Leader of “No on Everything” effort Mattress guy says vote No on almost everything. And that shadow groups somehow control the weather.

Chris Larson, Sioux Falls’ mattress guy – not to be confused with the equally conspiracy minded pillow guy – is out campaigning against most of the ballot measures as he leads the “No on everything” effort.

As well as once again posting how he’s no longer a “normie,” (as he derisively terms people who don’t mindlessly believe facebook conspiracy theories), and explains:

..the Enemy (bad actors who serve their father, the devil – see John 8:44) is employing a strategy of “flooding the zone’’, which has overwhelmed the sense-making abilities of average citizens. It’s just too much to keep track of. From our borderless border, to endless wars, to non-stop blatant lying from our government/media cabal, to runaway gov’t spending & inflation, to presidential assassinations that are “no big deal” anymore, to an absolute loss of trust in our election systems, to Klaus Schwab and the WEF, to the possibility that nefarious shadow groups are somehow controlling the weather (!), the average American is being carpet bombed by negativity, lies and chaos.

In case you need to read the goofiness here.

I’m not sure how he managed to leave out the trilateral commission, Q-anon warnings about child stealing pizza parlors, the Rothchilds, British Monarchy’s various conspiracies, and jewish space lasers causing fires out west as well as Toby Doeden’s Taylor Swift/Vaccine conspiracy.

Just remember, these are the guys who want to take over the Republican party in SD.

Burying Republicans one crazy facebook post at a time.

2 thoughts on “Leader of “No on Everything” effort Mattress guy says vote No on almost everything. And that shadow groups somehow control the weather.”

  1. The pillow and mattress guys and Toby and Leah and all the rest of the looney bin fringe — one and all — draw their delusional inspiration from the lying Fascist at the top of the pyramid. And who is more to blame? The susceptible wackos who happily swallow his lies hook, line and sinker — or the elected enablers and talking heads who have always known exactly who and what he is, but haven’t had the courage or the integrity to stand up to him?

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