This time “Make Liberty Win” needs to ask for directions. Another postcard missing by 200 miles.

Here we go again.

A group called “Make Liberty Win” should retitle themselves “Make Liberty stop and ask for directions,” as the same slate of District 2 candidates, Jeff Shawd and John Sjaarda, adding Spencer Wrightsman have a postcard going out for District 2 in Minnehaha County showing up in Bryant, South Dakota, where the old District 2 used to be before redistricting.

As you know, two of the conservative House Candidates members had a postcard advocating for their election show up 200 miles north of the intended District 2 yesterday.

And once again, they’ve missed the mark.

These are racking up to be pretty expensive mistakes.

2 thoughts on “This time “Make Liberty Win” needs to ask for directions. Another postcard missing by 200 miles.”

  1. How much might this sloppiness cost a fellow? I would say some heads do, as my friend Bob would say, need to be bonked on the head. When these fellows lose, they will also scream foul. “FOUL” they will scream, and they will point fingers.

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