Democrats tell Argus Leader that ‘announcement’ on Gov’s race ‘is near.’

From the Argus Leader this morning comes some light humor from Democrats on their hunt for a standard bearer to take on Governor Kristi Noem:

Noem this fall formally announced her candidacy in the November election. And while the 50-year-old Republican doesn’t yet have a declared Democratic challenger, state party officials say an announcement is near.

Read it here.

Ten months ago, and again more recently, SDDP Chair Randy Seiler was talking about being ‘optimistic’ about the future, and was talking about having candidates for US Senate, Governor, and Congress.

Fast forward, and they have a life-long Indy as their US Senate Candidate who talks about making states raise taxes, no candidate for Governor on the horizon, and they’ve outsourced their search for a Congressional candidate.

Try not to hold your breath waiting for those promised candidates. They’ve been saying the same thing for nearly a year now, and not surprisingly, have yet to produce.

11 thoughts on “Democrats tell Argus Leader that ‘announcement’ on Gov’s race ‘is near.’”

  1. After negotiations Lora Hubbel will run as a Democrat being that this is the only party she has not run as yet? Desperate times for some.

  2. The busboy from Littleton Colorado would need to be a resident for two years. Someone would need to drive him around since he cannt drive. Nursing homes? Department of corrections? Not many Dems left in the state.

      1. Mr. Nesiba, who doesn’t need those pants, will puppetmaster his close personal friend Ms. Duba, who does, and who will do better than expected in the debates with Mr. Nesiba’s coaching. Ms. Duba will go on to lose, 86% to 13%. 1% for the Libertarian ticket of Newland/grudznick.

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