Latest numbers on Sanford COVID-19 Hospitalizations

I missed a week, but here are the latest numbers for COVID-19 Hospitalization from the Sanford Health Care system…

It appears that numbers of hospitalized are down slightly, but up a bit in the ICU and on ventilators.


33 thoughts on “Latest numbers on Sanford COVID-19 Hospitalizations”

  1. Did you hear about the Univ. of Calif – Berkeley football team and their Covid outbreak? Google it, several articles including San Francisco Chronical. 99% fully vacinated but 44 of the players now have covid.

    1. Being required to quarantine and needing mechanical ventilation are two different things.

      lots of vaccinated people are having positive covid tests but they aren’t getting sick.
      The practice of testing people who are not sick is making the pandemic sound worse than it is. And the only reason for testing people who aren’t sick is to force them into quarantine in order to protect the unvaccinated. It’s time to stop worrying about unvaccinated people. If they don’t want to be vaccinated, leave them alone. just make them assume all responsibility for their foolishness.

      1. Like smokers, heavy drinkers and heavy eaters?
        We know the long term effects of over eating and smoking.

        Just be consistent

        1. when I worked at Smithfield the policy was that sick leave benefits were not payable to people who caused their own illnesses and injuries. This included a denial of sick leave to victims of domestic abuse who did not file charges against the people who injured them. As a result of that, we had a problem with women who would come in on Monday mornings with notes from an ER doctor they had seen over the weekend, wanting to file work comp claims and alleging they were injured at work the previous week but nobody saw anything and nothing was reported at the time. It wasn’t hard to figure out what happened but proving it was difficult.

  2. It does seem that the unvaccinated and un-immunized shall soon rid ourselves of their annoyance in the lines for breakfast.

  3. Biden needs to forget the mandates. All those 100 million antivaxxers will get Covid and over a million will die. They are all trumpers and their loss is the nation’s gain.the natIQ would go up a full point!!

    1. trump got the vax and encouraged his supporters to do the same. many of those who have declined the jabs are not trump supporters

  4. If this data was stratified by age and underlying condition it would be useful. Without that information, it’s not particularly helpful and does seem intended to manipulate.

    Also, how many of these unvaccinated were previously infected, recovered, then infected again?

    1. According to the CDC, no data showing unvaxxed covid survivors have ever caught covid again and in turn spread it to a vaxxed person.

  5. Thanks ANTI-VAXXER Conspiracy theorists including those nutty blue/red state refugees that not only place everyone in endanger but will drag this pandemic on far longer than it needed to be.

  6. Troy! I’ve been missing those drive-by insults and conspiracy theories. You represent a lot of folks out there.

  7. For some reason, I can’t see the chart on my phone today, but last week the numbers were enlightening.

    Even though the unvaccinated represent only 30 percent of the adult population, they account for 93 percent of ICU and ventilated patients at Sanford facilities. But, of course, some of you refuse to see it.

    You’d rather point to some football team that gets Covid with mild symptoms after vaccination as some kind of proof… of something.

    1. I think we all agree the vaccine lessens symptoms, Elk. But it doesn’t prevent transmission or confer immunity, so it’s not really much of a “vaccine” at all.

      Besides, the new definition of “fully vaxxed” is three shots (and counting). Do you even qualify?

      1. The vaccine isn’t perfect but look at those numbers. How do intelligent people look at them and see no significant benefit to vaccination?

        I assume all of you had basic math.

      2. Actually, it is a “vaccine” because the CDC changed the definition of vaccine to make it fit the reality.

  8. Meanwhile, in the UK, all-cause mortality the last six months for ages 10-59 has been TWICE the rate in vaccinated persons as unvaccinated. That’s the UK’s own data. Download it’s excel sheet here, see table 4.

    Why is this the case? This is an obvious question. Just asking. Maybe Sanford can make a graphic that answers it.

    Back to Sanford’s little red stick-men graphic. Sanford needs to break down their stats by age/co-morbidity. Also — provide data, if it exists, on six-month trends in other maladies (cardiac events, thrombosis, stroke) broken down by vax/not vax.

    Share all relevant data, Sanford. Let the full dataset speak for itself instead of treating people like children with these low-value, cartoon graphics. What a joke.

