16 thoughts on “Governor Kristi Noem and Congressman Dusty Johnson hitting door-to-door this weekend”

  1. I can’t believe the ads are calling this Dusty Howard nerd a communist. This is a good reminder of how normal our congressman is.

  2. Just further proof the race is closer than anticipated.
    (insert lightbulb emoticon here)

  3. This is the kind of engagement that we should expect from our candidates. Way to go you two. Keep us feeling good about the GOP

  4. Meanwhile in Rapid City a number of vehicles with Noem signs and American flags flying interrupted a very pleasant Saturday morning driving around town honking their horns.

  5. This isn’t a comment on personal appearance since these are choices. I couldn’t help but notice Dusty is wearing an old Daugaard jacket while Kristi has on a $800 Canada Goose puffer. Really connecting with voters there.

    1. that cost $800??? what a waste of money! On the list of Great Mistakes I Will Never Make Again, the acquisition of a down jacket with quilted stitching on the outside is near the top. The wind blows right through the stitching. You need a wind-resistant outer layer. A jacket like that needs to be worn under something else, like a hunting vest. SMH

      On a windy day, Dusty’s LL Bean jacket is a better choice.

  6. Rapid City is anti-Haugaard country. You could run a dead cat against Haugaard in Rapid City, and the dead cat would pull 80%.

  7. But when Rounds doesn’t seek a third term in ’26, I wonder if they will be hitting doors together then?

    1. I think you mean “if”. I could see Senator Rounds going for a third term. He could easily be a committee chair or in leadership by then.

      1. Maybe, but the Democrats will take a beating this year and begin to regain ground nationally from 2026 on, which means ranking member and not committee chair. IMO.

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