Thune: ISIS Must Be Stopped


Thune: ISIS Must Be Stopped

“The United States, as a champion of freedom and democracy, has a duty to stand up against ISIS’ brand of radical Islam and stomp it out wherever it exists.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D) today offered his condolences to the victims of the heinous terrorist attacks in Paris, France, and discussed how America’s top priority must be to act diligently to eliminate this threat and protect the American people from future attacks.

Remarks (as prepared for delivery):

“Thank you, Madam President.

“I want to begin by echoing the condolences shared by millions around the world regarding last week’s attacks in Paris.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of those who died.

“As a nation, we remain committed to supporting and defending the people of France in whatever way we can.
The attacks in Paris last week remind us again of the dangerous world we live in.

“Although Paris has become the focus of attention, the day before the attacks in France, two ISIS suicide bombers in Beirut blew themselves up, killing 40 people in a bustling urban area.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Beirut, and to all those who have suffered loss at the hands of this horrific terrorist organization.

“Madam President, ISIS remains one of the most brutal and indiscriminate terrorist organizations in recent history.
Its campaign of violence is not limited to a specific region, nationality, or religion.

“As the events in Paris have shown us, the threat posed by ISIS reaches well beyond the borders of Iraq and Syria.

“If it can, ISIS will spread its campaign of violence to innocent people all over the world.

“Madam President, the United States, as a champion of freedom and democracy, has a duty to stand up against ISIS’ brand of radical Islam and stomp it out wherever it exists.

“ISIS represents a clear and present danger to the American people and our allies, and it must be stopped.

“President Obama, when asked about ISIS the day before the Paris attacks, made the following statement:

“He said, quote, ‘I don’t think they’re gaining strength … From the start our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them.’ End quote.

“‘We have contained them’ – Those are his words.

“Unfortunately, ISIS does not appear to be contained.

“My colleague from California, the ranking member on the Intelligence Committee, responded this week by saying, quote, ‘I’ve never been more concerned. I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding.’

“Yet Yesterday, President Obama unbelievably doubled down on this failing strategy, stating ‘We have the right strategy and we’re going to see it through …’

“And when referring to the Paris attacks, he called them a ‘setback.’

“A ‘setback.’

“Madam President, based on the number of casualties and population of France this attack was the equivalent of a 9/11.

“I would hardly call such an attack a mere ‘setback.’

“When it comes to the U.S. strategy against ISIS, one thing is clear: ISIS cannot simply be contained. ISIS must be defeated.

“From what we have learned so far, most of the terrorists involved in last week’s Paris attack were individuals who already resided in France and Belgium.

“That means these are individuals who became radicalized at home, received training or support from ISIS, and in some cases traveled to Iraq or Syria for training and then returned to France to carry out these attacks.

“Since ISIS first occupied territory in Iraq and Syria and began recruiting foreign fighters, the possibility of these combatants returning home has been a concern to the United States and our allies.

“And this attack in Paris demonstrates the validity of that concern.

“As a nation, we must remain vigilant in defending our homeland against this type of attack by radicalized individuals holding U.S or European passports.

“I also want to speak for a moment about the Syrian refugee crisis.

“As we are all aware, the regime of Bashar al-Assad is responsible for the civil war in Syria that allowed ISIS to gain a foothold and expand.

“Assad used chemical weapons on his own people, and hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost as a result of the conflict he created.

“It is completely understandable that the peace-loving people of that country want out.

“Just this week, several of my colleagues sent a letter to President Obama, expressing concerns about the possibility of ISIS infiltrating the Syrian refugee population, and asking what is being done to thoroughly vet these refugees.

“Over half the governors in this nation have stated they don’t want Syrian refugees resettled in their states.

“I share their concerns.

“The U.S. should not accept Syrian refugees as long as there is a threat posed by ISIS.

“If we cannot be 100 percent certain that additional refugees from Syria do not put Americans at risk, the president’s plan to accept up to 10,000 additional refugees this year should be rejected.

“And if the President tries to act unilaterally, Congress should cut off funding to prevent the President from taking any action that would put the American people at risk.

“If we are really going to be serious about solving the Syrian refugee crisis, the answer is not deciding which countries are accepting how many refugees.

“The answer is to defeat ISIS and remove Bashar al-Assad from power so the peace-loving people of Syria can return home.

“On that point, I want to speak about a realistic strategy for defeating ISIS.

“So far, the United States has relied almost entirely on airstrikes.

“Prior to the attacks in Paris, France was already the coalition partner conducting the second-greatest number of airstrikes against ISIS.

“Those airstrikes have been ramped up in recent days, but this is not a fundamental shift in our strategy.

“Airstrikes are important, but ultimately they cannot be a solution in themselves.

“It was Obama’s politically motivated decision to withdraw troops from Iraq that ultimately led to ISIS expanding into Iraq to begin with.

“Obama stated yesterday that boots on the ground would be a mistake, but it was Obama’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops that is partially responsible for creating this problem.

“And now we are at a point where retaking territory from ISIS will require ground forces – there is no way around it.

“If President Obama is going to be realistic about defeating ISIS, he needs to form a coalition capable of taking the war to ISIS on the ground.

“That does not require the U.S. committing ground troops, but it does require the US leading by example, and forming a coalition capable of fighting both in the air and on the ground.

“The president needs to stop talking about containment, and start acting on a strategy that will root out and defeat ISIS wherever it can be found.

“Thank you, and I suggest the absence of a quorum.”


