11 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson on Green New Deal. Because it could mean no more milkshakes.”

    1. Blazing a path?

      Somehow I don’t think that voting against your party is blazing much of anything. Except helping the Democrats.

      1. It might be that thing called integrity—-you people wouldn’t understand..

  1. I see Skyllar Borglum has a major announcement on Sunday over on her Facebook feed and asking people to type exclusive. I’d guess she thinks she may be qualified to run for higher office before even getting through year one of her term. Us Senate or Us House? Or maybe this has nothing to do with anything, but sure gives the impression of announcing a future office. Typical new legislator, no experience, try to jump into something bigger without serving her constituents first. Will be interesting to follow. Maybe Rounds isn’t running again? Because if he is, she would get crushed by him or Johnson for that matter.

    1. Trevor, my two cents is Rep. Borglum is one heck of a marketer, and her weekly FB “Borglum Briefs” brings a new level of communication and marketing skill to her constituents and others who follow her. My 100% guess is her announcement relates to a bill she is following.

  2. My guess would be this is related to a bill as well. Rep. Borglum seems to be doing a nice job. She would lack the ability to raise money or name ID for a statewide race during the next election cycle. She may be a good statewide candidate down the road. Not sure where the idea of her already running for something else would be coming from. Agree with Fred, this is probably bill related and she’s working to get an audience for that. But here we go with 2020 rumors..

  3. Smart use of a little comedy to get his message noticed. It worked to get his clip shared.

  4. Sounds like Dusty is desperate to look like a Republican again after showing his true colors just the other day. We are not that easily distracted Dusty.

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