In addition to begging for dollars, Ann Tornberg’s big plan is to ask people to run at the same time.

Give Democrats five bucks, and run as a Democrat for the legislature.  That’s two losing propositions for Democrats, yet, the state Democrat Party is asking that of their e-mail list in their latest, awful e-mail fundraising appeal in what seems to be continuous and weekly (weakly?) rounds of begging for dollars:


From: “Ann Tornberg” <>
Date: December 3, 2015
Subject: It starts NOW!

Day 3
Candidate Recruitment for the 2016 election starts NOW!

The South Dakota Democratic Party’s dedicated staff, officers, and volunteers are making an all-out effort to recruit 105 legislative candidates for 2016. While it won’t be an easy task, fielding candidates in all 35 legislative districts must be a priority! Here are five reasons why:

1) Each time we leave GOP incumbents unchallenged, we invite them to dump significant financial support into other legislative races where they see viable Democratic competition.

2) Each time we give GOP a “free pass” in a legislative race, we give Democrats in that District absolutely no reason to show up to vote, or perhaps even worse: Democrats and Independents start to get comfortable voting for a Republican because that is their only option.

3) Voters will turn out in a Presidential Election year. The 40 year history of voting patterns in South Dakota promises that 2016 turnout will be between a 72-78%. The Mid-term elections in 2014 had a 54% voter turnout and 2010 was 52%.

4) I sincerely believe that we are at a tipping point yearning for balance in the South Dakota legislature. One party rule has led to multiple examples of corruption, cover up, unethical behavior, tragedy of the worst degree, and finally the media seems to be paying attention. This could be our time! And,

5) Recruiting 105 legislative candidates means South Dakota Democrats are serious about bringing balance to the legislature!

Won’t you help us achieve this goal? Consider running yourself, recommend great Democrats, and encourage them to run.

Contribute to our efforts today and watch your investment pay off for a generation of South Dakotans.

Donate $5
Donate $10
Donate $15
Donate $20
Donate $2015


Ann Tornberg,

Paid for by the South Dakota Democratic Party. ( Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Did they actually sling that BS with straight faces?

It’s kind of like them claiming that they have a challenger for John Thune. It’s a lot of talk. But there’s no substance behind it, as the days keep ticking away. We’re long past them coming up with a viable candidate who has the basic commodity of time to raise the millions of dollars it takes to run a US Senate Campaign.

Now, they’re even running out of time to raid the nursing homes for a candidate as they’re apt to do!

But, a couple of counter points to Ann’s plea for help.

*Yes, it’s going to be a presidential year with a big turnout. And it’s going to be a bad, bad year for Democrats in the state which is among the top two or three where President Obama is the least popular.

*The Democrats continue to try to politicize the unfortunate deaths of people for political purposes. It was lower than low when Lora Hubbel did it. It’s not going to turn out any better for Ann Tornberg trying to run her political party’s campaign efforts on people’s graves, either.

*When Tornberg claims Republicans will “dump significant financial support into other legislative races where they see viable Democrat competition,” she’s missing a big point.

There actually has to be “viable Democrat competition.”

Because that’s kind of like going Jackalope hunting. There might be legends, and samples preserved in faux taxidermy.. but try to find “viable Democrat competition.”  You can look all darn day, and you aren’t going to find any.  And the new monthly figures from the Secretary of State show that on December 1st, SD Dems lost another 1,119 registered voters.

The problem for Democrats is that in their hard movement leftward into liberalism, they left South Dakotans behind.  They can beg for money and candidates all they want. But as we approach the campaign season, it isn’t looking good for Ann Tornberg, Obama’s cheerleader in the state.

The Democrat Party is running out of time, out of money, out of candidates, and taken all together, we can assume they’ll also be out of luck.

About THAT website.. (updated – okay, that’s enough).

Last night, I had a call to go check out Lora Hubbel’s Facebook, where it was being dropped in a comment section that a prominent Democrat’s name appeared on the Ashley Madison list, which was hitting South Dakota and had been handed off to the media.  And yes, there it was.

But looking at it makes you absolutely sick to your stomach for the person, as you know it’s not going to be pretty as it is blared in the media.

