This is breaking from KELOland News…

South Dakota Democratic Party chair Paula Hawks and executive director Stacey Burnette resigned from their positions on Wednesday, KELOLAND News has confirmed.

The two have only served for a few months.


KELOLAND News spoke with vice-chair Randy Seiler on Wednesday. He said according to the party’s constitution, he is now in charge. Seiler didn’t give a reason for the resignations.

“The South Dakota Democratic Party is bigger than any one or two individuals

Read that here at KELOland

This comes after news that Democrats were sinking further in the hole. Amazing.


  1. Code Blue

    New Approach SD and the potheads hijacked what was left of the party, the abrasive hard lefties and of course that “out of state name caller blog” up there in Aberdeen helped kill off what was left of the SDDP.


    Randy Seiler is the new SDDP chair.

    We have a heartbeat. Patient should remain in ICU.

  2. “South Dakota Democratic Party chair Paula Hawks and executive director Stacey Burnette resigned from their positions on Wednesday, KELOLAND News has confirmed.”

    Granted, I speak from limited experience, but my impression was that these two were & are honest liberals, embracing radical positions but exhibiting rather less hypocrisy and duplicity than the codological coastal elites who dominate the DNC. Hawks had the gumption to admit that “there has clearly been a lack of oversight in the financial management of SDDP” and Burnette, speaking on KDLT, was equally forthright about the skulduggery & monetary misdeeds. Consequently, I’d say these two key resignations bode ill for the party’s 2020 prospects. On the other hand, Randy Seiler appears to be an intelligent guy. He ran an effective 2018 campaign, but running the whole party is a monstrous job for any one person to undertake. To dig out of the grave, he’ll need to raise at least 50K and I’m not 100% percent sure that’s all they owe. The zombie democratic establishment is rotten from the top down. Seemingly all the Hillary Clinton insiders were corrupt. They cheated & stole the primary from Sanders. They laundered illegal cash through the state parties. They withheld/ destroyed evidence. They solicited bribes from our nation’s enemies. I’d love to see a brash outsider, such as Tusi Gabbard, get in there and clean house. Of course, they label her a Russian agent. Yes, I know. Not all members of Trump’s team have proven themselves paragons of incorruptibility. Tom Price, like Hunter Biden, seemed overly fond of private jet travel. Manafort, to cite another example, was guilty — although I note Clinton’s cronies & influence peddlers have by and large escaped jail despite similar sins.

  3. Randy Sieler, an absolute loser, whatever money he raises will likely be spent on drag queen festivals. Good grief he’s another in an exceptional line of failures, did you see the last election?

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