SD Woki-Leaks drops new post on Critical Race Theory instruction at USD

SD Woki-leaks is back at uncovering wokism in the State University system, and today drops a huge new post on Critical Race Theory instruction taking place at the University of South Dakota:

In the fall of 2020, Dr. Popova gave a talk on “systemic racism” to USD students. Her talk was part of the “Diversity and Inclusivity ECHO Series” put on by the USD School of Health Sciences. In her talk, Popova shared with students her view of the United States. According to Popova, the U.S. was directly founded on the principle of “White supremacy.” The nation itself is so racist and rotten to the core that all Americans, even “sweet,” “well-intentioned” ones, actually spread racism everywhere they go because they have been corrupted by the racist system. So, it is not enough for Americans to try to be good people and to treat one another well. Instead, we have to tear down and rebuild “the system” that Popova blames for all bad outcomes experienced by minority groups. This is not an overstatement of Popova’s position. Here is an excerpt from her talk:

The ideas that Popova presents are the core axioms of critical race theory (CRT). So, CRT is being taught to USD students.

Note that Popova does not present the ideas of CRT as hypotheses that deserve questioning, testing, or debating. That would be a different story. Universities are supposed to be places where we can debate and test out ideas.

But Popova doesn’t do that. She doesn’t teach about CRT. She teaches CRT. As holy writ. In her long talk (which closely resembles a conspiracy theory and can be viewed in its entirely here, unless USD deletes it, as it has done with other incriminating evidence), Popova delivers the ideas of CRT and Wokism as Truths for the students to passively accept. Her talk is, essentially, a sermon – one designed to stir up disdain for the United States and pave the way for student radicalism. It is pure indoctrination: The presentation of an extremely simplistic, one-sided version of history as the Absolute Truth.

For listening to Popova’s talk, USD Health Sciences students were given credits that could be used to satisfy the requirements of a health-sciences professional development program.

Read the entire post here.

I have the feeling that this one is going to get some attention, especially in light of Critical Race Theory being strongly frowned upon by the administration.

30 thoughts on “SD Woki-Leaks drops new post on Critical Race Theory instruction at USD”

  1. I highly offensive and had encouraged my kids to go to the school I went to. This is not education but indoctrination of individuals. Its power over one to include classes like this to graduation. This needs to end. This is racist.
    Where does USD get off pushing this garbage.

  2. What a bunch of f—ing morons. If there is an appropriate place to be “woke” it is at a University. Universities and Colleges are the place for new ideas and debate. The only thing more stupid would be a board of regents controlling ciriculum, oops… Woki leaks sounds like a convention of luddites and flat earthers, afraid of new ideas and change, getting trump points for demonstrating an outreach for ignorance and untruth. I would write more but I don’t want to strain anyone’s intellectual abilities or be accused of abusing the challenged. I apologize for using words with more than two syllables.

    1. Rachet: Have a good day and may the force be with you. Make sure you send all of you financial support to USD.

  3. I’m a USD grad and this is yet another reason why I will never support USD financially or otherwise.


    1. I won’t support any public universities as this sort of idiocy is permeating the whole system. Public universities are going to continue to be America-hating propaganda mills until we insist on some balance to counteract the “brilliance” of the left-wing profs that infest them. Tenure should be abolished and professors should be held accountable for their intellectual failings.

  4. Critical Race Theory is just another way to spread hatred! We are the United States of America, the melting pot of ancestral backgrounds. We are all members of the human race. The color of our skin does not define who we are, our character dies, CRT should not be in any curriculum from Preschool through Doctorates from Universities.

  5. The universities keep lying to us about all the crt going on. Time for some firings and hire new people

  6. Follow up questions:

    1. Is this person on staff or was this a guest lecture?

    2. If a guest lecture, was there other guest lecturers offering counterpoints to this? And was there a moderator or emcee who stated that this is an opinion held by SOME? Context is important. Just like having a white supremacist lecture doesn’t make what they say true, either. Critical thinking skills can only be achieved by breaking down arguments on their merits.

    I am certain the BOR will be following up on this.

  7. I think the Universities would be wise to focus on the quality of the product which is decreasing at an alarming rate such soon, even if free, not worth even the investment in time.

