Senator John Thune raises nearly $800,000 since April, bringing cash on hand to $14.7 Million for 2022 Senate Race.

A few days ago I was mentioning that US Senate Mark Mowry’s wife had left a message on my phone seeking help with the campaign.

From the Federal Elections Commission report filed today by sitting US Senator John Thune, they’re going to need a lot more than his wife calling random people as John Thune had a tremendous quarter of fundraising, bringing in nearly $800,000 into his campaign coffers, giving the #2 Republican in the US Senate nearly $14.7 Million cash on hand for the race:

Thune July 2021 Fec by Pat Powers on Scribd

Thune raised $792,122.01 (returning just under $6000) giving him an overall total of $786,302.01 raised against $154,233.35 of operating expenses. With the important number being $14,676,545.64 ready to go for the 2022 election.

That’s a big number. And what happens when you have one of the state’s most popular elected officials when Democrats abandon running candidates against Senator Thune for two cycles (Yes, Jay Williams ran one, but that was practically abandoning the race).


4 thoughts on “Senator John Thune raises nearly $800,000 since April, bringing cash on hand to $14.7 Million for 2022 Senate Race.”

  1. How many individual donors from South Dakota?

    As predicted, it looks like game over by the dollars unless it’s out of state donors with 5G interests.

  2. He’s a great senator.

    Before Democrats get too worked up about this, remember that they are really Thune’s biggest donors. They gave him a huge donation by leaving him unchallenged in 2010, and another donation nearly as large with the nominal challenger Jay Williams in 2016. Thune has been able to raise money now since 2005 – sixteen years so far – without spending much of anything.

  3. I’ve known John since playing ball against him in Kadoka. Great guy. Keep it up

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