Of course, a prominent weatherman from our same state’s media had already been outed before on Twitter as an alleged client of the website, said to have spent nearly $600 on the match-making service. The story was earlier ignored, and didn’t get much notice, but will probably see new light.

The Ashley Madison list was supposedly stolen by an employee, and broadcast to the world.  But it’s status as being stolen hasn’t hindered the wave of publicity as people on the list are revealed to the world.

And now, that wave is hitting our state. And we’ll bear witness to all the destruction that goes with it.

Update – You’ll notice I’m closing the thread at the moment. I think a few of you are going past the edge of discussion, and into territory I’m not comfortable in having you venture. This is dealing with people’s lives, and speaking from experience, that’s not a puddle I have any interest in stepping into lightly.

I question whether I’m becoming kinder and gentler as time marches on. I was offered the list today, and I said thanks, but no. In other places, people have had their lives wrecked, and have even taken their lives over this information being blasted out there. An item from it was put out there yesterday, so, it’s not like you can pretend it didn’t happen.

But, there’s no need to wallow in it.

I’m not sure why Senator Phil Jensen decided to take it upon himself to become our State’s new moral authority, and not only procure the information, but to send it out. I suspect at some point, he will find himself reaping that which he has sown.

Bob Ellis abandoned GOP because we’re not manly enough for him. Maybe he should be more like Princess Elsa and “Let it go.”

According to the latest at American Clarion, I guess some of us might need to add “dually” tires to our full-size pickups, spit more tobacco, and make more fart jokes. Because BY GOSH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY ISN’T MANLY ENOUGH FOR BOB ELLIS!:

He’s exactly right. Weenies don’t fight. Wimps don’t fight. Wusses don’t fight. Oh, they’ll whine and bellyache all day long.  But have you ever seen a weenie fight a determined enemy? Have you ever seen a wimp stick his neck out to fight a vicious enemy? Have you ever seen a wuss take on tyranny?

I tried desperately (and in vain) to point this out in 2014 during the U.S. Senate race in South Dakota last year.


And some people wonder why I am no longer seen in “Republican” and “pro-family” circles and events anymore. (The smell of urine is overwhelming)

I desperately hope the people of the United States are much wiser with their choice of presidential candidates than the gutless excuse for “conservatives” and “Republicans” in South Dakota have been.

Read it here.

(Uh oh. Bob must have seen my ill-fated attempts to kill the fly pestering me at my desk while I’m trying to work today. Dammit. I wasn’t manly enough to take that sucker down. )

Between Bob’s comments today, his Rambo Jesus versus Wuss Christ declarations, and his endless obsession over gay sex, I’m just wondering how wimpified all the rest of you pasty man-boy Republicans have become to lose his support like this! Candidates – If you want his support in the 2016 election, you all had better get to working out to build those muscles, so Bob can see the pictures of you all manly & bulky and oiled up! (Thongs optional when you send those to Bob, BTW).

Seriously though, I can hardly stop laughing over the silliness of it all.  Have the Gordon Howie lapdogs like Bob Ellis just lost all connection with reality and polite society?  Between Bob Ellis talking about people being wussy, and Lora Hubbel talking about politicians needing “bigger balls,” I’ve kind of lost track of what grade we’re all supposed to be in.

Fine. They hate the Republican party. Bob voted against the Republican in the last election, and calls us all names, and Lora converted to indy. And calls us all names. We get that. Somehow, we’ll figure out a way to soldier on.

But if that going to be your position, why do they continue to rail on about it? Shouldn’t they by like the magic princess in “Frozen” (..which having a young daughter, I’ve seen far too many times), and just “Let it go.”  Of course, having mentioned that, I’m sure I’ll be told I’m introducing my kids to demons, since in the movie she has magic powers.

The point is that no one is forced to participate in Republican politics. Nope. Not at all. If a person wants to, they’re very welcome to. But don’t expect to be sat at the table when you spend your time calling people names like a 2nd grader. You’re far more likely to be mocked, and no one is going to want to play with you. Or take anything you say seriously.

There are a lot of Republicans at the grassroots who actually do drive the debate, and the direction of the party in remaining true to conservative roots. They do it every day in their communities, and as part of something bigger at the state level. But those who spend their time calling everyone names? Not so much.

