Senate Bill 65 – The Spencer Gosch Hawaiian vacation Act – filed today

As promised last month, House and Senate Leadership filed a legislative measure to prevent outgoing legislators from taking a Hawaiian vacation on the taxpayer’s dime, after outgoing Speaker of the House Spencer Gosch did just that, and signed off on trips to Hawaii for himself after losing the primary and for State Rep. Jamie Smith who was running as a Democrat for Governor after both knew they would not be returning to the State House this January.

Senate Bill 68 provides that “The executive board shall decide whether to approve out-of-state travel and costs incurred by a member during the second year of the member’s legislative term, if the member is not eligible for reelection to the next legislative term.”


4 thoughts on “Senate Bill 65 – The Spencer Gosch Hawaiian vacation Act – filed today”

  1. Perhaps the law bill should also include “not eligible for reelection or has been crushed in a humiliating defeat.”

  2. Maybe it should been called the mark vargo act he took many trips and never was elected and knew he wasn’t coming back

  3. It’s bad form for any South Dakota politician — whether they’re ineligible for reelection or not — to take junkets to nice weather places. It stinks. Every. Stinking. Time. The people don’t owe them a tropical vacation, ever./ end of rant

  4. Richard Kelly was elected to three different political offices and proved you can get elected to 3 different offices And be ineffective in ALL three

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