Press Release: Ron Moeller Announces for District 31 Senate

Ron Moeller Announces for District 31 Senate

Lead, SD – Today, Ron Moeller announced his candidacy to become the next State Senator for District 31.

Ron Moeller made the following statement:

I’m excited to publicly announce my candidacy for the State Senate seat representing District 31. Lawrence County is the finest area of the great state of South Dakota, where the prairie and the northern Black Hills combine to create a wonderful place to live, raise a family, and enjoy life.

For the past 5 months, I have traveled across Lawrence County listening to the voters and their heartfelt concerns. Our current State Senator has been in public service, both local and in the legislature, for as long as anyone can remember. It is time to change to a real conservative who truly and honestly represents to voters of Lawrence County.

We can no longer afford to keep electing the same politicians over and over again and expecting a different result. I bring a fresh set of eyes and energy to the challenges we are facing.

I’m conservative with bedrock principles of faith, family, hard work, integrity, and patriotism.

These principles have guided me throughout my life, both at home and overseas serving our great nation in multiple war zones.

I am looking forward to meeting all the voters, knocking on doors, introducing myself, letting them take my measure, and earning their vote.

If you want to help improve and protect Lawrence County from higher taxes, keeping our schools and streets safe, maintaining a business-friendly environment, and keeping the character of the Northern Hills intact, please consider assisting my campaign.

Here’s how you can join me: First, you can contribute your hard-earned dollars – local financial support helps get my name in front of the voters of District 31. You can also help by discussing my candidacy with your friends and neighbors, hosting a coffee or small event where I’d be happy to speak, and when the time comes, placing a sign in front of your home or business. All forms of support and assistance are welcome.

If you have further questions about me and/or my positions on the issues I believe we’re facing, please visit my website or email me at .

Thank you for your kind consideration,

Ron Moeller
Candidate, District 31 Senate

16 thoughts on “Press Release: Ron Moeller Announces for District 31 Senate”

    1. He is a fine gentlemen, well versed and knowledgeable. He is a vet and belongs to Homestake Post 31 in Lead. His career has spanned many countries, where he has been proud to represent the United States on foreign soil. He brings with him a vast knowledge of the history of our country, the issues facing the average citizen, a love for the Black Hills of South Dakota, and I am proud to support him. He is a strong conservative and will represent us well and with honor.

      1. He is not who you think he is. Dig deeper. He couldn’t care less about you, or any other South Dakotan.

    2. No one has ever heard of him because he is a carpetbagging vagabond, traveling around the country with his hand out. A knee-jerk Trumpite with no vision that would help South Dakota.

  1. Why does this guy want to run against Tim Johns? He’s a great legislator. Ron is probably one the wingnut noisemakers we need fewer of in SD politics. What we need are more leaders like Tim.

    1. Yes, that’s exactly what he is. But now Tim Johns is out, so it’s time to find a real South Dakota Republican to replace him. Ron Moeller is not it.

  2. Tim Johns is one of the most conscientious and thoughtful legislators in a long time. When this guy says Johns has been in public service “for as long as anyone can remember” I think we should say THANK YOU to Tim Johns – not use that against him!

    1. Except Johns is liberal as all get out…he gets elected based on his years of service as a judge…clearly no one in conservative Lawrence County looks at his voting record and the bills he introduces.

  3. If you like smart, Johns is your man.
    If you like Bleeding Heart, Johns is your man.
    If you like liberal lawyer, Johns is your man.
    If you like liberal legislator, Johns is your man. Look at his voting record.

  4. Tim Johns is a thoughtful, reasonable person and legislator. The world and the questions presented, in the legislature, defy simple tag lines. Tim Johns works through it. He’s earned respect in his community because he’s that kind of person. He’s effective for Lawrence County in pierre, because he’s that kind of person

    1. King Schoenbeck supporting Johns is like the cat calling the kettle black. They are both cut of the same liberal lawyer cloth. God forbid there would be greater balance in the Senate with the defeat of Tim Johns and the addition of a conservative voice! What would that do to King Schoenbeck’s grand scheme to remake the Senate in his image?

      1. The cat calling the kettle black? Not sure what that means. I would like to meet this talking cat, whatever color it may be.

  5. Blog man…you should do a legislative race breakdown with changes in districts and candidates declaring…thank you

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