SD Searchlight has article on SDGOP convention. It’s going as anticipated.

SD GOP Chair John Wiik leads discussion on GOP Platform Amendments

From S.D. Searchlight comes an article on this weeks’ Republican Convention.

It’s going about as well as expected, as members of the hard right claim to the media that they’re being sidelined and oppressed. (insert eyeroll here, and cue the world’s smallest violin):

“There is a lot of frustration from the grassroots people who have come to partake in the convention,” said Rep. Karla Lems, R-Canton, who won her primary.

She said some of those people feel party officials are attempting to sideline the everyday Republicans who make up the base of the party.


“They believe themselves to be the base, but they don’t take into account the other 80% of registered Republicans,” Powers said. “They are by no means reflective of the views of South Dakota Republicans as a whole.”

He said the allegation that some people at the convention are being sidelined is “silliness.”

“If they have the votes, they can do what they want,” Powers said.

Read that here.

It’s not often I have to point out that well-to-do legislators probably should not consider themselves oppressed in any way, but, yeah. I don’t think PAC funding Karla Lems has been sidelined or oppressed.

And everyday Republicans are not here. It’s activists only, because everyday Republicans are in the fields, watching kids play ball, and doing everything EXCEPT being at a Republican Convention on a Friday in June.

With that being said.. Then there’s Phil Jensen.

…Rep. Phil Jensen, of Rapid City, is challenging Watertown Mayor and former legislator Ried Holien for the position of national committeeman.

Jensen said party members want and deserve more deeply conservative leadership.

“I want to be a voice for the grassroots,” Jensen said. “These county parties have gotten organized so that they can be represented.”

Read that here.

As I wrote on my website yesterday, as Republicans, it should give us all pause as to what image we want to represent. Because Phil Jensen might be the worst role model to represent South Dakota Republicans. Ever.

If you are unsure what I am referring to, I have a list. And it’s not complete.

And the convention continues to roll on.

12 thoughts on “SD Searchlight has article on SDGOP convention. It’s going as anticipated.”

  1. Pat you have an excuse for every article you write and you seem to always be wrong. You get beat every time you write an article and speak and delete the comments that don’t fit your fake paid for articles grow up.

    1. Anonymous at 7:25 pm,
      here’s the thing: Phil Jensen is as dumb as a box of rocks.
      Just when you think he just can’t be as stupid as you think he is, he says something which makes you realize he’s even stupider than you thought humanly possible.
      Over the years he has never failed to astonish us. If you haven’t figured this out yet, you’re late to the party.

      1. Anon @ 5:05 PM, as of 5:05 PM on June 8th you should be aware of the latest example:
        He said he was running. He had somebody give a nominating speech on his behalf, gave a campaign speech of his own, and then announced he’s not running after all.
        Classic Phil Jensen.

  2. I have never met this Jensen fellow but from what I’ve read, he’s strictly an Insurrectionist rabble rouser who has never been a Legislator with actual legislation to propose. He’s is one of those “moral majority” types with no morals. Nothing positive would result from him being the National Committeeman.

    1. He indicated that he can tell where people are from by the shape of their skulls. If someone born in Milwaukee has a different shaped skull than someone born in Austin, TX?

  3. Word is, the Rhoden Rhangers have been mobilized and are headed to Pierre tonight, for a very, very early morning rousting for a few fellows. If you are one of those fellows, you best get out of the bar and go spiffy up. You have a rousting coming.

    1. Noem, along with all tbe other people who are willing to work with others in spite of their differences, and actually get things done, are abandoning the state party to the conspiracy theorists who don’t do anything but make noise and call everybody else RINOs.

      It’ll be okay, though. The water at the convention was laced with the new oral covid vaccine so they will never be seen again. I’ve heard Pepsi has contracted with the CDC to put the vaccine in all their products sold at the RNC convention in Milwaukee as well, and things will settle out.

  4. in nearly every road runner cartoon, there’s a moment where wile e. coyote lets his momentum carry him just a short distance past the edge of the cliff. he hangs there in mid-air as his precarious peril dawns on him and us.

    the sd republican party is there at hang time now.

    the road runner is the trump-fueled dream of a beautiful america that will exist once the real one is burnt to the ground and demolished.

    the coyote never catches the road runner.


  5. Did the Rhoden Rangers behave themselves in the Ramkota Bar and other Pierre saloons on Saturday Night??? Did Mr. Cammack participate?? They did not have much to celebrate.

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