Lora Hubbel admitting she voted Democrat in the last election, despite her claims of conservatism.

Had someone send me a screen shot this AM.

Apparently, 3-time.. 4-time… (I’ve lost track) multi-party candidate for Governor Lora Hubbel is playing true confessions over in the comment section of Democrat website Dakota Free Press, as she tells people who she supported for Governor in the last election after she broke the spine of her political party at the time, the Constitution Party:

So, in case you’re trying to keep track, Lora first ran in the Republican primary against Gov Daugaard. Then she was running for Lieutenant Governor against Republicans as an Independent. In the following election, she was running again as a Republican until she couldn’t/didn’t go out and get enough signatures, and then switched again to run for Governor under the Constitution Party – a group so radically conservative they call Republicans liberal.  And after breaking the back of THAT party with intra-party fighting, Hubbel supported the candidate who once declared he “liked the policies of Bernie, but I’m going to be voting for HIllary.”

Of course Lora – who claims to be conservative, despite her now known voting bias – is declaring she’s going to be running for Governor again.

We’ll have to wait to see what she decides to believe in for the 2022 election.

9 thoughts on “Lora Hubbel admitting she voted Democrat in the last election, despite her claims of conservatism.”

  1. Lora Hubbel admitted she voted Democrat for SD Governor which shows she is a Conservative imposter.

    Lora Hubbel also claimed John Dale does not know what he is talking about.

    Serial Troll & conspiracy theorist Larry Kurtz permanently banned from Facebook.

    Lora Hubbel, John Dale and Larry Kurtz on the cover of the July 2021 issue of Conspiracy Theorist World.

  2. Given the vote totals from the Noem vs. Sutton campaign – I don’t think that Hubbel was the only Republican to vote for a Democrat. Hell, I voted for Sutton and would do it again because I just can’t stomach Governor Noem.

    I think she’s wasteful with the taxpayers funding, I think she’s too busy prepping her Presidential campaign too actually do the job of governor day in and day out, and I think she’s more of a show-pony than a work horse.

    I’m not a Hubbel fan – but I also wouldn’t call myself a conservative, more of a moderate Republican which I think it where the SD GOP will be in the next 10-15 years.

    1. Well I am a conservative and will never vote for Noem again. She has turned on social conservatives with disinviting strong pro-life people from signing ceremony and her not signing transgender sports bill….that she said she would sign…. then turned her back on being a fiscal conservative… spend spend spend and a lot of it out of state…That is how Democrats act ….she needs to focus on SD not national where she is being played —she has no chance of being on a presidential ticket…I voted for Noem in 18 but won’t be in 22

      1. if you bothered to read the transgender sports bill you would understand why she couldn’t possibly sign it.

  3. I have a feeling the ONLY reason for Lora Hubble stories is to generate traffic. She is non-news.

    1. Duggersd steps up to the plate, points to right field, swings the bat and sends it over the fence. Touch them all Dug. If it wasn’t for this site, Lora would be as obscure as she is.

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