  8. 1. Of what she says, what *specifically* do you disagree with?

    2. I think it’s worth noting that CRT is a theory. You learn a lot of theories in college–some you agree with wholeheartedly, others you don’t. If I suggested Sigmund Freud’s theory saying we all want to have sex with our mothers is indoctrination, I hope you’d call me dumb.

    3a. We about whether or not the laws and policies being scrutinized by Critical Race Theorists *today* are in fact systemically racist (and that is debated at the academic level), but to imply the entire theory is bogus/indoctrination is silly.

    3b. CRT says racism is systemic and embedded in American policies and laws. So, even if the society aren’t racist, the policies and laws can still produce racist outcomes. It then follows up with the prescriptive argument that we should work to fix those policies and laws.

    3c. That’s not that complicated, nor extreme.

      1. You wonder if This is dumb has any harsh words for the left and their failure to address issues with the trillions they spent on their lost war on poverty? Probably not; that would take a better mind than This is dumb seems to possess.

    1. So, we should celebrate and support the spreading of hatred of a group of people based upon their skin color? So do you support white supremacist groups in their spreading of their theory of white supremacy or do you look at the color of skin and make your judgment based upon that? Hatred is hatred, and your support of it is sickening.

      1. Where it that video do you hear her say “hate white people?” This all seems snowflake-ish

        1. There is none, but Troy and co. Can’t be bothered to listen to the whole thing for fear they might learn something and re-evaluate their viewpoints. Then it’s a slippery slope until they’re questioning if supply-side economics is a sham theory and founders made significant contributions to the US and world, but were just as fallible as anyone else.

          1. I have listened to hours of this tin foil hat bat shit crazy stuff. At least the Elvis/Alien love child stuff is interesting to discuss on the deck drinking beer. CRT is just stupid at a level one can’t even laugh.

    2. That’s a nice bit of freelance propagandizing there, “This is dumb.” Running some more PR interference for the woke are we? CRT, where it is taught, is usually not taught as a theory. Go watch the clip. Does the lady in it look like she is throwing out ideas for discussion? No. She presents CRT as truth, not a theory.

      The “prescriptive arguments” CRT advocates make about “systemic racism” largely involve new forms of discrimination and racism, and other terrible ideas.

      Most people are able to understand the distinction between legitimate concerns about racism and CRT. You seem very eager to misrepresent the latter as the former.

      1. She’s a critical race theorist. She believes in CRT. Plus, what is the counter to the theory that there are policies and laws that disproportionately hurt black people?

        What is an example of “a new form of racism?” Diversity quotas?!?! Whoah – oh no

        I just think we’re kinda being snowflakes here

        1. There are no laws currently on the books that favor or discriminate against people based on skin color OTHER THAN diversity, equity, and inclusion quotas. Name one.

  9. In short, CRT asserts that virtually EVERY “influencer” (person of power?) has been motivated by racism and that this racism of the cause of every bad outcome of people of color.

    Let’s examine the first assertion:

    1) The CRT advocates think they can get in the heads of not only people they don’t know but who lived hundreds of years ago and discern their motives.

    2) They either deny or minimize or explain* that people can be motivated by altruism, good for neighbor and family, religion, or universal morals. They are only motivated to hold down people of color.

    3) Or their “explanation” referenced above is concern for neighbor, family, religion or morals are by definition racist.

    And then let’s examine their assertion this systemic racism is the cause of every bad outcome. There are so many holes it would take a book to refute them all so I’m going to focus on one: Their assertion removes all accountability of every person of color for their life, their condition and their actions. And they want to call me racist?

    Finally, for CRT, these literally millions of “influencers” over literally hundreds of years were able to coordinate all this without ever saying it out loud or leaving any evidence. And, when they were working to correct racial injustice it was just another form of systemic racism.

    CRT is the ultimate tinfoil hat nut job conspiracy theory. And, like every crazy conspiracy theory, to argue against it is to “prove a negative” like “prove to me Elvis Presley didn’t have a love child with an alien.”

    And, unlike the above Elvis Presley “theory” which is harmless at almost every level, CRT divides people and division never, ever leads to progress and improvement. There are many places where people of good will can make improvements in this world. But, where tin foil hat conspiracy theories are a dominant voice, there is only chaos.

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