10 thoughts on “Double ballots, anyone?”

  1. Just because someone says something doesn’t make it so. Someone might be getting set up if true.
    Have you verified the validity of this Pat ?

  2. Charlie is right. Also, if it did happen, it is most likely a simple mistake. The people who work in the Auditor’s office are human. Now, if there was a large number of people reporting that they received two ballots, it would merit attention. But we shouldn’t be amplifying one person’s Reddit post.

  3. I thought absentee voting was fine and safe?

    Also, if this were happening in SD, wouldn’t it pretty obviously be being done by republicans?

    Clearly a hoax.

  4. Breaking news, I received a single ballot in the mail. I was quite happy to see a third option for presidential pick. Should I post that on reddit?

  5. Another conspiracy theory. My mailbox had 2 ballots in it today. One addressed to me and one addressed to my wife. Of course we made earlier requests for them, separately. Examine the paper (the ballot), it is heavy and the texture is a bit coarse rather than extremely glossy as most computer paper is today, making it bit more difficult to slide efficiently. I would suggest if this really happened that there is a good possibility that it could have happened in the past. Also I would contend that if an election official found 2 completed ballots in one envelope they would probably be considered spoiled ballots. In would also add that in the realm of reality, an individual could easily receive 2 ballots unintentionally at the polling place on election day which would make it nearly impossible to detect. So much for the theory, but I would be more concerned of a polling place error, than the absentee ballot issue. Everything is ripe for fraud, let’s hope elections never come to the internet, that is when you will really have cause for concern.

  6. Regardless of how how many ballots you receive, it is still illegal to vote twice (even in South Dakota). Anyone concerned this is going to result in significant fraud is ignorant.

  7. Update, my absentee ballot has been received, tracking available through SD SOS. Pretty cool feature.

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