They’re purely there for entertainment purposes only.

Anderson Cooper using Annette Bosworth to do hit piece on Joel Arends? (updated)

I had a reader drop me a note tonight, and had I seen it for myself, I think it would have caused a spit take:

Anderson Cooper just had Annette Bosworth on to hammer Joel Arends and his thing with Veterans for a Strong America and Trump.

(Update) And a day later – here it is –


Click on image to watch

So, one of the more liberal members of the national media has Annette Bosworth, a felon convicted of 12 counts against the electorate, who was just stripped of her license to practice medicine, should now be taken as a valid source of criticism against the attorney she unsuccessfully attempted to shift blame to in order to escape prosecution for her crimes?

What’s next? “Coming on CNN – How the Republican nomination for Governor was stolen from Lora Hubbel?”

If all the Anderson Coopers of the media have to throw against him is Annette Bosworth, I suspect we have now arrived in crazy town.

Watch the clip for yourself.  If you find Annette Bosworth a credible, reputable source, you might be inclined to believe her. Unfortunately for Boz, few people, including the 12 people who heard all the evidence, all the testimony, etcetera, bought it.  I’m sure she was all too eager to go on TV for any reason, and happy to spout whatever they wanted her to. What silliness.

Suffice it to say that Joel has done legal work for me in the past, I’m currently talking to him about a family law issue, and I anticipate I’ll use him in the future for other things. I’ve been happy with the quality of his work, and consider him honest and hard-working.

As for all the people squawking about his organization – which, despite what some claim, has a mailing list of over 500,000 – and it’s hosting of an event for a presidential candidate, it’s a whole lot of sturm und drang and little else.

Bosworth defenders peek out from under rocks to grumble about the verdict.

In the wake of Annette Bosworth having her license to practice medicine revoked by the South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners for having been convicted of multiple felonies, a couple of her defenders crawled out and started their mewling cries that an injustice has been committed.

First, Gordon Howie who abandoned the GOP to run as an independent in last years’ US Senate Race, receiving 3% of the vote:

It is nearly unbelievable.

Her “crime”? signing political petitions which contained 37 signatures she did not personally witness. For this she has been convicted of multiple felonies and now lost her medical license.

Others (many) guilty of the same “crime” are not prosecuted, even though formal complaints have been filed.

This horrific injustice perpetrated by the political, judicial and medical establishment is grievous beyond words.

Read it here.

Also defending Bosworth was an even less coherent Lora Hubbel, who last we knew abandoned the GOP to run against the Lt. Governor (receiving 4.1% of vote):

Today the Governor-appointed (not a peer review board of Doctors) Medical Board took away Annette Bosworth’s medical license. WHY? it has nothing to do with signing our out-of-statute campaign petitions. It had to do with Annette defying the 4th branch of SD Government… Satanic Sanford (well, I mean, the logo of Sanford is a Satanic symbol of a double cross and infinity sign…just look at the “o” in Sanford – but maybe they didn’t realize this…)

This was posted in June and as of yet Attorney General Marty Jekyll has not responded to my signed and notarized affidavit that insider Rep Steve Hickey did the same thing that Annette did.

AFTER the AG received my letter, I’m told Steve Hickey was in Pierre visiting with the AG. What was said? Why wasn’t I given the courtesy of even a call from the AG’s office? Where are you Little pp on this one? Still trying to sue your insurance company to pay for all your psych meds and procedures? …..and people wonder why I tell them to watch the Republicans because they are just using the label of “republican” to bamboozle all the good people of SD.

This string of crazy comes from Facebook.

If you take out the parts about Sanford Health system worshiping Satan, namecalling not worthy of a 12 year old, Marty not responding to hearsay, even though it was ‘notarized’ (LOL), and me being involved in a lawsuit I was never aware of (same first & last name, but completely different middle initial. And state.), some of Bosworth’s more vocal supporters seem to have a common thread.

Bosworth’s support is mainly coming from the disaffected, who have latched onto her like parasites, seeking to exploit her temporary time in the spotlight to try to gain some attention for themselves. They’ve tried grabbing fame and attention for themselves through politics running multiple times, but after they got a taste, and their views became publicized, the state’s electorate started rejecting them. And doing so at nearly every turn.

