On the road…

Today is one of those rare days where I am escaping from behind my desk and in the middle of hour two of a sign run to Pierre and Rapid City.

Catching a few road signs for the June primary – and while some are okay, some are awful. I’ll try to snap some pictures from the road (or my wingman will) as we go.

Stay tuned!

SD Constitution Party Chair Lori Stacey claiming I smeared her by talking about her robot bee claims. But… She’s still talking about robot bees.

Came across this on Facebook today:

Lora Hubbel’s friend, Constitution Party Chairwoman Lori Stacey, is apparently claiming that I somehow smeared her by pointing out the article she personally authored which questioned whether colony collapse disorder is because corporations have an evil plan to replace bees with robot bees:

In light of a newly released video put out by the Greenpeace organization, the topic of what will be done if bees become completely extinct begs an answer to this question. Is colony collapse disorder caused by an honest mistake or is it rather the planned destruction of bee populations?


A simple Google search of “robo bees” will show you that this supposedly outlandish and futuristic mock commercial in question is really not as far-fetched as one might think. In fact, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is taking a lead role in a RoboBees project.


So what about the demise of our bee population? Well, the takeover of our nation’s food supply has made some people billions of dollars. It is boldly evident that there is no concerted effort within our government to reign in their ill effects because it is against their own personal interests to do so. Years ago, it would have been seen as far-fetched and grossly futuristic to think that large pesticide corporations could patent our “food”. Now we are left with the prospect that these same products likely are killing off our bees. So are robotic bees the next planned step to replace real bees and thereby create a new dependency on yet another multi-billion dollar industry? It may not be as far-fetched as we currently think it is. As it becomes more and more evident throughout the world that these pesticides and GMOs can be harmful to living things, many countries have now banned the use and importation of such “foods”, yet here in our nation, it is big business as usual.

Read my original robot bee post here.

You have to read it through my post, because she took her original one down once I started questioning it.   Why did I question it? Because one can’t help questioning statements about robot bees when a candidate for statewide office and now chair of a statewide political party is writing columns asking whether there is a “planned step to replace real bees” to “create a new dependency on yet another multi-billion dollar” robot bee industry.

While Lori Stacey is claiming I somehow smeared her by pointing out her own words about an evil corporate plot to kill bees and replace them with robots, LORI STACEY IS STILL TALKING ABOUT CORPORATIONS CREATING ROBOT BEES.  I’m not sure how exactly I’m smearing the Robot Bee theorist/Constitution Party Chair when she keeps bringing the subject of robot bees up.

And since ‘scientist‘ Lora Hubbel is concerned I have no shelf in my brain to contain anything scientific, what about this news source her compatriot is using to corroborate her robot bee claims?  NaturalNews.com IS being talked about in the scientific community. As a collection of crackpot stories. From Forbes:

If you don’t know who Mike “Health Ranger” Adams is, he may be a steadfast presence in your social media newsfeed without your knowledge. Awarded the top slot on Real Clear Science’sWorst Websites for Science in 2016” list, and with its founder touted by Dr. Oz as “the Renegade Health Ranger,”  Natural News is a thorn in the sides of all who hold legitimate science dear.  But bad science isn’t Adams’ only offense. Natural News is a fake news fixture, with articles on Obama birtherism, HIV/AIDS denialism, and the Sandy Hook tragedy as an elaborate hoax by FEMA to promote gun control. With the current uproar about fake news, the website and its founder should top lists of spurious sources.


Scientist Alison “Mommy, Ph.D” Bernstein explained on her site: “Natural News writes some downright crazy stories, like those about ancient civilizations on Mars, but some stories about Zika or the safety of vaccines harm public health initiatives.”


Though his bio is uniquely fascinating, Mike Adams is nothing short of affront to the truth, and Natural News, with its staff of over twenty writers, is his platform.  He has called for the killing of those who speak out in support of biotechnology. He fabricates and publishes stories about those who dare criticize him. He aims to convince desperate cancer patients to use snake oil rather than proven treatments. He is a leading proponent of chemtrail conspiracy theories.

Read that here.

This quote is particularly telling:

One such blogger, David Gorski of ScienceBlogs, called Natural News “one of the most wretched hives of scum and quackery on the Internet,” and the most “blatant purveyor of the worst kind of quackery and paranoid anti-physician and anti-medicine conspiracy theories anywhere on the Internet”,[23] and a one-stop-shop for “virtually every quackery known to humankind, all slathered with a heaping, helping of unrelenting hostility to science-based medicine and science in general.”[12]

Read that here.

So, in other words, to back her Robot Bee claims, South Dakota Constitution Party Chair Lori Stacey is citing a website that promotes chemtrails and ancient civilizations on Mars.

But in her defense, she did read it on Facebook. So it must be true.

The South Dakota Constitution Party State Convention is Saturday, July 14, 2018 at the American Legion Post #15 in Sioux Falls. No word on whether robot bees will be provided by Lori, or if you’ll have to bring your own.

New Advertiser: Welcome Neal Tapio for Congress.

As we just cycle off an advertiser, we’re joined at the SDWC starting tonight by the Neal Tapio for Congress campaign:

As you’re well aware, Senator Tapio is one of the candidates running for the Congressional seat being vacated by Congresswoman Kristi Noem, who herself is running for Governor in the Republican Primary.  Right of out the gate, Neal’s ad is linked to the recent KELO Radio interview with Todd Epp, news director of KELO Radio:

The KELO interview lays out Neal’s positions on a myriad of issues, including why he’s focusing significant attention on the issue of radical Islamic terrorism in the Congressional race.

