New Senate Candidate pops up in District 21 who is part of religious group’s “end-time army”

It looks like a new candidate has announced themselves to the world, as this weekend a “Mykala Voita” has filed Statement of Organization paperwork with the Secretary of State to form a committee to run for District 21 State Senate against Incumbent State Senator Erin Tobin. And unfortunately, once again it seems like we’re going down the rabbit hole.

So, Mykala Voita filed her paperwork..

Voita_sdcfdisclosure by Pat Powers on Scribd

And not ever having heard of her, I went to the internet and did some perusing of social media. And, bad on me, I find myself faced with some unfamiliar terms, as I’ve never heard of a forerunner, nor have I heard of what “The Supernatural Life” is. Is that a wiccan thing, or what is that?

What was I saying about going down the rabbit hole?  Because I did find it.  And apparently it’s some sort of ministry. Apparently. I’m guessing it’s the ministry of the airbrush and instagram filter?

The web page blares that if you become a forerunner, you will be “part of the end-time army.” And at least according to the website, yes, candidate Voita is listed as one of their “certified forerunners.” 

You can go read all about it yourself if you’re so inclined.

You know, I just have the feeling as this candidate runs for office and serves in the end-time army, this is just the start of a strange trip more than it will be an actual campaign for office.

Stay tuned.

23 thoughts on “New Senate Candidate pops up in District 21 who is part of religious group’s “end-time army””

  1. What do you want to bet that Lee and Trudy Qualm recruited her to run? Lee knows he can’t beat Erin Tobin, but he can’t stand to let her run unopposed. So this is the best he and Trudy could find.

    1. Replied to this comment and Pat didn’t like it so he removed it. Are you a democrat in disguise, Pat as they like to suppress the truth?

    2. Lee and Trudy had “no” idea that Mykala was running and didn’t even know her. I’m so sick of you rhino Republicans. You’re Democrats in disguise. A bunch of lying rats.

      1. It is spelled “RINO”, unless you really mean the super-beastoid mammal creatures of the family Rhinocerotidae who are thick skinned and dangerous as all get out with a bad case of the Screaming Willies. People who spell it “rhino” generally have a fear of vaccination because they think it will make them grow a horn in the middle of their forehead, Mr. Qualm.

  2. and you can become a forerunner at different levels:
    Forerunner: $22/month
    Supernatural Forerunner:
    Gold Forerunner: $100/month
    Elite Forerunner: $500/month

    Not sure what you get for $22/month but the other three include membership in TSNL , whatever that is.
    They also sell T-shirts.

  3. I am at an alternate level, one beyond elite, and certified and able to perform all ministry duties.

    You need some ministering, grudznick is your fellow. Reach out.

  4. Scary.

    Campaign will be like an ant being squished by a competent, powerful cowgirl boot. No one will even know it was there.

    1. I see that you removed my first comment, Pat. Anon, just for your information, your so called “cowgirl” sold out our property rights!!!!

      1. You don’t know what your talking about. Allowing counties and PUC to work together has nothing to do with selling out property rights. Property rights are for the landowners who shouldn’t have to abide by their neighbors set backs if they chose so with their own property.

        Plus the fact that there are many property rights in that bill that didn’t exist before. Including, the land survey that Lee Qualm screwed landowners on during his time in office.

        You need to know what you’re talking about because property rights were won and a big win came for Ag and landowners.

        1. Too bad that you’ve had the wool pulled over your eyes by the rhinos!

          1. Resort to rhetoric and name calling. Must not have a real argument….and you don’t.

            1. RINO man (yeah it’s RINO not RHINO) probably is also a platinum front runner. He/she is a better Christian and republican than everyone else.

      2. so “sick of lying rhinos,” just what property rights were sold out? The ones in the 5th Amendment?
        Due process & just compensation?
        She didnt’t sell out those rights.

        Your property rights were set out in 2005 when the SCOTUS issued their decision in Kelo v, New London.

        In response to that, in 2006 Then-Representative Larry Rhoden introduced HB 1080. It was duly passed, and Then-Governor Mike Rounds signed it.
        They left intact the ability of governments to use eminent domain for things like roads and utilities.

      3. Man, what did rhinos ever do to you? Do you feel this strongly against those pesky hippos too?

  5. You may recall “end time ministries” from the stories about the cult that convinced many Sioux Falls residents to move to Florida (where this cult is based too). Former senator Joni Cutler and her daughters escaped from that end-time cults. Scary bunch. KELO did a number of expo-see pieces on that one.

    1. Many agree, yet the party votes with him 98% of the time on his crazy idea bills. This is going to keep getting worse until we show them it is enough with the autocratic control. It is like the gas station raising prices to see how high they can go before people start walking or biking. How many freedoms are you planning to give up before you say, enough?

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