Release: With Support Collapsing, Jackley Launches False Attacks on Noem, Trump Accomplishments

With Support Collapsing, Jackley Launches False Attacks on Noem, Trump Accomplishments

The latest campaign finance reports show Jackley support is collapsing. Between the pre-primary report and May 31, Jackley reported just $12,500 worth of individual contributions, whereas Noem has posted $49,500, roughly four times that of Jackley. Despite Kristi Noem and President Trump gutting Obamacare by repealing the individual mandate through tax reform, Marty Jackley is on television accusing Noem and Trump of not making progress on repealing Obamacare.

“With reportable contributions all but disappearing, Marty Jackley has desperately recruited his negative-ad slush fund, Friends of Marty Jackley, to launch false attacks on the accomplishments of Kristi Noem and President Trump,” said Justin Brasell, Kristi for Governor campaign manager. “It’s a shame Marty Jackley has chosen to ignore the huge win Kristi Noem and Donald Trump delivered for South Dakotans in repealing the individual mandate and gutting Obamacare.”


Breaking his so-called “clean” campaign pledge, Marty Jackley has repeatedly launched unprovoked, false, and misleading attacks on Kristi Noem.

Jackley Pledge: “South Dakotans deserve a clean and honest campaign.”
3 DAYS LATER… Jackley attacks Noem for not signing his Clean Campaign Pledge.

Jackley Pledge: “I will conduct a factual and honest campaign.”
JACKLEY ACTIONS, March 24: Jackley falsely accuses Noem of supporting a $1.3 trillion spending bill. Noem voted NO on the bill.

Jackley Pledge: “I will be honest and forthcoming about my own record…”
JACKLEY ACTIONS, March 5: Jackley issues first campaign ad, which claims he created the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. But a June 2004 BIT agency review committee meeting reports: “In July 2002, Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) was created under BIT [Bureau of Information and Telecommunications Agency] and then was moved in May 2003 to the Attorney General’s office.” Jackley was not appointed as Attorney General until 2009.

Jackley Pledge: “I will not engage in, permit, fund or condone any negative, misleading or defamatory attacks against my opponent.”
JACKLEY ACTIONS, March 23, 29; April 24: Marty Jackley misleadingly claimed Noem didn’t support South Dakota’s most recent case before the Supreme Court, despite her signing a formal brief supporting South Dakota’s position. Reports from inside the courtroom may help explain Jackley’s reason for going negative, however. Leading tax publication, Tax Notes reports: “Jackley could not keep up with the amount of inquiries directed at him on why the Supreme Court should be the one to settle the issue.”

23 thoughts on “Release: With Support Collapsing, Jackley Launches False Attacks on Noem, Trump Accomplishments”

    1. Noem’s scorched earth campaign is one of the worst in SD history- I will never vote for her for anything ever again.

  1. I’m about to repurpose my “nasty woman” Clinton shirt.
    Keep the attack ads coming!

  2. 1) The assertion the difference of $37K represents a collapse of support is insulting to our intelligence.

    2) I blasted Marty for his pledge and his subsequent blasting of Kristi for not signing that stupid waste of paper. But, if Marty said she voted yes when she voted no, he is wrong and should have corrected the record or apologized.

    3) I read both versions of the Internet Crimes Task Force argument and wholly bought Marty’s explanation as he was involved as US Attorney in its creation and expansion as AG. This is one of those attacks that manipulates pieces of information to create a false narrative. Like Marty above, she owed him an apology and should have corrected the record. Noem’s bringing it up again is poor judgment.

    4) I agree with Noem on the substance of the internet sales tax issue just as I disagree with her on teh Internet Crimes Task Force attack on Jackley. In both cases, there is selective manipulation of pieces of information to create a false narrative.

    If you can’t say something ENTIRELY truthful in the negative about the other, could you just please stay on the positive about yourself?

  3. For the “inside baseball” crowd of campaign strategy/consulting, you have to give a big nod to Team Noem over Team Jackley. Noem’s communications shop is relentless, well-documented even if they are a little bit shameless. Does Marty have anything left in the tank to punch back a little?