Check it out at the link above.  And welcome Senator Tapio to advertiser’s row.

Americans for Prosperity Hosts Noem, Jackley for Republican Gubernatorial Primary Forum

Americans for Prosperity Hosts Noem, Jackley for Republican Gubernatorial Primary Forum
Grassroots group announces event to hear from South Dakota’s Republican primary candidates for Governor


SIOUX FALLS, S.D.—Americans for Prosperity-South Dakota (AFP-SD) on Tuesday announced an event for South Dakotans to hear from Republican primary candidates for Governor U.S. Rep Kristi Noem and State Attorney General Marty Jackley. The Gubernatorial Forum will be held on May 1, 2018 at the Downtown Hilton Garden Inn in Sioux Falls.

“South Dakotans want to hear where the candidates for the highest office in the state stand on economic and regulatory issues,” said Don Haggar, AFP-SD State Director. “The goal of this event is to facilitate a lively, insightful, civil discussion around the most pressing issues in our state.”

Citizens looking for more information or wishing to attend can register here or by going to AFPGovForumSD.com.

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. AFP has more than 3.2 million activists across the nation, a local infrastructure that includes 36 state chapters, and has received financial support from more than 100,000 Americans in all 50 states. For more information, visit www.AmericansForProsperity.org


Release: Grossenburg Implement CEO Endorses Jackley

Grossenburg Implement CEO Endorses Jackley

WINNER, SD: Barry Grossenburg, CEO of the fourth generation family-owned company Grossenburg Implement, is asking South Dakota to make Attorney General Marty Jackley the state’s new governor.

“I’m supporting Marty in this race because I trust him to run the state in the same way that I would run our business,” Grossenburg said. “The governor needs to be a CEO who can lead teams, balance budgets, and outline a vision for growth, and Marty’s proven he’s that kind of leader.”

Grossenburg Implement got its start in 1937, and today has locations in Pierre, Winner and Philip, as well as three locations in Nebraska. Barry has been CEO for 30 years and resides in Winner with Marilyn, his wife of 40 years.

“The Grossenburg name is respected in South Dakota because of the many years of quality service they have provided our ag community,” Jackley said. “My first priority as governor will be creating new and better jobs for South Dakotans, which is why I’m grateful for the advice and support from business leaders like Barry.”

Watch Grossenburg’s endorsement on youtube here or on facebook here.


Release: Noem Makes Limited Government a Hallmark of Campaign

Noem Makes Limited Government a Hallmark of Campaign

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Kristi Noem today highlighted her third Pillar of Protection: Protection from Government Intrusion. A fierce advocate of individual liberty and states’ rights, Noem pledged to fight federal overreach and protect South Dakota’s way of life.

“Our Constitution mandates that the vast majority of decisions be made by states and individuals, not the federal governm

ent. But these days, Washington rarely operates that way,” said Noem. “Nonetheless, when bureaucrats looked to charge us for water out of the Missouri River or tell us how to farm, when they sought to limit our Second Amendment rights or mandate how 4-H rodeo be run, I fought back – and won. I’ll do the same as governor, protecting our rights and our South Dakota way of life.”

From her earliest days as South Dakota’s lone representative in the U.S. House, Noem built a reputation for pushing back on federal overreach, successfully:

  • Repealing Obamacare’s individual mandate through tax reform;

  • Defending the 2nd Amendment;

  • Forcing the USDA to reverse course on a policy that would have unnecessarily uprooted the way South Dakota 4

  • -H youth rodeo operates;

  • Stopping the Army Corps of Engineers from charging South Dakota for use of our own water from the Missouri River;

  • Fighting against the federal government’s attempt to close the Hot Springs VA and override the needs of South Dakota veterans;

  • Preventing OSHA from regulating small family farms;

  • Forcing the EPA to reverse course on expanded dust regulations;

  • Repealing a regulation requiring states to provide certain funds to abortion providers, like Planned Parenthood;

  • Stopping the federal government from incentivizing certain education curriculum, like Common Core; and

  • Continuing to champion legislation that would give governors the ability to refuse refugee resettlement in their states.

Release: Brule County State’s Attorney David Natvig Endorses Ravnsborg for Attorney General

Brule County State’s Attorney David Natvig Endorses Ravnsborg for Attorney General

KIMBALL, SD: Brule County State’s Attorney David Natvig endorses Attorney General Candidate Jason Ravnsborg.

“In my opinion Jason is the candidate most qualified to be Attorney General. He has all of the skills necessary to do the job from his extensive leadership experience of overseeing hundreds of people under highly stressful situations both at home and in the combat zones of Iraq and Afghanistan”. Natvig said. “Jason is also a skilled lawyer whom I have dealt with on many occasions in both the criminal and civil fields. He has always been someone I can reach out to and discuss issues candidly to come up with a solution.”

“Jason’s strong support of law enforcement and his willingness to go the extra mile to every county, large and small, impresses me,” Natvig stated “I look forward to working with Jason as our next Attorney General, he has my full support and endorsement. I will be voting for him at the convention and I encourage everyone to do the same.”

Brule County States Attorney David Natvig resides in Kimball, South Dakota, and has been the Brule County States Attorney since 2003. He also runs his own private practice in Kimball, S.D.
