Taffyhoward.com site now live.. sort of, with stock photos including watermark

Taffy Howard’s other website (taffyhoward.com) apparently went live this afternoon.. including photos where they haven’t bothered to buy them yet to remove the watermarking from shutterstock: Guessing it’s still under construction, as I don’t see the required federal disclaimer up on the site, and none of the links work. In case any other candidates want […]

Medical freedom rally, etc. seems to have origin with candidate-oriented Political Action Committee

If you saw the coverage of the rally across the street from Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls yesterday, there appears to be a bit of a story behind the story. It appears that the “Medical Freedom” rally which took place in Sioux falls yesterday with State Representative Jon Hansen and Anti-Vaxxer Mya Olson was less […]

Woki-Leaks website strikes again, and claims Board of Regents plagiarism policy may have been violated

SD Woki-Leaks strikes again in their latest article as they call for an investigation to determine if the Board of Regent’s policy on plagiarism was violated when a memorandum on “implicit bias” was written: In this article, we will highlight another serious problem with the memorandum: It appears to violate South Dakota Board of Regents […]

Possible dark money group promoting 2023 legislative redistricting… right after 2021 legislative redistricting.

Not every proposed ballot measure ends up being on the ballot.  And that’s probably a good thing because a lot of bad ideas end up getting filtering out, such as a recent ballot measure which wanted to legalize everything from prostitution to pipe bombs. The most recent proposal is a ballot measure which was thrown […]

More from SDGOP on Illegal Patrick Starr robocall; too dumb for treasurer’s job, failing to take responsibility

From SDGOP.com, the Republican Party is continuing to express their concern & outrage over an elected official who should know better making weak excuses for openly breaking federal law: Lederman noted, “it appears that Starr didn’t know or care about federal laws against robocalling and doesn’t understand laws that clearly state if you spend money […]

Governor Noem continues to point out Argus Leader’s attacks on her. Are they really helping us make sense of unpredictable times?

Interestingly, about 5 minutes after I received this e-mail… … in which the Argus Leader claims I should buy it because it is “Helping you make sense of unpredictable times…”   I noticed on facebook Governor Kristi Noem pointing out that the Argus is refusing to publish her update on COVID-19 If the Argus wanted to […]

Out of state Libertarian student group campaigning in GOP primary for former Libertarian Party State Chair

An out of state student libertarian group alleged by critics to have broken campaign finance laws in at least one state has apparently been going door to door in District 6 promoting the candidacy of former Libertarian Party chairman Aaron Aylward: Distributing a flyer with the disclaimer “paid for by Make Liberty Win,” it also […]

Liz Marty May’s Hail Mary petition pass… why are the hyperlinks to the e-mail system of Florida congressional candidate @realannapaulina

Liz Marty May must be seeing a petition signature issue affecting her ability to be on the ballot in the near future. Because she just blasted this very long e-mail out, casting a wide net: The fact she’s making a petition signature in the final days of collecting signatures isn’t a big surprise. And obviously […]

SF City Councilwoman Theresa Stehly files campaign finance report that omits expenditures for the easter weekend robocall & all those newsletters she sends.

In the race for Sioux Falls’s At Large City Council position, this week incumbent City Councilperson Theresa Stehly has finally filed a campaign finance report, which claims she’s raised nothing and spent nothing.  (It’s unclear what period this is for, since she missed the checkbox explaining what the report was for). 2 28 2020 Citizens […]