How did I forget this? The New Kristi Noem for Governor pin!

How did I forget this during the convention?  This was a particularly exciting “get” because these are limited in number.  You can get one, but they’re reserved for volunteers.

This is the official Kristi Noem for Governor campaign pin for the 2018 campaign, pictured below the 2016 Kristi for Congress pin, and the Haeder for State Treasurer pin on my daughter’s bulletin board:

2 thoughts on “How did I forget this? The New Kristi Noem for Governor pin!”

  1. They are great looking pins and definitely worth hanging on to! I had an ‘out of state’ friend who saw one that I had from the SDGOP convention that I thought of as a little treasure. Interestingly he asked if he could ‘have’ it! So, I let it go, reluctantly. More to come hopefully!

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