17 thoughts on “Thune: ISIS Must Be Stopped”

  1. Letting in multiple thousands of Syrian refugees would be a big mistake. It would be one step, not the first, not the last, in furthering Obama’s goal of fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

  2. “these people” really enjoy using the blood of dead innocents to play their smarmy political gotcha scams…. Did the guy say what should be done that isn’t being done? Perhaps Obama could play super macho Duuubya and land on a carrier and say major conflict with isis is over…MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

    1. Since Obama let the blood in Libya and Egypt and Syria, Obama should step up and erect refugee camps on the White House lawn.

      Ah heck, just let those women & children sleep in the WH living quarters with Sasha and what’s her face

      Until then, Obama can just go to hell.

      1. Another intelligent comment… Why don’t “you people ” change your handle so we can tell which anonymous is the dumbest?

        1. I nominate this as the dumbest comment:

          “these people” really enjoy using the blood of dead innocents to play their smarmy political gotcha scams…”

          I’ll leave it to others to vote on whether the author is the dumbest commenter.

          So folks, is JaaDeedumb the dumbest?


    2. Jaa Dee, don’t forget it is your socialist President who subscribes to the tactic of “don’t let a good crisis go to waste”, so don’t forget that your beloved imbecile in the White House tries to politicize everything he can to further his demented and socialist goals.

      He could at least call it radical Islam; that would be a start. He could also close up the border so we can actually try to control who is coming into our country. He could try to lead in the fight against radical Islam instead of following other world leaders around like a untrained puppy.

      That’s all for starters.

      1. “socialist President “– and the rest of your comment— Why don’t “you people” change your handle so we know which anonymous is dumbest— Are you all the same? That would explain the equality of the dumb..

        “That’s all for starters.”?– Well h— post more of your ignorance and idiocy.

      2. “Then we should join the coalition that is now forming to defeat ISIS;”– scheeessssee genius who do you think has been leading the “coalition” ?

        “Then we should get politics out of the way”– One day I hope “you people” can comprehend hypocrisy.

        ” And if Obama is not willing to protect our nation and its citizens,”—- How about explaining that sir, whom I would bet voted for shrub twice.

        1. Who has been leading the coalition? Obama only leads from behind, which is NOT leading. Most foreign leaders don’t trust him anymore. Right now the coalition being formed is led by France, Putin of all people, and Italy. No mention of the USA.

          Wars based on politics result in losing people and the wars. If Obama truly wanted to defeat ISIS (which I truly believe he does not), he would listen to the advice of capable and proven military leaders (but he has gutted the military of most of these) and let the troops really go after ISIS.

          A President’s foremost responsibility is to keep our citizens safe. And refusing to acknowledge the enemy for what it is, radical Islam, and have a firm strategy does not do that. He says ISIS is contained, he calls the Paris bombings a setback, he says global warming is our major threat, and you call me ignorant and an idiot?!

          1. We don’t call it radical Islam for the same reason we didn’t call Musilini and Hitler ‘radical Catholics’ or the KKK radical Christians, Springer. People who profane their faith don’t deserve to be associated with it. ISIS and the other terrorists are the ones who want to be recognized as being champions of their religion and martyrs and heroes to it. Why give them what they want?

            1. Because they yell Allalh Akbar (God is great) while doing their barbaric acts, because they profess the Muslim faith as the reason for their acts, that is why we call it what it is, radical Islam. To not call it that is to bury your head in the sand and ignore the fact. I doubt that either Hitler or Mussolini yelled God is great while doing what they did – big difference..

            2. –People who profane their faith don’t deserve to be associated with

              Whether YOU chose to associate radical Islamists with their faith is irrelevant, Bill.


              It does not make if they call themselves Martians–if they kill and maim innocents in the the name of all believers in the glory of the god, Mars, THAT’S THE PROBLEM. And to begin to resolve the problem, one MUST call it what it is–radical worshippers of the Martian god.

              And calling out radical & violent Martians does not cast a dark shadow on adherents to the peaceful goddess called Venus.

              Its not about YOU, Bill!

            3. –we didn’t call Musilini and Hitler ‘radical Catholics’ or the KKK radical Christians,

              Complete hogwash.

              At no time did Mussolini or Hitler use any Christian faith to justify their actions, and in no sense were they restrained in their evil actions out of fear of a punishment (or reward) in the Christian afterlife.

              A wholly false analogy, completely void of any historical fact.

  3. First of all, Obama should be able to utter the words radical Islamic extremists and terrorists. Then we should join the coalition that is now forming to defeat ISIS; it’s way past time that the USA would ever be allowed to lead such a coalition, but we could at least join it. Then we should get politics out of the way and let our military leaders and troops free to fight against these barbarians. The world powers should establish a safe zone for these refugees in the Middle East, which is where most would much rather be located culturally. We should immediately let it be known that any USA citizen who travels to an ISIS country will not be allowed back into this country; if they are ISIS sympathizers, they are no longer in agreement with our values. We should secure our borders, period. And if Obama is not willing to protect our nation and its citizens, which is his paramount job, then maybe it’s time that he step down and let someone else do the job that he is required by the constitution to do.

  4. springer, we just need to wait it out. In a year we’ll be preparing for Hillary Clinton as president. Then everything will be better.

    1. Based on the experience of American men, we can be assured that Muslim men will no longer be interested in sexual activities after just viewing of Pres. Hillary.

      Consequently, more Muslim men will then turn more of their energies to terroristic activities.

      It’s a win-lose for the US.

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