Howie ran and lost at the state level in two separate elections now, and Lora Hubbel managed to find a way to do it twice in one year. And when they lost, they lost badly. Their views weren’t rejected by the public at large – they were utterly and completely repudiated.   But of course, it’s not their fault of promoting views which range from being outside the mainstream to utterly batsh*t crazy.  It’s the fault of the ‘establishment.’ How dare they not throw out people from the GOP! How dare they they mock people who say ‘laying babies on their back makes them susceptible to government mind control!’

The Bosworth verdict gave her self-appointed parasites defenders an excuse to peek out from under rocks yesterday to grumble about the verdict. Big deal. For them, Bosworth’s self-inflicted plight was just an excuse to try to pick up more disaffected supporters.

And nothing more.

Lora Hubbel removed from precinct office, so Jim Bradford must be a convicted felon. ….Wait, what? (UPDATED)

I don’t go looking for this stuff, but like many of us, for me sometimes crazy just pops up in my facebook feed.

Today’s cognitive dissonance has us swinging wildly from complaints from Lora Hubbel’s (very proper) removal from precinct office when she decided to run as a candidate on a ticket against the Republican candidates for Governor & Lt. Governor…. and somehow morphs that into Republican approval of Democrat legislator Jim Bradford… with the article alleging Bradford has multiple felony convictions on his record, including armed robbery

Here’s the facebook post by Lora Hubbel who couldn’t wait to give creedence to the wild accusation, followed by the linked article:


Why is Donald Trump America’s Hero? In South Dakota his numbers are running high, especially among women who have found it nearly impossible to get some footing in the state when it comes to political leadership unless of course you follow the current leadership’s directives. Last year, Lora Hubbel ran for Precinct Captain in Minnehaha County and won by more than 73% of the vote – votes by the GOP electorate in the county. Three months later, the state GOP leadership under the direction of Craig Lawrence, the state GOP Chair, changed the bylaws and made them retroactive, stating no member may hold a GOP office if they ran under another party.


Patty Shiery ran for State Senate for the Pine Ridge, SD seat. Shiery is part Native American and Pine Ridge houses the second largest Native American population, a population who is dying. The infant mortality rate is as much as 300% higher than the national average and unemployment is 80% during parts of the year. OF AMERICA’S TOP 11 POOREST COUNTIES, 6 ARE LOCATED IN SOUTH DAKOTA – MORE THAN HALF! The seat Shiery hoped to occupy for her people was tightly coveted by State Representative James Bradford. He challenged Shiery’s petitions and the Secretary of State upheld the challenge without telling Shiery what was upheld and why she was denied a place on the ballot.


When I went to pull up Shirlee Bradford’s case file, James Bradford had an entry as well:

Who is South Dakota Senator James Bradford?

Who the hell is Ralph Woody? Same person? You tell me because Ralph Woody has been in and out of federal prisons nearly his whole life:

Missouri State Pen #48087 P.G. to stealing in Stoddard & Cape Girardeau Counties, served 09/12/1983 to 06/09/1987
Missouri State Pen #15365 P.G. to receiving stolen property in Pemiscot, served 05/17/1968 to 04/27/1971
Missouri State Pen #09916 T.C. assault with intent to maim in Scott, served 03/13/1965 to
Missouri State Pen #73239 = P.G. to armed robbery & jail break in Madison, served 01/03/1958 to 12/10/1960
Also #8410-1509 USM Sioux Falls, SD
#19965-175 USP Leavenworth, KS
#90065-132 USP Leavenworth, KS

Who is South Dakota Senator James Bradford?

Same guy? Is this the man who taught school to children? The man the state opened a case for in 2003 when he was teaching and when he was a State Rep of South Dakota at the time and said nothing?

I don’t know what agency has to come and arrest the entire administration of South Dakota, but they better get there soon! Where’s Donald Trump!

Read all of this craziness here.

This seems to be the only article originating from “MediaAgnostic,” and I suspect it’s for good reason.  I find it difficult to believe someone exhibiting this kind of disjointed train of thought has the mental capacity to lift a hand and flop it around a keyboard accurately enough to form words. Because they aren’t forming anything coherent.

