Rounds Statement on President’s Decision to Exit Paris Climate Agreement

Rounds Statement on President’s Decision to Exit Paris Climate Agreement

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today issued the following statement on President Trump’s decision to exit the Paris Climate Agreement:

“The Paris Climate Agreement placed costly new energy restrictions on the United States, which would be passed on to consumers in the form of higher electricity prices,” said Rounds. “President Trump understands that we cannot put the U.S. at a competitive disadvantage with the rest of the world, thereby shackling our economy and raising electricity costs without even meeting the agreement’s goal of having a tangible effect on climate change.

“In fact, under this agreement, major polluters like China, Russia, India and Iran are allowed to increase their greenhouse gas emissions, while our emissions reductions are estimated to cost 6.5 million American jobs and $3 trillion in economic output by 2040. Good energy policies include an ‘all of the above’ approach that will strengthen our economy, create jobs and enhance our energy independence. I am pleased with the president’s decision today to leave the misguided Paris Climate Agreement.”   

Earlier this year, Rounds wrote a weekly column about the misguided Paris Climate Agreement and, along with a number of his Senate colleagues, sent a letter to the president encouraging U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.


Fake News Stories pulled from Argus – Apparently, you can’t trust the local media as well….

From the Argus Leader, apparently someone made up stuff that went into the newspaper:

Argus Leader Media retracted a story Thursday after quotes attributed to a source could not be verified.


“As journalists, we take truth and accuracy very seriously. They are the foundation of our readers’ trust and fundamental to reporting the news. The intern reporter associated with this article will no longer be writing for the publication,” Argus Leader Media News Director Cory Myers said.

Argus Leader Media is reviewing 10 other stories written by the reporter, who had been with the company since May 15.

Read that all here.

So, are they trying to tell us that we can’t trust what we read in the Argus Leader anymore, because it might be fake news?

It might be time to resurrect the SDWC-VB (Video Blog)

I had to go searching in the deep, deep archives of SDWC, back in the days when I was at for this…

This was back in October of 2005, long before youtube became ubiquitous. I did a couple of video blogcasts, which I had to convert to SWF to get them to a manageable size. And then I lost interest, mainly due to time.

I was having a discussion today, noting the lack of South Dakota politically related video offerings with a SDWC correspondent who encouraged me to take another stab at it, and I’m debating. Aside from being forced to clean my desk, today technologically, it’s more achievable, and I’ve got great equipment to work with.  

The question is whether the audience is there for a 20 minute or so regular video show.

A few audio podcasts have popped up here and there, and it would be nothing to throw something together, but that doesn’t really hold my interest as much as creating video content.

So, if I commit to creating the content, does anyone care? Or is it just more noise?

I bought a domain, and someone must be complaining. And I’m not paying $795 for

Here’s a silly one. Some liberal dems were all a flutter in a comment section of another website the other day because they noticed I bought an unused domain as I’ve done before.  And the next thing I’m hearing is Dana Ferguson from the Argus is actually asking people about it, and sending me e-mails asking how many domains I own.

What’s got them all addled? I added to a small group of them I have, such as and which was abandoned after Lee Stranahan left town.  (I keep looking at, but I’m not paying $795 for it. Last year, it was nearly $3000, but even at $795, it is still a high dollar web property. If it gets much over $10 or 12, It’s too rich for my blood.)

Running a South Dakota based news website which covers politics, every once in a while I sometimes buy domains that are unused or abandoned that I think I might be able to use for SEO purposes when they’re related to topics I write extensively about.  So $10 later, I did.  And that’s MSM newsworthy? Meh.

We’ll have to wait for it to appear to see if it’s benign or a hit piece. Not sure if someone is complaining directly, or it’s a reeaaallly slow news day. I guess we’ll find out.

Minor #TBT..  I was reminded of the time I bought, which I auctioned off to raise money for a charity donation, raising $500 in the process. And the buyer told me to give the domain to Steve, in the spirit of fun and camaraderie.   Good times.

*Update*Yep. As expected, came off as a hit piece.  And they didn’t even bother to mention SDWC’s URL, despite the story being about it.

The sock puppets must not have been available. Stace Nelson to produce own TV Show on KCPO?

(H/T to Dakota Free Press)

KCPO Television which hd in the past produced the Public Affairs Show The Facts, which I had appeared on from time to time, is now advertising a new show on their facebook page coming in the near future: The Nelson Verity:

Advertised as “A fair, honest, and balanced look at South Dakota politics,” the video includes snippets about stories or misdeeds involving state government.

Given the subject matter as well as the title, there’s speculation that the program is possibly going to feature sitting State Senator Stace Nelson.

A relationship with KCPO might also be assumed if you notice the Stace Nelson narrated advertising for R. Shawn Tornow Law office on the KCPO Facebook page…

…with Tornow having represented Nelson in the past as counsel for the defense in the continuing Rushmore PAC filed robocall lawsuit against Nelson (which I hear recently had another filing which the plaintiff hopes will bring it closer to final judgement).

It’s not that it’s a major technological stretch to get on TV, it’s more of a cost barrier, so Nelson must have some extra cash laying around to pay the expenses for the show (about $300-500 per). The questions swirling around it are more of the nature of ‘what he’s going to do with it?’ and ‘will the exposure justify the ongoing expense?’

I don’t get KCPO via DISH Network in Brookings, so you’ll all have to tell me how it goes.

Bob Ellis & American Clarion exiting on bitter note, because Breitbart and Rush Limbaugh are just a bunch of Liberal Wusses.

Bob Ellis at American Clarion is apparently calling it a day in his own inimitable way:

Yeah, and having watched not only rank and file RINOs make these things happen, but in 2016 to actually watch many conservatives whom I’d been in the trenches with completely whore their professed values out in support of a Democrat who slapped an “R” after his name? After all the disappointments, that may just have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. So much so that I hardly even feel the energy to issue a much-deserved “I told you so” now that we’ve seen Donald Trump and a majority “Republican” congress turn around and royally screw their own supporters with refusals to end Roe v. Wade, counterfeit marriage, funding for Planned Parenthood, refugee resettlement from terrorist havens, funding for sanctuary cities, refusal to rein in our out-of-control rogue judiciary, or even repeal the biggest campaign idol of the last seven years: ObamaCare. The frauds for whom conservatives whored out their values have now done what is typically done with whores, and it was all so predictable that “I told you so” is virtually boring.


In the meantime, I’d encourage you–one of that remnant of people who is still dedicated to what is right–to stay informed (as I will be) by patronizing good sources of information that won’t whore out their values, that won’t water down the truth to curry favor with feckless betrayers of what we believe in, that will tell the truth even when it costs them. Here in South Dakota, a continuing source is the Right Side; I wish there were more, but the Right has become so corrupted here that most of the good people have beaten into silence or seduced into joining the dark side. Nationally, you can find the straight stuff at places like RedState and Resurgent. Don’t waste your time on “Right” wing propaganda sites (that use to be reliable) like Breitbart, Drudge and Fox News. And now that Rush Limbaugh can no longer be relied on to stand for conservatism, Steve Deace is my go-to guy on a daily basis (and in addition to hard-hitting conservatism, Deace brings to the table what Rush Limbaugh never did: the life-transforming Truth of a Biblical worldview).

Read Bob’s gracious exit here.


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