Waldron group operated out of Sioux Falls PO Box issues press release attacking Jackley over Bosworth

The Bosworth affiliated No Compromise Group fronted by Peter Waldron & operated out of a PO Box in the Sioux Falls UPS Store issued a press release this morning in their latest salvo against Marty Jackley.

For Immediate Release Contact: Peter Waldron
May 18, 2015

Bosworth Case: Attorney General Marty Jackley’s Obvious Conflict of interest

Christian Activist Calls AG Jackley’s role in the Annette Bosworth Case a serious conflict of interest

SIOUX FALLS: … South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley’s role in the investigation and prosecution of South Dakota physician/missionary Dr. Annette Bosworth is fraught with conflicts of interest.

Attorney General Jackley was appointed by then-governor Mike Rounds. The AG donated funds to the 2014 Senate Campaign of Mike Rounds. AG Jackley had an active role in a 2014 fundraiser for Senate-candidate Mike Rounds. In spite of the obvious conflict, the Attorney General rushed forward with an investigation of a 2014 political opponent of Senate-candidate of Mike Rounds.

“Forget about an appearance of conflict, there is substantial evidence that Attorney General Marty Jackley has serious conflicts of interest,” said Peter Waldron with the No Compromise Group, an organization that is committed to honest, open, free, and fair elections. He should have publicly recused himself from any investigation and prosecution of Dr. Bosworth. Sadly, his involvement in her prosecution appears to the reasonable citizen to be more personal than official.”

A lot is currently written about ABC-TV personality George Stephanopoulos’ conflict of interest with the Clinton Foundation and concern for his objectivity in the upcoming 2016 Presidential Campaign. “We are talking about a TV host not a state attorney general,” Waldron explained, “Certainly much more caution must be taken in the official matters of state when it comes to the prosecution of a single citizen?”

“The Court should acknowledge Attorney General Marty Jackley’s conflict of interest, dismiss the charges against Dr. Bosworth, and assure the good and decent citizens of South Dakota that justice is alive and well in the South Dakota courts,” Waldron concluded.


So, that’s it?  That’s the sum result of the “investigation” that Gordon Howie was squawking about this AM? An brief, innuendo filled press release that’s less than accurate?

I had the invite here at SDWC that Marty was appearing as a host at a Pierre area fundraiser. And Bosworth herself raised the fundraiser issue herself in May 2014, except with slightly more clarity than Waldron, even though there’s no indication whatsoever that it affected Jackley’s decision whether or not to investigator not.

Also, as he spouts innuendo, Waldron neglects to mention that Marty was appointed, then stood for not one, but two statewide elections on his own merits.

I do notice that there’s no mention of how much money Waldron might be making off of all of this, or who paid for the robocalls he made.

Maybe that’s the biggest question that needs to be answered before they start rehashing old news.

2 thoughts on “Waldron group operated out of Sioux Falls PO Box issues press release attacking Jackley over Bosworth”

  1. There are appropriate ways of raising a conflict of interest in litigation. Have these clowns done any of that? Of course not. Instead, they import yet another out-of-state buffoon to make wild accusations that they can use to raise money.

  2. “Certainly much more caution must be taken in the official matters of state when it comes to the prosecution of a single citizen?”

    Bosworth isn’t single.

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