In addition to begging for dollars, Ann Tornberg’s big plan is to ask people to run at the same time.
Give Democrats five bucks, and run as a Democrat for the legislature. That’s two losing propositions for Democrats, yet, the state Democrat Party is asking that of their e-mail list in their latest, awful e-mail fundraising appeal in what seems to be continuous and weekly (weakly?) rounds of begging for dollars:
From: “Ann Tornberg” <>
Date: December 3, 2015
Subject: It starts NOW!
Reply-To: info@sddp.orgDay 3
Candidate Recruitment for the 2016 election starts NOW!REDACTED,
The South Dakota Democratic Party’s dedicated staff, officers, and volunteers are making an all-out effort to recruit 105 legislative candidates for 2016. While it won’t be an easy task, fielding candidates in all 35 legislative districts must be a priority! Here are five reasons why:1) Each time we leave GOP incumbents unchallenged, we invite them to dump significant financial support into other legislative races where they see viable Democratic competition.
2) Each time we give GOP a “free pass” in a legislative race, we give Democrats in that District absolutely no reason to show up to vote, or perhaps even worse: Democrats and Independents start to get comfortable voting for a Republican because that is their only option.
3) Voters will turn out in a Presidential Election year. The 40 year history of voting patterns in South Dakota promises that 2016 turnout will be between a 72-78%. The Mid-term elections in 2014 had a 54% voter turnout and 2010 was 52%.
4) I sincerely believe that we are at a tipping point yearning for balance in the South Dakota legislature. One party rule has led to multiple examples of corruption, cover up, unethical behavior, tragedy of the worst degree, and finally the media seems to be paying attention. This could be our time! And,
5) Recruiting 105 legislative candidates means South Dakota Democrats are serious about bringing balance to the legislature!
Won’t you help us achieve this goal? Consider running yourself, recommend great Democrats, and encourage them to run.
Contribute to our efforts today and watch your investment pay off for a generation of South Dakotans.
Donate $5
Donate $10
Donate $15
Donate $20
Donate $2015
Ann Tornberg,
ChairPaid for by the South Dakota Democratic Party. ( Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Did they actually sling that BS with straight faces?
It’s kind of like them claiming that they have a challenger for John Thune. It’s a lot of talk. But there’s no substance behind it, as the days keep ticking away. We’re long past them coming up with a viable candidate who has the basic commodity of time to raise the millions of dollars it takes to run a US Senate Campaign.
Now, they’re even running out of time to raid the nursing homes for a candidate as they’re apt to do!
But, a couple of counter points to Ann’s plea for help.
*Yes, it’s going to be a presidential year with a big turnout. And it’s going to be a bad, bad year for Democrats in the state which is among the top two or three where President Obama is the least popular.
*The Democrats continue to try to politicize the unfortunate deaths of people for political purposes. It was lower than low when Lora Hubbel did it. It’s not going to turn out any better for Ann Tornberg trying to run her political party’s campaign efforts on people’s graves, either.
*When Tornberg claims Republicans will “dump significant financial support into other legislative races where they see viable Democrat competition,” she’s missing a big point.
There actually has to be “viable Democrat competition.”
Because that’s kind of like going Jackalope hunting. There might be legends, and samples preserved in faux taxidermy.. but try to find “viable Democrat competition.” You can look all darn day, and you aren’t going to find any. And the new monthly figures from the Secretary of State show that on December 1st, SD Dems lost another 1,119 registered voters.
The problem for Democrats is that in their hard movement leftward into liberalism, they left South Dakotans behind. They can beg for money and candidates all they want. But as we approach the campaign season, it isn’t looking good for Ann Tornberg, Obama’s cheerleader in the state.
The Democrat Party is running out of time, out of money, out of candidates, and taken all together, we can assume they’ll also be out of luck.
Read it here.
What are your thoughts? Are some of us lax for not saying that some Republican candidates are unfit for office during the campaign?