    1. I agree…Noem is lighting Jackley up…

      Play those Laura Kaiser commercials all weekend and they are going to have an impact

  4. Glodt caught sleeping at the wheel again. You’d think he’d have learned his lesson last time.

    1. He did throw a good group together for a press conference from Madison to Sioux falls, to Canton to Yankton to Watertown though

  5. He is sinking ship and her ads will run and sink it more
    Yes it most certainly does mean a decrease in funding = decrease is support

  6. Not giving nods nor agreeing the rapid fire attack ads are helpful. Just ask Kirby or Barnett how successful their attack ad campaigns went.

  7. 4:02,

    I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you. I think this tactic/strategy is going to have an effect and someone might win 55-45%. I just don’t know how it will all break.

  8. Troy,
    Don’t you think with so many different topics it becomes white noise?
    She seems like a naggy spouse and I’m starting to check out!

    1. Who knows? Anyone who thinks they know how this will break isn’t fooling me and only fooling themselves. I guarantee the campaigns don’t have the confidence their supporters are presenting.

      When I was leaning Kristi, people said I was in the Noem tank. Now they are saying I’m in the Jackley tank. Because I don’t think there are any real measurable issue differences, the only criteria for me were hard to measure intangibles (intangibles that are important). I admit I vacillated as this campaign developed.

      But, today, I’m pretty sure how I’m going to vote. In the end it came down to two items:

      1) On the whole, Kristi’s campaign has been most negative and most loose with the use of selective information to create a false narrative.

      2) Her doubling down and doubling down and doubling down to minimize and criticize citizen input through Boards and Commissions instead of a vital part of state government and the solutions indicate a governance style I don’t think is best for our state or effective.

      Here is why I think this is so important. First, when I was a state employee, I had three Boards which limited the authority of me, my boss and the Governor. At the time, I valued them and in retrospect they may have be the reason my tenure has generally been considered successful. Yes, it was sometimes awkward when I told the Governor I had to execute a board policy he rathered I didn’t. But, in retrospect, I think every time faced with that situation we’d all agree the best decision was made.

      Second, is an experience as a citizen board member. I was appointed to a board by Bill Janklow and when he (or his senior staff) found out I was going to oppose his position (and somehow they knew I was likely the deciding vote), I got called to meet with his Chief of Staff to get “the facts” from their side. I took the information and re-examined the alternative position. In the end, I voted opposite the Governor’s position. And, my decision was wholly respected and never came up again. I did what I thought my job was and I think the Governor did too,. My point is this:

      1) The Governor and his staff don’t always have all the information even though we all have the best interests of the state at heart.

      2) Most importantly, the government isn’t the Governors. It is the citizens. And sometimes the Governor has to be reminded of that. Citizen boards setting a policy contrary to the Governor and implemented by his staff is a very good reminder.

    2. I am going to pull the lever for Noem in this primary election, but also going to agree with you on the resemblance to the naggy spouse.
      God bless Bryan Noem!
      I couldn’t do it. Just. Could. Not.

      1. This is what’s wrong with SD politics.

        If you are a man and you’re attacked, you can fight back and you’re seen as strong. If you’re a woman and you’re attacked, you’re supposed to just take it because if you fight back, you’re a “naggy spouse.”

        That is pretty disgusting, especially for my fellow Republicans, who claim to be the keepers of Christlike morals.

  9. If you typed “desperation” into google maps you’d get directly routed to Noem for Governor HQ. I’ve never seen a tantrum quite like this in politics ever. It’s really very sad.

    1. That’s the typical Jackley line but it’s pretty tired. None of these are bank shots – they’re all slam dunks.

      Best Marty has is some dumb line about the Supreme Court case (which Marty screwed up to boot), and some ad about how Kristi didn’t endorse Trump. SO? Who did? Where’s Marty’s Trump endorsement?

      Slick Marty’s shady deals are now in full public view. Kristi wins this, hands down.

  10. Anonymous 4:02: This is a different dynamic than Kirby/Barnett. That was a three person race; this is a two horse race. People say they don’t like negative ads but there’s a reason people run them, they work in head to head races. If we’ve seen the best of Jackley’s stuff, this race is heading towards Noem getting to 52-53 percent.

  11. Wow. Very sad to see the direction of this discussion. Woman highlights grave mistreatment of another woman by a man which is NOT in dispute. Woman gets called a “nagging spouse.” Grow up.

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