Jamie Smith for Governor – $954k raised, $810k Spent, $254k remaining for final 2 weeks. Smith raises less than half than Sutton did by this time.

Jamie Smith for Governor has filed his pre-general election report.

Jamie Smith Report by Pat Powers on Scribd

As noted by the Governor, he’s missing some addresses from the report.

He’s raised a reasonable amount for a Democrat. But, I don’t think he’s sufficiently moved non-democrats.  ‘

By this time in 2018, Billie Sutton had raised $1,390,717, plus another $878k he had raised previously. Compare that to Smith who has only managed less than half of Sutton against a Governor who is not new, but 1 term in.

I don’t think Smith has any chance of catching the wind at this point.

2 thoughts on “Jamie Smith for Governor – $954k raised, $810k Spent, $254k remaining for final 2 weeks. Smith raises less than half than Sutton did by this time.”

  1. That sounds reasonable. Jamie Smith is not half the candidate Billie Sutton was. Billie voted more conservative than any other Democrat while in office. Despite all the lies Noem made about Sutton, he came very close to winning the election. I doubt Smith gets even half the votes Sutton received. I really wish Billie Sutton had run this election cycle. I think he would have won over No One Except Me Noem.

  2. Wait a minute… just two weeks ago, someone was telling us that Jamie Smith was getting TEN MILLION DOLLARS from the “national Democratic establishment”.

    Never mind. That was just Kristi Noem. She was trying to scare her donors into opening their wallets again. Making stuff up… it’s what she does.

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