Now outgoing House Speaker Haugaard seems to be doubling down on presidential fraud accusations, attending rally with “Proud Boys” members speaking.

After yesterday’s solicitation for names to include with a letter to the states federal delegation alleging election fraud in the presidential election, outgoing Speaker of the House Steve Haugaard was in attendance at a “Stop the Steal” rally in Sioux Falls… which you can read about yourself:

Two speakers self-identified with the “Proud Boys,” a far right-wing group with a history of violent confrontations, and were acting as guards for the stage.

Current legislator and former Speaker of the South Dakota House of Representatives Steve Haugaard was in attendance but declined to comment. He did say he would be sending out letter voicing frustrations with the election.

Read it at the Argus Leader.

18 thoughts on “Now outgoing House Speaker Haugaard seems to be doubling down on presidential fraud accusations, attending rally with “Proud Boys” members speaking.”

  1. At 1PM / 1-2-21 in Aberdeen at Central Park about 150 gathered at a Stop The Steal Vote Rally.
    This was put together by the Brown County Republican Women and involved four speakers and TAR (Teen Age Republicans) provided concessions.

    1. Proud Boys and #TigerTeamJV, that’s a combo ! Or is there discontent in #TigerTeamJV ?

  2. The Proud Boys is a drinking fraternity that emerged as a fighting club to counter the violence in the streets at ANTIFA/BLM rallies. As they evolve, will we see them look more like an enforcement arm of a new secret service to counter the ill gotten military tech booty of the FBI/CIA?

  3. And do you believe if we believe there is rampant voter fraud as evidenced by certain video among other sources we should just let it go? I have personally contacted all three of our Congressional representatives to at least hear and see the evidence.

    1. It’s hard to take a group of people seriously when they support someone who has a history of claiming fraud every time something doesn’t go their way and never provides any evidence. Remember how Trump had a commission investigating fraud in 2016? Whatever came of that? There is ample evidence debunking all these fraud claims and you all ignore it. If your favored news source doesn’t report what you want to hear, you find another one that will. Try rejoining the reality based world and take a Trump detox to get all the lies out of your system.

      1. Since I do not have cable, I do not have FOX so I don’t have them to drop. As for debunking, there is ample evidence the debunking has not debunked anything. And if all of that evidence is bogus, then why are people afraid to have it presented and shown to be as bad as it is?

        1. Absolutely no one is afraid to have the evidence presented. What you want is to lay out all your “evidence” and have it accepted by everyone as gospel truth without being held up to any scrutiny or cross examination. How much fraud did the task force or whatever find in the 2016 election again?

          1. You statement about losing 50 times in the courts is inaccurate. The fact is no court has listened to the evidence. Nobody wants to have the evidence presented without cross examination. They just want to get it in front of a judge. There is no reason for the Senate to not examine what happened in Georgia. The officials have self-examined the events and refuse to allow the campaign to see what they used to examine. I know you believe that the cases of ballots video is bogus. I believe it and Ruby running ballots several times to be true. How is it in Pennsylvania something like 2.5 million absentee votes were counted and only about 1.9 ballots mailed out? Why is it when counting votes does one place put cardboard over the plexiglass windows so nobody can see in? If these things and others do not peak your curiosity, it just tells me you do not care whether fraud is involved or not. BTW, the Georgia senate committee has voted to allow someone to examine the ballots.

            1. About 1.9 million ballots were mailed out for the June primary. around 3 million were mailed out for the general election. Again, these allegations are incredibly easy to disprove. You can do it right now. Just click this link:
              But you won’t, because you’re not interested in the truth. You just want to cling to your conspiracy theories think the world is against you rather than admit the simple truth that you’ve been carrying water for a third-rate, two bit huckster for the last 4 years.

    2. What’s funny is you think our delegation somehow isn’t aware or doesn’t care. The videos have been explained for hours on end and friendly groups from the SOS and law enforcement have explained everything in detail and people like you just don’t believe them. Those videos were cut and spliced by Trumps lawyers to show fraud even though several groups saw the originals and proved them to be misleading.
      Stop believing the lies!! Listen to the phone call Trump had with the officials! Trump only cares about himself at this point and will drag anyone willing to believe him down with him!

  4. I think John Dale raises a legitimate issue that is alarming and needs to be discussed.

    During the protests, looting and arson’s that sprung from the George Floyd death, there was little institutional/traditional condemnation of BLM/Antifa from law enforcement (local, state, national) and liberal politicians.

    Condoning (via silence) of such violence can lead to a death spiral of violence.

    On one hand, it emboldens BLM/Antifa to be more aggressive. And, on the other hand, it encourages a counter violent group to form. Together, we have a powder keg.

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