South Dakota politicians speak out on assassination attempt against former President Trump

From Facebook:

And from Twitter, Governor Kristi Noem:

35 thoughts on “South Dakota politicians speak out on assassination attempt against former President Trump”

  1. Who are “these people?” It’s such a meaningless statement. Ask 50 different South Dakotans who “these people” are and you will likely get 50 different explanations. Say something meaningful for once. Even more, the loon that tried to kill him doesnt seem to be a liberal. So, let’s ask meaningful questions:

    1. How in God’s name did a man with a rifle get on a rooftop within 150 yards of Trump?
    2. Are the reports where people are claiming they reported the man to law enforcement true?

    The Secret Service has a bunch of colossal screwups to explain. Let’s actually identify concrete problems so this crap does not happen again.

    1. “These people”.

      For those who wait for facts before opining on social media, “these people” happen to be a disturbed 20-year-old guy with his dad’s gun. That’s about all we know.

      The video above was reckless mouthing off by our Governor. Again. In the middle of a crisis, she’s fanning the flames of division.

      Our other elected officials acted responsibly, as they always do.

      1. Noem loves throwing gasoline on the fire along with the idiot up in Aberdeen and I see one of his goons that one a primary seat supports it. No surprise he was at Jan 6th.

  2. As more comes to light, this appears to be a sexually repressed white kid looking to make a name for himself. It appears to be less about politics and more about mental illness, gun availability, and the ineptness of law enforcement. Granted, the shirt he is wearing tied to white supremacy doesn’t look very good.

  3. It’s easy enough to figure out the kid that did it was sick. The question that needs to be asked is “did somebody put him up to it?”

    The other questions are “why was that rooftop not manned and secured?” and “why is Trump’s security detail shorter than he is? Is Biden’s detail made up of short women?” We saw one agent trying to shield Trump by holding his hand over his head. They can do better that

  4. “These people”??! Well, Governor, do you mean-

    1) People with AR styled weapons?
    2) White males who are 20?
    3) Pennsylvanians who are registered as Republicans?

  5. These people? 20 year old deprived white males that register as republican? What is she suggesting other than displaying the rhetoric that caused this in the first place. Noem is only supporting more of this crap. Extremists on either side should be kicked to the curb, and that includes Noem.

    1. “These people,” like those that have constantly screamed that Trump is the second Hitler, that Trump will end democracy, that Trump will end elections if he gets in, that Trump will install himself as a dictator, that Trump will throw his political adversaries in jail (ahem, elk), that Trump and his supporters are a cult, that Trump is pure evil, and that Trump is the biggest existential threat to the USA, ever. All this from high profile politicians on the Democratic side and the talking heads in the mainstream media, day after day. So maybe this little freak show thought he had the “green light” to go ahead and take out what he has been hearing as the biggest threat to America in history?

      1. That little freak show was a registered republican. I know we are desperate to make hay of the shooting, but maybe we should do so in a way that improves Trump’s safety rather than piss off a bunch of mouth breathers.

          1. So, you are arguing that in a time of heightened political polarization, the democrats are now responsible for the behavior of literally everyone, even republicans? Maybe it’s not about the parties and more about a very sick, demented person. I do agree, however, that I wish everyone would tamp down the rhetoric.

            1. I never said any of that at all.

              But what are you saying? That since the shooter was a registered Republican that it somehow makes it more understandable?

              1. No, but you seem to desire to lay it at the feet of the dems. I think his political leaning appears to be irrelevant.

                1. Truth be told, when you look at prominent politicians and the national media (news broadcasts, talk shows, etc), the inflammatory rhetoric aimed at Republicans, Trump in particular (Hitler, threat to democracy, will create killing squads, it’s time to put Trump in the bullseye, etc.) far outweighs anything that is sent toward democrats.

                  1. What are you smoking? This crap is coming from both sides including right wing media.

                    Steve Bannon openly called for civil war and political assassinations on his podcast 4 years ago.

                    “I’d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England, I’d put the heads on pikes, right, I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats. You either get with the program or you’re gone – time to stop playing games.”

                    >”These people were hung. This is what we used to do to traitors,” Maxey said.

                    >Bannon replied, “That’s how you won the revolution. No one wants to talk about it.”

                    >”The [American] revolution wasn’t some sort of garden party, right?” Bannon said. “It was a civil war. It was a civil war.”

                    Instead of exiling him, Trump, the Republicans, Fox News and other fascist organizations like Heritage Foundation have turned Bannon into a martyr for their movement and kept him in their inner circle.

                    The President of the Heritage Foundation was on Bannon’s podcast a few weeks ago when he called for a second American Revolution (civil war) and said it would only be bloodless if “the left” (non-MAGAs) don’t fight back.

                    MAGA are now trying to gaslight everyone that they are the victims.

                    Pence almost got hanged by Trump’s terrorists. Nancy Pelosi almost got murdered, and her husband got his skull bashed in by a hammer from one of Trump’s terrorists. FBI bureaus have been attacked multiple times by Trump’s terrorists.

                    I can point out many others, including south dakotas own tomi lahren.

                    1. My favorite is when Don Jr posted the tweet with a picture of a hammer and underwear and claiming he was going as Paul Pelosi for Halloween. Definitely not both sides promoting political violence….lol. M@g@ are trying hard to be the victims when it comes to harmful rhetoric.

                    2. Or when Trump jokingly asked how Paul was doing at a rally right after the event. Or Jan 6th. Or Charlottesville. The list runs pretty deep on both sides but only one side is trying to glorify a civil war.

                    3. Well, I’m not smoking the hallucinogenic that you are. I never said Republicans don’t throw out some rhetoric but when compared to the democrats the Republicans are a distant second. If you can’t see that, then you’re lost.

                      I know it’s hard for you DFP floaters to accept but it’s true.

                    4. Can you show us one comment from a prominent Dem suggesting a civil war would be good? I’m not sure it gets much worse then wanting to kill everyone your party disagrees with but that’s what it sounds like the far right sure wants.

      2. Now, do the other side. It goes both ways and you and Noem are too dumb to see it.

      3. “I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical —hole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler,”

        JD Vance

        1. “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f### things up.”

          -Barrack Obama

          He was right on that one.

          1. “The economy does better under the democrats”

            Donald Trump

            He got that right after adding twice as much as Biden to our debt and printed a trillion more dollars than Biden causing inflation.

  6. i would quietly and respectfully ask if there’s any way to begin discussions on gov noem stepping aside and elevating larry rhoden to the governors office for the time being.

    her video is very disproportionate to the situation, inappropriate to her office, and just plain disturbing to many of us who voted for her twice expecting solid steady conservative governance.

    a big part of the so-called “project 2025” is devoted to returning all women to second-class subservience status anyway. should we not have a pilot project to test it? see how it goes, in case we might like and enjoy it? maybe we should.

  7. we all know who those people are and so does MSNBC. They cancelled Morning Joe today because they were afraid one of their guests (or hosts?) would say something stupid.

    How much more do you need to know?

        1. So… opinion news anchors are evil? Why would Noem call news anchors evil after someone tried to assassinate Trump?

  8. Oh the poor liberal gaslighting democrats are so beyond reproach. Want to see the difference? I defy anyone to find a post on DWC that wishes or advocates harm to a political figure. Pat Powers will immediately remove such comments. Now go to the presently dormant Dakota Free Press and tell me if the same can be said. It can’t. CAH will leave the most vile of posts up on his blog snd by extension is condoning vile rhetoric. Prove me wrong.

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