Crushing loss in District 9 Senate race “gauge for another race” for Lora Hubbel

Running for D9 Senate and getting badly beaten was a “gauge for another race?” I suspect Lora could have stuck a knife in an electrical outlet for a similar measure on how running another political race is going to go.

(Are we taking bets on how many days until Lora switches parties again?)

13 thoughts on “Crushing loss in District 9 Senate race “gauge for another race” for Lora Hubbel”

  1. Ah, always looking for the silver lining. You have to admire the optimism if not the “reasoning”.

  2. There has to be a party for the deranged. She would make the perfect standard bearer.

  3. Lora Hubbel is to South Dakota what Jim Mowrer is to Iowa. The perpetual candidate. The perpetual loser.

    1. So what you are saying is just give up. I don’t think that is in her DNA.

      1. Or, just perhaps, participate in some introspection and try to learn what about her and her platform isn’t resonating with voters. You know, the people who keep rejecting her. And when they explicitly tell her, maybe stop sticking her head in the sand and actually listen.

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