I really doubt Jim Bradford would have been in a penitentiary in Missouri from 1983-1987, and the state would have not noticed it in issuing a teacher’s certificate. Nevermind the fact he obtained a degree from Sinte Gleski in 1987.

And the accusation has nothing to do with Lora Hubbel at all. Aside from it being utterly off the wall.

I’m not sure who the author “MediaAgnostic” is, but obviously they have a beef with Bradford to accuse him of being a multiple felon.

And whatever they’re smoking? They had better stop RIGHT NOW. They can’t afford to lose anymore brain cells.


I notice I hit a couple of nerves with this story.

First, under the comment section for the post, it appears that former State Representative Patty Shiery pattyshiery(or someone claiming her e-mail address) is trying to push the claim that Representative Jim Bradford is actually a convicted felon who committed armed robbery, etc.

Hint to those trying to do ridiculous BS under my comment section which could prove libelous…. Yes, I’m going to look up your e-mail that you provided, so you can take responsibility for it.

Which just happens to be the e-mail used by Patty Shiery elsewhere on the internet.

Coincidentally, about the same time I pointed this out, the author of the original article posted a screed against me, and doubled down on Representative Jim Bradford, claiming that he is a convicted felon by the name of Ralph Woody, who killed a jailer trying to escape in 1968.

There’s no evidence at the moment of the identity of “MediaAgnostic” at the moment, but I’d try three guesses as to who it is. And I’m not thinking I’d need guess #2 or #3.  But, that’s just speculation on my part.

Floridian Peter Waldron files complaint against State Rep. Steve Hickey. But shouldn’t the AG finish the petition investigation already on his plate first?

Gordon Howie is posting this AM that his Bosworth allies from out of state, specifically Peter Waldron, have filed a formal complaint against State Representative Steve Hickey, based on the Argus Leader article that ran the other day coming via Lora Hubbel’s claims.

This is the same Peter Waldron who filed a complaint with the FEC where he shamelessly lied about the Annette Bosworth prosecution involving a “Hutterite Colony Raid” which arrived in “a convoy of official state vehicles,”  and falsely claimed that 3 people interviewed by DCI didn’t vote when records show they did.

But, Howie & Waldron might have to stand in line, because the Attorney General already has a pending petition matter on his plate.   No, not Annette Bosworth. That one is almost done. I’m referring to her husband, Chad Haber.

If you recall what I wrote about it back in August of 2014:

Part of what Annette Bosworth is being prosecuted for is attesting on several petitions that she witnessed people signing them in South Dakota while she was halfway across on the other side of the planet, in the Philippines.  In other words, she signed off that she circulated nominating petitions during a time when she and Chad were in the Philippines from January 5 through the 15th.

In the batch of petitions for Annette Bosworth, there were several signed off on as having been circulated by her husband, now candidate Chad Haber.

And one of the petitions attested to as being circulated by Haber seems to have the same air of impossibility as those that have his wife in dutch:

Bosworth Nominating Petition-Haber_Page_1 Bosworth Nominating Petition-Haber_Page_2If you look on the petition, Chad signed off, under oath, that he “circulated the above petition,” and “that each signer personally signed this petition in his presence….”

Yet the date that the voters signed is marked as January 7, 2014, a date when he was said to be across the world.  The exact same thing his wife is currently in trouble for.

Read it all here.

Long before the Attorney General should even consider looking into the claims that the Bosworth people are ginning up against State Representative Steve Hickey, they have an already pending petition matter to finish.

I’m sure they have most of the evidence already in hand, so that should be an easy one.

And frankly, I suspect that the people of South Dakota are happy to have our Attorney General out prosecuting murderers and rapists first before they devote an inordinate amount of time to petition prosecutions.  I’m sure they’ll get to looking at them all eventually.

But as Howie presses for more attention to be devoted to a petition matters on a retaliatory basis, he should remember who’s first in the queue.

Now it’s Steve Hickey’s petition signatures being questioned

Dare I ask….. Here we go again?  From the Argus:

Several registered voters in Hartford who signed the petition to put state Rep. Steve Hickey’s name on the 2012 ballot say the lawmaker wasn’t present at the time, even though Hickey signed an oath that says he witnessed their signatures.


