RCJ tracks down Sidney Powell at Rally event, as she’s guarded by the Proud Boys

After the media debacle from this past weekend with the Citizens for Liberty out in Rapid City, you would think that former Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell would be looking for some good press at the motorcycle ride event she was being featured at.  Like I said, you would think:

After the motorcade made its way to the hotel, Powell’s team set up her merchandise table where she met rally goers, took pictures with them and signed books and shirts for donations to her PAC, Defending the Republic. All the proceeds from the barbecue ticket sales went toward the PAC.


Powell met and spoke to attendees but was closely guarded for the entire event. Reverend Scott, from Rapid City, represented the South Dakota Proud Boys chapter to provide security detail for Powell. He said he was in town for the Sturgis rally and was asked by his chapter’s leadership to join the ride and help out for the day.

Read the entire article here.

It must be quite the barbecue if it requires a security detail.

2 thoughts on “RCJ tracks down Sidney Powell at Rally event, as she’s guarded by the Proud Boys”

    1. Any comment on the Proud Boys themselves, the self described “white chauvinist” movement? I would assume if one assigns them to their personal security detail, they are pretty closely aligned with them. It says a lot of about her and the crowd she runs with and supports.

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