ND Reporter does deep dive on new NDGOP Exec. Director Dave Roetman’s social media. It is not a good look.

Rob Port with InForum newspapers in North Dakota has a new article out this afternoon about the North Dakota Republican Party’s new Executive Director, and ex-chair of the Minnehaha County GOP, Dave Roetman.  And it’s a doozy.

Apparently Rob went through Roetman’s twitter account, and found the type of things that a person really does not want to have come out about their conduct on Twitter.

On X (formerly twitter), Mr. Roetman was a frequent commenter on photos of women in various states of undress, often commenting, “she seems nice.”

In other posts, Roetman was openly disparaging of women.

“Here’s a quarter, keep it between your knees,” he said in response to a post about a woman seeking relationship advice. He endorsed groping women, and in response to another user’s post about whether an attractive woman in a photograph could make sandwiches, made a crude quip about making pies.


Roetman also made bigoted comments about race. In response to a news article about Black Americans leaving the country, he posted a meme saying, “Well…bye.”


You can view the nearly 100 images I captured from his account here. I’ll warn you, again, that these images are offensive and often quite risque.

When I reached him for comment about these posts, asking if he felt they represented appropriate behavior for a party leader, Roetman was unapologetic. “I am a man who stands by his words,” he said in an emailed reply.

Read the entire story here.

Oh my!  That’s not good.

And lest you think the stuff Rob pulled off of twitter is ancient, Dave’s endorsement of the groping of a woman’s breasts was dated September 17th.. as in a month ago.

This might be the shortest tenure ever for a North Dakota GOP Executive Director.

58 thoughts on “ND Reporter does deep dive on new NDGOP Exec. Director Dave Roetman’s social media. It is not a good look.”

    1. rob port captured them, and it’s his job to sift peoples’ garbage to find the truth. so please don’t make a dramatic show of getting skeeved out over this.

    2. It’s even creepier that this POS Roetman proclaims to helm the party of family values. Turns out he’s just another wolf in sheep’s clothing.

      1. Too many “wolves in sheep clothing” to count in the GOP though, not sure if it isn’t just more of a norm that most hide well. Consider Kristi’s friend from congress, Jason Smith.

    3. The job of the Executive Director is to raise money and get Republicans elected. I don’t know a lot of donors who want to write checks to a Party that employs someone who’s lecherous and disparaging towards women.

      What’s more, any candidate that is tied to him will be tarnished as a result. Having a professional connection with him, much less a personal friendship with him, would definitely would open the door to you yourself being attacked as a result of your association. Considering the nature just of these 100+ posts, when it comes to voters, those are blows that will land.

            1. Good one! Does it bother you they have Trump on tape saying that? Get back to your mom’s basement.

              1. Nope…doesn’t bother me at all. Does it bother you that you are a loser? Obviously not.

                1. Oh no, a basement dweller called me a name. You are in the cult of losers led by the biggest loser of them all. He lost to a senile old man.

            2. It’s the weird poop guy! Was worried you wouldn’t show up with your juvenile insults!

    1. That’s not cancel culture. I think if you take a poll of Republican women, you’ll find plenty of strong, conservative Republican women who don’t think that being a woman automatically means they are sex objects put on this planet for Dave Roetman’s pleasure.
      They don’t have a problem with the vast majority of men. They do have a problem with dirty old men.

    2. people who blithely use the term ‘uniparty’ are telling us they are ready to destroy the two-party process of exploring their common ground, as a ploy to destroy all common ground as a means to empower their otherwise shut-out powerless splinter group. like what trump and his hyenas are currently doing. like all emerging oligarchies, they want common ground to be “where we order you to stand.” that’s not america folks.

    1. That chair can’t claim ignorance any more. If she lowers ways with Roetman, we’ll know she made a mistake and didn’t vet him before hiring him. If she sticks with him, then the only explanation can be that she thinks this type of behavior is at least tolerable ….possibly even acceptable.

      If she goes that path, I suspect this decision will be her undoing.

  1. Anon at 6:24 has diagnosed the problem….either the committee doing the hiring did no vetting or they share Mr. Roetman’s deplorable attitudes.

  2. The Family Values Party. Is Dave still podcasting at the Patriot Ripple? He could have Governor Noem and Cory L. on the show.

  3. I’m confused on the post that shows a picture of a giant sausage. It has the caption “uncle Dave’s sausage” Dave says “I can confirm”

    What does that mean and is the post actually about a sausage?

  4. This isn’t too shocking. Dave and his circle of buddies have a reputation of being creeps. The young conservative women of SD are thankful he’s gone. Women of ND: you’ve been notified.

  5. Will you give Schoenbeck’s texts to Josh Haeder the same litmus test. I would really appreciate that.

    1. So you’re saying because Lee was rude to Haeder, it’s okay for Roetman to be offensive to women and other races? Wow. Can Lee’s rudeness get me out of paying taxes, too?

