Prefiled legislation available at LRC Website

The pre-filed bills for the 2022 South Dakota Legislative Session are now available at the South Dakota Legislative Research Council web site:

Bill Type: House Bill 
HB 1001
revise the freeze on assessments for dwellings of disabled and senior citizens.
HB 1002
revise certain provisions regarding the investments authorized for state public funds.
HB 1003
update references to certain federal motor carrier regulations.
HB 1004
prohibit cardholder cultivation of medical cannabis.
HB 1005
provide for the designated use of public school multi-occupancy rooms and sleeping rooms.
HB 1006
promote continued fairness in women’s sports.
HB 1007
codify a joint committee for legislative redistricting.
HB 1008
provide a cause of action for certain employees that are required to receive a vaccination as a condition of employment and to declare an emergency.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 1
codify legislation enacted in 2021.
SB 2
publish voter-approved initiated constitutional amendments and initiated measures in the session laws.
SB 3
provide for the use and regulated sale of marijuana.
SB 4
revise provisions related to a written certification for the medical use of cannabis.
SB 5
revise acceptable conduct related to the medical use of cannabis.
SB 6
revise provisions related to prohibited conduct by schools and landlords related to medical cannabis.
SB 7
revise provisions related to custody and visitation rights by medical cannabis cardholders.
SB 8
revise provisions concerning civil penalties imposed for violations related to medical cannabis.
SB 9
revise the definition of a designated caregiver.
SB 10
require a cardholder or nonresident cardholder to present photographic identification to receive medical cannabis.
SB 11
revise provisions regarding the medical marijuana oversight committee.
SB 12
revise the annual report on medical cannabis by the Department of Health to the Legislature.
SB 13
repeal provisions permitting certain documents to serve as temporary registry identification cards for medical cannabis.
SB 14
revise provisions related to the confidential list of medical cannabis cardholders maintained by the Department of Health.
SB 15
revise provisions providing that certain professions are not subject to discipline for certain conduct relating to medical cannabis.
SB 16
repeal provisions related to the prosecution, search, seizure, penalty, or discipline of medical cannabis establishments for certain conduct.
SB 17
revise provisions regarding cost reimbursement associated with medical cannabis.
SB 18
revise rulemaking authority related to medical cannabis.
SB 19
provide that health care facilities and accredited prevention and treatment facilities may establish reasonable restrictions related to the medical use of cannabis.
SB 20
revise the medical purpose defense related to the medical use of cannabis.
SB 21
revise provisions related to the revocation of a medical cannabis registry identification card.
SB 22
revise a reference to the Division of Criminal Investigation.
SB 23
revise the definition of bona fide practitioner-patient relationship.
SB 24
establish a maximum number of cannabis plants that may be cultivated by a medical cannabis cardholder.
SB 25
provide for the taxation of marijuana.
SB 26
revise the definition of practitioner for purposes of the medical cannabis program.
SB 27
revise the provisions regarding the denial or nonrenewal of a patient registry identification card.
SB 28
disqualify for life any person from driving a commercial vehicle who is convicted of a felony offense involving human trafficking.
SB 29
authorize highway maintenance vehicles to operate at less than the posted minimum speed on interstate highways.
SB 30
add Juneteenth as a state holiday.

What are we seeing? Among the various measures there is Lots of marijuana related legislation. There’s also a women sports bill in there, as well as a vaccination measure creating a new cause of action for lawsuits if someone thinks they got sick from an employer required vaccination.


14 thoughts on “Prefiled legislation available at LRC Website”

  1. Cause the rich ‘publicans haven’t gotten their brains wrapped around pot yet They don’t want outside Demo Commies taking control. I do agree Springer with SB 30 Its like raising and lower the Stars and Stripes every time a dogcatcher passes

  2. What with the efforts to promote Medicaid expansion, I think there should be a bill requiring vaccinations (ALL of them, everything the CDC recommends for whatever age group a person falls in) for everybody enrolled in Medicaid.
    If the taxpayers have to pay your medical bills, you should have to get every single vaccination there is.
    Just reading this in committee and sending it to the 41st day will provide a year’s worth of grist for the rumor mill, as social media will do the rest, spreading conspiracy theories that Medicaid enrollees are targeted for experimentation, sterilization, and termination.
    It’ll be fun.

  3. What a list full of time wasted, you have Fred Duetch trying to lead the rebellion against the majority of the state and their freedom to choose what to put in their body.

  4. Seeking Solutions to Problems that do not exist will be the repeating theme for the 2022 SD Legislative session. Led once again with a creepy fixation with kids genitals.

  5. The anti-cannabis bill (no home grow) will cause fighting with the SD cannabis community for the next decade.

    Adult use of fine, but we need to be saving struggling poor families money by allowing them to garden.,

    We have a serious big government problem in SD when a proven and natural safe therapeutic that can be grown for pennies is sold for hundreds of dollars per ounce because of a state-sponsored monopoly.

    Who the heck are these communo-fascists who keep attacking cannabis families?

  6. .. and perverting the free market for cannabis?

    By freeing the cannabis economy, that money will go toward utilities, restaurants, SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, debt, childcare.

    Seriously .. and I mean this in as nice a way as possible including my own representatives – what they hell are you idiots doing?

    Why are you not creating fundamentally sound economies for hard working products like the cannabis plant and computer software that don’t require a government monopoly?

    1. Have you considered moving to Oregon like Portland? They legalized all drugs there. It would be a good fit since everything is going splendid.

  7. Fred can take his “clean up bills” and shove em where the sun don’t shine. We voted on and passed what what we voted on and passed. We don’t need your personal opinions inserted into every bill!

  8. I love the outrage on the SB30, its like a bathroom bill. It means nothing, yet all your attention goes there.

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