Looks like Dan Ahlers had his biggest crowd yet. Who picked light yellow on a white background?

So, Democrat US Senate Candidate Dan Ahlers appears to have had his biggest crowd to date. Not that anyone could understand what he was saying through the mask.

But seriously.. who on earth told him to put half his sign in light yellow on a white background, rendering the text nearly invisible in any level of direct light? Snapped this in a yard the other day with my phone.

Candidates – don’t EVER do this, because it has literally the worst contrast I’ve ever seen for colors on a sign. You want high contrast and large, easy to read letters. Not this.

It might as well be white on white, because it is impossible to read at any speed.  By the time people have driven by trying to figure out what it says, they’ve already missed the boat.

What a tremendous waste of money.


9 thoughts on “Looks like Dan Ahlers had his biggest crowd yet. Who picked light yellow on a white background?”

    1. I think that Pat has the right to post what he wants on his blog; despite Democrats best efforts, people in this country still do have personal rights.

      If you want everyone around you to wear a mask go to New York or California.

  1. What phone do you have?? It either looks like it has a really bad camera or the contrast has been messed with after the fact.

  2. Psychologists agree that adult men that won’t mask up, in the interest of others health, are struggling with latent rebellion against their father’s discipline. Sure, he was unreasonable, telling you what to do, but just let it go. He probably was abusive but why carry the burden? Recognize the neuroses that unresolved disobedience to authority can cause?

    1. Donna, I love people who spout out psychobabble. They only look like morons.

      If you put 1,000 thinking people in a room and ask them what they do, they might do the same thing but they will have 1,000 different motives or rationales.

      If you put 1,000 sheep in a room and ask them what they do, they will give the reason they were taught.

      My point is: men are people. Not sheep. One could say a woman who makes a feeble attempt to denigrate men as a group is a man-hater but I would never do that. I just think you are an extremely stupid human being.

      1. Pretty sad Donna is telling victims of parental abuse to “let it go”. Wow. If she were a real psychologist, not just consulting with Dr. Google, she’d know that victims of abuse can’t “let it go”.

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