But now questions have emerged about some of the petitions Hickey submitted in 2012. Two lawmakers at the time, Sen. Deb Peters and former Rep. Bob Deelstra, reportedly collected signatures for Hickey after his original signatures were disqualified because of a technicality by Jason Gant, who was then secretary of state. However, Hickey signed the petitions indicating that he collected the signatures.


Some of the signatures submitted by Hickey were collected after a Hartford City Council meeting on March 20, 2012. Several city officials say they have no recollection of Hickey being at the meeting.


But the petitions from that year do show that he had help from Lora Hubbel, who was then a state representative. Hubbel, however, signed the petitions she circulated and had them notarized.


“My problem with Steve Hickey is he threw Annette Bosworth under the bus for something he did himself,” she said.

Read it all here.

If this is Lora making the accusation, I’d strongly consider the source. 

But it could be more problematic if the others named confirm her story.

Never a dull moment.

Howie/Hubbel accuses Hickey of Bosworthian petition violations.

You’ve got to consider the source, but this morning, Lora Hubbel is on Gordon Howie’s blog accusing State Representative Steve Hickey of not witnessing the signatures on his petitions:

What I found interesting regarding Steve Hickey’s comment, was the response it generated from Lora Hubbel:

“When I traipsed all over District 9 to get my signatures I carried a petition for you also. I got over half of what you needed and took the to your church to get notarized. WHEN I WAS THERE THE PETITION CARRIER FOR YOUR OTHER PETITIONS said that YOUR PETITIONS WERE JUST ON THE COUNTER FOR CHURCH MEMBERS TO SIGN. NO PETITION CARRIER WAS AROUND FOR ALL OF YOUR SIGNATURES. How do I know? Your petition carrier told me so.”

Read it here.

I asked Steve about it, and he noted that we really need to consider the source:

Hubbel is lashing out with whatever she can grab on to as they ramp up more diversions from the reality that Boz is a lawbreaker.

Since the 2006 abortion battle we have had and have very specific policies and protocols on my and other petition signing at the church. This is garbage at the highest level and the allegation will immediately vaporize if they want to take it to the level of asking all 54 of my petition signers. Until that point I guess it’s my word up against the word of Hubbel and Howie. South Dakota can decide.

Steve also directed me to his further comments under the Howie post, where he noted:

In 2014 my assistant was only a notary for me and didn’t collect signatures. Hubbel is probably referring to the 2012 election and the time Hubbel was in my office I was standing right there at the counter with her talking to my assistant. She is mistaken or fabricating the part about someone telling her petitions sit around our church with no circulator. Baloney. I can provide a whole lot of people to verify that doesn’t happen. In my view this is crap, typical of you and Hubbel, tossing out things about people that aren’t true.

I’ve been very clear my motive for pursuing the issue legally with the Bosworth petitions. Here’s why, Gordon…. As a Christian in the public sphere it is maddening to me that you and Boz – the most overt in displaying your Christianity – morning devotions put on youtube – are known as the most unscrupulous. It’s a horrible witness. Boz in particular. She isn’t being persecuted for righteousness sake as your recent post said. That’s ridiculous. She is getting off easy.

There are tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of dollars (including Utah) or millions (direct mail political scam fundraising), that these Haber/Bosworth people scammed from others. Jackley didn’t have the legal tools to prosecute those – now he does as we clarified the law. But it’s too late. So he is going after what he can.

The second reason I went after her was because it’s high time the SD GOP clean it’s own house and no one at the time was calling her out, including SDWC. Only Troy Jones, Lee Schoenbeck and myself in terms of GOPrs were calling her out. Others were silent probably so it wouldn’t look like it came from another senate campaign – privately they’d tell me just let her self-destruct. I said, no. We need to be the party of integrity. As an elected official I went after her because the GOP needed to show we can clean our own house. As a Christian I went after her because of her lousy witness for Christ tainting others of us Christians in the public square.

Read it here.

What are your thoughts?  Are some of us lax for not saying that some Republican candidates are unfit for office during the campaign?