this election.  This is going to count on everybody to do their part to get the representation that they need in DC. It will be a very positive campaign. This is a campaign about issues, and about Liz’s experience. Right now we will be out there doing the petitions to get her on the ballot. That is the first step.”

Read it all here.

We’ll see if they stick to the promise that “It will be a very positive campaign.”  And I hate to ask, but can you really call it a grassroots campaign when your paid consultant from Texas is your spokesperson?

Speaking of Liz’s out-of-state consultant, the rumor on the street is that McIntosh has made some calls into South Dakota looking for people to manage the campaign by peddling an automated push poll from Dec. 2019, and has so far been turned down. I’m hearing there is no one interested in climbing aboard to captain the Titanic so far.

They’d better find some poor soul to take the wheel. Only 55 days until petitions are due at the Secretary of State and just 118 days until the election.

6 thoughts on “Is it really a grassroots campaign when your paid out-of-state consultant is your spokesperson?”

  1. The only positive thing she has going for her in relation to this race is that there’s only about four months until she can go back to her regular life. Still seems like a huge waste of time to me.

  2. Isn’t this guy from Texas involved in another South Dakota race, or dud he move on to Liz’s. he should go work the Wall and leave South Dakota alone

  3. There are two definition of “grass-roots”

    1). Lots and lots of hard working workers and volunteers to make the candidate visible and viable.

    2). No money to make the candidate visible and viable.

    This is clearly the latter.

    1. I bet May has a good grassroots campaign. She served in the legislature and her stain of conservatives are activists. Would not be surprised to see a good ground game.

      Where she will struggle is with time, being comfortable working a room, money (unless she is self funding) and building name I’d.

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