    1. you UK data is weird
      I looked at table 2 in your link for vaccination status/all deaths
      and it says the mortality rate per 100,000 was 22.9 in the unvaccinated group, “u” (unknown I guess) in the group that was less than 21 days after their first shot, 49.2 who went over 21 days, and then 15.5 after their second shot.

      1. I can only guess that the reason the mortality rate is so high in the people who went over 21 days without getting their second shot was that something happened to them, like a serious illness or injury, so they didn’t get their second shot when they were supposed to.
        But comparing overall mortality rates of death by all causes, unvaccinated vs fully (2 doses,) the unvaccinated have a higher mortality rate, 22.9 vs 15.5

  9. Bottom line, the vaccine is a CHOICE. Many people have differing reasons not to take the vaccine. Many have natural immunity. Many believe the vaccine is not completely safe. Some are saying why take the vaccine when 99.8% of people who contract the disease survive it? Many people who are against the mandates have had the vaccine, but believe a person has the right to choose what is put into his body. Not everybody gets a flu shot either, but I don’t see them being hounded like they are for the china flu.

    1. There are good reasons for employers to require vaccination: sick employees cost them a lot of money: sick leave for the ones who are sick, overtime for the ones who are not, and higher health insurance costs for the group. Again, the Medical Loss Ratio Rebate provision of the Affordable Care Act rears its ugly head, incentivizing employers to rid themselves of employees who don’t take good care of themselves or suffer from expensive chronic illnesses.
      One employee on a ventilator for a couple of weeks can run up bills over $1,000,000.
      If they refused to be vaccinated they should have to pay for it themselves.

      1. Anne — These are fair points, but still don’t justify the one-size-fits all approach. Such a policy doesn’t account for natural immunity, which the massive data from Israel has validated. Nor does a blanket mandate account for the fact that huge numbers of employees (ie healthy 20-50 year olds) are a very, very low risk of being put on a ventilator if they get covid.

        Question: Since your focus is on the financial cost for employers, what about potential financial costs to employees who comply….do you favor employer financial tort liability for employees that experience an adverse side effect?

      2. So are you in favor of employers telling employees they have to get a flu shot? If they get the flu and did not get vaccinated, they should have to pay for any hospitalization?
        Maybe you are in favor of telling women they have to be on birth control? If she does not use birth control, she should have to pay for her own maternity care? And if she needs a Caesarian proceedure? Maybe if an employee is obese they should have to go on a diet and exercise program? If that employee has a heart attack that person should have to pay for their own emergency and aftercare? There are certain things that are none of a business’ business. This is one of them. I am with Winsome Sears on this one. Whatever your status is, is your own business.

        1. The Affordable Care Act incentivizes employers to get rid of expensive employees.
          Since businesses are in business to make money, they have to pay attention.
          You might think it’s none of your employers’ business how you manage your health but the ACA says otherwise: your employer gets a rebate on health insurance premiums if the employees don’t run up expenses. The healthier the employees the bigger the rebate check.
          The democrats had the looney idea that this would incentivize employers to have smoking cessation programs, give their staff health club and gym memberships, and serve healthier food in the cafeteria.
          What employers are doing instead, they get rid of the people who have expensive chronic conditions, or they just don’t hire them in the first place. And now they will fire you if you don’t get vaccinated.
          Your health is now your employer’s business whether you like it or not.
          You can complain about it till the cows come home but it won’t change. The Republicans could have repealed that thing in 2017 but they didn’t do it.

    1. Very interesting. Good reporting, to dig up data from across the country like that. *If only we had a national public health body whose job it was to make good, comprehensive data available!* “Data sets differ in how they count Covid-19 hospitalizations. Epic Health Research Network researchers included people with confirmed cases who were admitted to hospitals for Covid-19, while Truveta included Covid-19 positive people who might be hospitalized for other reasons.” Wonder which of these categories Sanford falls into? Notice their chart counts people “with” covid, not hospitalized from or by covid.

    2. shocking plot twist: data which shows people with chronic dysfunction of their immune systems are more likely to have break-through infections!

      Who would have thought people whose immune systems have gone awry might not receive the full benefit of a vaccination? Everybody over 65 who already got that memo about getting a high-dose flu shot? Everybody with arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and every other auto-immune disease? You think we might already know about this?
      Wow. what a plot twist!

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