6 thoughts on “Kolbeck – Kull – Schoenbeck invite the public for Coffee & Conversation this Saturday in Brandon.”

  1. Good to see them coordinating. There are clear differences in the District 2 primaries

    1. There certainly are differences.
      The choice in this primary –
      “To RINO (with this “coordinating” slate of candidates which includes a candidate, who WAS, until recently, actually a Democrat)?”
      Or “Not To RINO?”
      That is indeed the question.

      1. Everyone who doesnt believe and act exactly as I do is a RINO. I am the arbiter of republicanism. Disagree with me at your own peril.

        You are now a RINO, Mr. Man from Guernsey. Sorry about your misfortune.

        1. The misfortune shall actually befall the State Republican Party, when is realized the stark future reality that Minnehaha County and most certainly, the state’s largest city has shaded from purple to blue. Soon, very soon a candidate like Kolbeck won’t need to change party registration in order to get elected to the legislature from the greater Sioux Falls area.
          Minnehaha County. It’s not as ‘Republican’ as you think it is!
          Nearly 60% of registered voters in Minnehaha County are not registered as a Rebublican voter.
          In the meantime, let the masquerade continue.

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