Thune: Southern Border Security Package Must Include Reforms to Asylum, Parole Systems

Thune: Southern Border Security Package Must Include Reforms to Asylum, Parole Systems

 “Republicans will not sign off on cosmetic measures or superficial tweaks. We owe the American people a secure border – and we will not agree to anything less than real reforms.”

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today spoke on the Senate floor about the worsening national security and humanitarian crisis at the southern border. Thune noted that a border security package must include reforms to the asylum and parole systems in order to reverse some of President Biden’s failed policies that have fueled three successive record-breaking years of illegal immigration.

3 thoughts on “Thune: Southern Border Security Package Must Include Reforms to Asylum, Parole Systems”

  1. In late October 2023, Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas published a 783-word letter in the Washington Post entitled “Congress must bring our border security into the 21st century.” That letter lays out a professional description of the situation at the southern border with all its complications. It includes how most fentanyl is smuggled through Ports of Entry. That letter provides comprehensive strategy and funding estimates to increase enforcement at the border — for blocking migrants who are ineligible for protection under our laws. It also re-examines lawful pathways and acceleration of work permits. Homeland Security needs funding to add more Border Patrol agents in order to meet Mayorkas’ many goals. That letter of his should be the starting basis for congressional review and for reporting to the public. National Guard deployments and photo ops of congress members at the border are not helpful in improving the situation. It is Congress that must finally deal with these issues.

    1. A large majority of drugs come through our ports(>80%) and guess what….a large majority is being brought by Americans(>70%), not illegals.

      The stats never fit what Magats are trying to push. I’d rather spend the money at the ports with man power and use techonology in the desolate areas where poor people are crossing.

  2. The problem is not lack of laws it its the choice to not enforce the laws. Senator Thune you need to tighten the purse strings on those in Fed government that choose not to enforce and secure the boarder. Raising the debt ceiling is not tightening the purse strings.

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