Release: Ballot Committee Formed in Support of Taxpayer Protection Amendment

Ballot Committee Formed in Support of Taxpayer Protection Amendment

SIOUX FALLS, SD – South Dakotans Against Higher Taxes today announced its recent formation of a ballot committee to support the passage of the Taxpayer Protection Amendment that South Dakotans will vote on in June 2022. The Taxpayer Protection Amendment, if passed, will protect South Dakotans against higher taxes by requiring future ballot measures that raise taxes to have a 60% voter approval. The Constitutional Amendment will also require any spending that exceeds $10 million annually to receive the same benchmark for approval.

State Representative and House Speaker Pro Tem Jon Hansen will serve of Chairman of the ballot committee. Rep. Hansen issued the following statement regarding the committee’s formation: 

“We are excited today to share the formation of South Dakotans Against Higher Taxes. Our central goal with this effort is to protect South Dakota families and their check books against major tax increases or bloated government spending that works against their best interests and their families’ bottom line. We hope you’ll join us in saying ‘yes’ to taxpayer protections next June.” 

For any questions about the committee or to request an interview, please contact Jon Hansen.


The Taxpayer Protection Amendment protects South Dakotans against higher taxes by requiring future ballot measures that raise taxes to have a 60% voter approval. Under the Taxpayer Protection Amendment, any ballot measure with a tax increase or spending that would require more than $10 million annually in the first five years would have to receive 60% at the ballot to pass.

This proposed Constitutional Amendment will make it harder for your taxes to be raised and for ballot measures to commit South Dakota to huge increases in government spending without a way to pay for it.

4 thoughts on “Release: Ballot Committee Formed in Support of Taxpayer Protection Amendment”

  1. I would be interested where Sen. Hansen and Sen. Schoenbeck will get money for this. Will they let their money sources be public right away or will they wait until they are forced to. This smells and I don’t think it will help GOP candidates at all.

  2. On its face it looks good, and if pot got put into the Constitution than this is surely a potentially worthy amendment.

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