      Roetman is a creep. Young Republican women tell each other cautionary tales about Roetman. They bond by swapping stories about his inappropriate behavior towards them. There are a lot of women who have been driven away from being involved in the Party (volunteering, running for office, etc) because they feel so uncomfortable around him.

      1. Mr. Schoenbeck is mostly understood, and Mr. Haeder, also a swell fellow, is probably not the sort of fellow women will probably flock towards for comfort. I’m just sayin…

  6. When questioned, DR wasn’t even apologetic! He actually doubled down on his 100+ posted comments.

    If he posts all that online, you can imagine what he says in conversation!

  7. Roetman has a key acting role in The Rise Of The Morons.

    Chaos and disruption. They know how to do that. But to actually govern? Not a clue.

  8. Anonymous at 5:09…..yup. Its a tragedy. In their zeal to violently yank the GOP to the hard right, they will take it entirely down. The MAGA and trump are celebrating his and their power in the primaries. But i am reminded of the guy who jumped off a building and as he went by the 16th floor, someone yelled out a window….”How are you doing?” And the jumper replied, “SO FAR SO GOOOOOD!”

    big splat November ’24.

  9. The NDGOP really should have looked at what happened to fundraising at Minnehaha County GOP and the SDGOP after Roetman got involved. I am a central committee member and remember the meeting in Pierre when Lederman was elected chair with Dave’s help…and Dave was talking about all the money he was going to raise including going out-of-state to raise money…well after they burned through the hundreds of thousands in the bank account left by the prior leadership, they left the party in shambles- no money, no office, and no staff. I remember the meeting in Chamberlain when they reported the SDGOP only had $25,000 COH. Saddle up NDGOP and get ready for a wild ride that is not going to end well. Once Dave is done with your party, nobody is going to want to contribute.

  10. Our Party espouses Male, MAGA values. It is becoming an uncomfortable place for women who do not idolize Trump. Without these very proactive Republican women, the Party’s future is in doubt, even with our huge majority.

  11. “AI Generated and Curated by”

    One of the more frequent floaters out of the dakota septic tank…aka the hamburger flipping moron from colorado?

  12. If this comes down to a haircut fight, which grudznick expects it will, Mr. Schoenbeck wins. 3-2. Header could do better if he just let it all grow out and went back to his old comb-over, and sported a full on ‘stache like that friend of his, Mr. Deffenbaugh. You don’t sport the bald-over or the ‘stache of Mr. Deffenbaugh without being a bit sure of yourself, but Mr. Schoenbeck is the fellow who has the hair and who did some real stuff.

    grudznick votes Schoenbeck.

  13. The articles on Dave Roetman, published on both the War College and InForum websites, could be featured on CNN, MSNBC or the New York Times. They are hit pieces that use standard leftist tactics. They assert that Dave is both a racist and a misogynist. The “evidence” for these accusations is reportedly contained in “dozens and dozens of ignorant social media posts.” Dave neither apologized nor deleted the posts. He committed a further “offense” by stating that he stands by them. He is in effect saying that he has nothing to hide. Somehow the non-deletion of his social posts, thereby allowing people to read them and decide for themselves, is spun by the authors of the hit pieces as further evidence of guilt?

    The selected posts, given as “evidence” for the accusations, show nothing of the kind. Anyone that has spent time reading and posting political opinions on social media knows that it’s not an activity for wall flowers. Dave is unafraid to give or defend conservative opinions and criticize leftist ones. I opened and read about 20 of the “offending” posts. They are not “ignorant”, as the articles assert, but instead typically witty and sharp–appropriate for the given forum. They do not show him to be either a racist or misogynist.

    I personally know Dave. He is not a racist or misogynist but rather an intelligent person of good moral character. He works in the rough and tumble world of politics. That is a world where truth is frequently ignored and replaced with false or misleading information. We’re seeing an example of that with these articles.

    1. i imagine that there is a certain standard of comportment for executive directors, which some feel is not being met by engaging in ‘tough talk’ and putting your personal opinions way out there, and then expecting people to separate it from your very public-relations oriented employment. ‘not a good look’ is a comment made on this series of stories which will stand as highly accurate.

    2. Gary says: “They are not “ignorant”, as the articles assert, but instead typically witty and sharp–appropriate for the given forum.”

      Dave Roetman Idiotic tweet

      Was this Roetman Tweet supposed to be one of the witty and sharp ones?

      1. Yes I do. It appears that Dave responded to a photo of a woman being groped with a photo of a line of men that are approvingly watching. I haven’t reviewed the thread from which this came. But it’s clearly intended to be humorous. In humor people aren’t telling you what they believe, or what you should believe, but rather something that is funny. You may personally not think it’s funny. However, your feelings don’t matter. These photos in no way show that Dave approves of groping, misogyny, racism or anything else. It’s been widely reported that the left has destroyed comedy in this country by calling out comedians that use “politically incorrect” material. The left gains power by effectively restricting freedom of speech for comedians and thereby, to a lesser extent, everyone else. You’re using the same tactic on a fellow Republican.

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