Press points out Dem legislator plan to “make South Dakota one of the queerest states in the nation” is probably a hard sell to voters.

Joe Sneve from the Dakota Scout is pointing out on Twitter that Democrat Rep. Kameron Nelson’s plan to “make South Dakota one of the queerest states in the nation” might be a hard sell to most voters.

The last time a political activist proposed something like this, they were foiled by bears.

The experiment was called the “Free Town Project” (it later became the “Free State Project”), and the goal was simple: take over Grafton’s local government and turn it into a libertarian utopia. The movement was cooked up by a small group of ragtag libertarian activists who saw in Grafton a unique opportunity to realize their dreams of a perfectly logical and perfectly market-based community.


There’s a lesson in this for anyone interested in seeing it, which is that if you try to make the world fit neatly into an ideological box, you’ll have to distort or ignore reality to do it — usually with terrible consequences.

Read how the Libertarian plan to take over a community was foiled by bears here.

Sometimes the things that sound good when you’re playing for the press at the podium just have unintended consequences.

16 thoughts on “Press points out Dem legislator plan to “make South Dakota one of the queerest states in the nation” is probably a hard sell to voters.”

  1. Not unlike this administrations attempt to get millions of votes from criminals sneaking into the country.

    1. Do you have an actual source for your claim that the Biden administration attempted to have millions of undocumented immigrants vote in the national election? If not, best to keep your craziness inside your own head.

  2. When they cross the border they criminals.
    Illegal, breaking the law, doing something not in the word of the written law or laws.
    As Joe has done nothing to stop we can only deduce he is doing this to increase liberal voters.
    Keep your craziness in your own head.
    BTW how many illegals will you be hosting?

    1. Illegals can’t vote (yet), true. But they are counted in resident totals for the census, which determines Congressional representation

  3. Excuse me?!

    Is it inappropriate to encourage gay/queer folks to move to South Dakota? That would be an interesting take. A lot to unpack there.

    Recall this: “Gov. Kristi Noem Invites Unvaccinated Los Angeles County Deputies Facing Termination To Move To South Dakota” (DailyWire) So, would they be superior to gay people for some reason? And did she assume they would all be straight?

    There’s been a lot of talk over the last several years about folks wanting to move to South Dakota. And how all freedom-loving people are welcome here. Well, maybe not… all of them.

    1. Where was Kristi saying she wanted them to move here so Republicans could take over the state?

      If people want to move to South Dakota, that’s great! But declaring that you’re going to encourage it to take over with your personal political point of view is dumb.

      1. Pretty sure Noem isn’t rolling out the red carpet to dems like she does repubs. It’s very easily implied when she uses that as a jab at muh liberals. Not that she needs more repubs but the groups she courts are not left wingers.

  4. The winter is not the right time to get people to move to SD. Wait until May and then get them here before October.

  5. So…is the idea here that we need to keep out homosexuals? If not, what was the point of this piece other than indicating South Dakotans are supposedly homophobic? Most people I know just mind their business. Maybe some others should try that

    1. The idea is that anyone thinking they’re going to create a state that votes their way by declaring they are going to recruit an influx of like-minded people is idiotic at best.

      There must be a bout of “Legislator-itis” starting up at the Capitol.

  6. i loved the grafton nh bear story. the “anarchapulco” documentary series on hbo max comes to the same conclusions – the leaders in the anti-establishment movements work to achieve current conditions they like but never really steer the ship because the movement inherently seems to have no road map to get someplace. libertarians, wingnuts, freedom-republicans, whatever – when you have to interact with real people and problems you end up creatively compromising and building hybrid solutions that everyone feels they have a stake in.

  7. Our kids were laughing when they read Rep. Kameron Nelson’s tweet and said he must of smoked the same strain before tweeting as the crazy out of state name callers do on DFP. LGBTQ leave SD as soon as they can except for a few that stay. We all suspect there are a few SD legislators that are in the closet. They are the usually the most anti-LGBTQ that are miserable themselves so they need to make others feel their same misery.

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