4 thoughts on “It seems like we’re in an alternate universe lately.”

  1. Touche’

    If Sioux Falls 5G is part of a binary weapon system to increase coronavirus infections (the packing plant was how far from the 5G soft kill mass murder poles, again?), goatee Thune must be the good guy.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again .. 5G is a gun at our heads. We’ll only die if “they” (whomever has the UI to control the devices) pull the trigger. So, we’re safe?

    Is 5G Thune’s political Waterloo?

    Given that Rounds seems to have survived EB5, it’s not a given. A lack of serious fallout and negative ramifications for Thune and his 5G partners is also .. not a given.

    Sorry if I took the air out of the room.

    This was actually pretty funny, and I don’t think Thune is a bad guy necessarily (I don’t know him to make judgement). He’s just not a technologist, and the technologists he’s listening to are either sociopaths, neolib/con, or morons.

    1. Why did my subconscious play the them from “The Twighlight Zone” when I read this post?

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