Kristi Noem VP Speculation: Noem taking meeting with Trump

The Dakota Scout is reporting in a story this morning (inbetween a deluge of ads) that Governor Kristi Noem is meeting with President Donald Trump, with speculation that it may be regarding what she might be doing this summer:

In the midst of growing speculation and heightened anticipation that she’ll be Donald Trump’s running mate, Gov. Kristi Noem is meeting with the former president and GOP front runner at his Mar-a-Lago home Monday afternoon.

The governor’s office has confirmed to The Dakota Scout Monday that the second term Republican extended her trip to Florida this weekend where she spoke at the annual Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) conference and will meet with Trump in a one-on-one meeting at one of the president’s Florida properties.

Read the entire story here.

Governor Noem is a tremendous speaker, and would do well for the ticket as his vice-presidential pick. The only downside is that we’re a small state, but Kristi is viewed as a rockstar among Republicans nationwide.

What are your thoughts?

23 thoughts on “Kristi Noem VP Speculation: Noem taking meeting with Trump”

  1. I still wonder about those who support Noem but not Trump. It’s been clear much of her term has been seeking his attention. If she is selected, I’m curious as to how many more individuals will get caught up in election denial and Obama’s birthplace. Starting to feel a bit like the Rubicon as to the direction of the party.

  2. Actually from comments on national stories about her I’ve seen republicans bash her for basically being the mayor of a small city. And they’re not wrong.

  3. maybe the sdgop hasn’t kicked the $ tribute upstairs from last years trump fundraiser yet, and he needs governor noem to move it along chop chop.

  4. Will Governor Noem be on the ticket for the TRUMP Party or is Donald Trump breaking the bad news and letting her know he picked someone else but would like to appoint her to an obscure field position in Pakistan or elsewhere? I am thinking the latter but would enjoy her being under the scrutiny of the national press with the help of South Dakotans.

  5. As much as I like Kristi Noem, in the scheme of politics, she would not add a single vote to the Presidential ticket coming from a small red state.

    1. trump needs his loyal red states to help gut the november vote count and throw it to the house of representatives. trump’s failed attempts to appear centrist over the past couple of weeks have revealed the huge barrier trump can’t get past to win a fair general election.

      1. “trump needs his loyal red states to help gut the november vote count”

        The election is 8 months away and you are already starting to cry about it preparing for a Trump win! What is it that you and the rest of the RINOs like to say…Election denier.

        1. this is about the time in 2020 that trump and giuliani were conferring with others about what time of day on election day trump would lose his early lead, so that he could demand a halt to any further counting while he was ahead.

  6. What demographic would she be able to deliver? She’s not the best at debating, could she lose votes when the VP debate inevitably asks questions pertaining to just how ancient both nominees are? How effective could she be at negotiating with Congress, especially in the Senate?

    For these reasons another candidate, like Scott, would be better.

  7. grudznick would like for some of the out-of-state name-caller blog fellows to weigh in by blogging their ideas here on this topic. Although most of them probably dissolved like smoke from a demon weed doobie in a stout west river wind, once Mr. H shut down South Dakota operations. What say you, Lar?

  8. I think Trump should pick Noem. She brings no one to the team that isnt already on board. She turns off most women. Some conservative men like her for her looks and many others just don’t want a women in power. Between her and biff Tannen, it almost guarantees we will be stuck with weekend at bernies for another 4 years.

  9. While Governor Noem is a safe pick for Trump and she will be a compliant Vice President and ardent campaigner, she doesn’t add any electoral votes, or bring new people into the Party. Does she bring any Independent voters to the Trump slate in battleground states?

  10. Trump would be stupid to have her on the ticket. She doesn’t bring a single vote that he doesn’t already have. But his little head does make decisions for him.

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