South Dakota Democrat chair tells group he is outsourcing Congressional candidate recruitment

It sounds like South Dakota Democrats have forgotten how to do what political parties do.

I caught this little tidbit in a story this morning where South Dakota Democrat Party chairman Randy Seiler was telling a gathered group of party members that the South Dakota Democrat Party is now outsourcing candidate recruitment.

Seiler said he has met with other potential candidates, including a Sioux Falls lawyer who is interested in the Senate race, as well as talking with the South Dakota Farmers Union about recruiting someone to run against Johnson, focusing on the Country of Origin Label issue.

Read that here.

Randy Seiler has to talk to the Farmers Union to recruit a candidate to run for the US House (against the most effective Republican member of Congress on agriculture, BTW)?

I don’t know that I have ever before heard about Democrats ever having to get other groups to go out and perform one of the basic functions of a political party for them.

4 thoughts on “South Dakota Democrat chair tells group he is outsourcing Congressional candidate recruitment”

  1. A Democratic lawyer from Sioux Falls running against Thune? Well, that should be about 32%.

  2. Demos leaving SD along with many others. SD has close to the highest ” BRIAN DRAIN” in the US . Must have something to do with those SD values the “publicains” brag about

  3. A candidate focused on country of origin labeling?

    Doesn’t Dusty (and our entire congressional delegation) FAVOR country of origin labeling?

    Do they intend to attach Dusty for not getting COOL passed in a Democratic-controlled US House?

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