Noem’s Anti-Trafficking Legislation Passes Senate

Noem’s Anti-Trafficking Legislation Passes Senate

kristi noem headshot May 21 2014Washington, D.C. – Representative Kristi Noem today applauded the U.S. Senate for passing a sweeping anti-trafficking package, which includes legislation the congresswoman authored to help ensure shelters and facilities looking to provide housing for trafficking survivors have access to critical funding, among other things.

“Trafficking victims and survivors have been exposed to the worst of humanity,” said Noem.  “We have a fundamental responsibility to protect these young people, and when such efforts fail, we must help intervene and assist victims in the healing process.  I’m hopeful my legislation and the additional provisions passed by the Senate today will help facilitate prevention, intervention and recovery efforts to protect those involved or at risk of becoming involved in this criminal industry.  I applaud the Senate for today’s step forward.”

Rep. Noem’s language was first introduced as the Human Trafficking, Prevention, Intervention and Recovery Act in 2014. It passed the U.S. House of Representatives in both 2014 and 2015, but was not taken up by the Senate until now. The Congresswoman’s legislation takes a three-pronged approach in combatting human trafficking:

  • Improves existing Department of Justice grants, ensuring the grants support shelters for survivors.  Currently, there are just 200 beds available in the United States for underage victims.
  • Launches a review by the Interagency Task-Force to Monitor and Combat Traffickingthat will look into federal and state trafficking prevention activities.  The review will be done in consultation with nongovernmental organizations and will work to identify and develop best practices to prevent trafficking.
  • Requires an inventory of existing federal anti-trafficking efforts by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office to make sure all federal agencies and programs work together and that federal resources are being targeted where needed.


Mike Huether vanity ads for Sioux Falls web site criticized as big campaign ads

From, it isn’t being missed that Mayor Mike Huether is likely to be campaigning for higher office at some point in the future. And many people think he’s already doing it at taxpayer expense:

“It looks like somebody’s campaign ad,” said Councilor Michelle Erpenbach, who voted in favor of funding the website Tuesday but criticized the ads promoting it.


“My first reaction (to the ads) is ‘Really?’ We have somebody who probably has other political aspirations having billboards all over our community when we could (use) somebody … who needs to hire people,” she told the council ahead of its Tuesday night approval of a $39,000 web maintenance contract for

Aside from business owners, millennials and immigrants could serve the website better than using images of the mayor, she said.

“I don’t want my taxpayer dollars spent on promoting one person,” Riter said. “I want them to promote, really, our community and what we are trying to do with jobs.”

Read it all here.

Just in time for Earth Day – Yankton County Commission endorses Keystone XL

Hey – great Earth Day news. The Yankton County Commission, recognizing that transport by pipeline is far safer than truck or train, is endorsing the Keystone XL Pipeline’s construction. According to WNAX:

The Yankton County Commission passed a resolution in support of Trans Canada and the Keystone XL pipeline.

Mark Johnson, with Trans Canada, says they are looking for backing in advance of the next round of hearings on the re-certification of the XL route before the Public Utilities Commission next month…

Read (And listen to) it here.

Rounds part of Tea Party Solutions Book

From a Release:

RELEASED: Tea Party Solutions Book
Includes submissions from Senators Rounds,  Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and
30 Other Members of Congress, Foreword by Steve Forbes

Washington, D.C. – Contrary to the common narrative regarding the Tea Party movement as being against everything, conservative Members of Congress are offering up dozens of new ideas to solve America’s economic woes. Tea Party Express released a new book titled, “Tea Party Solutions for America: Congressional Plans for Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth,” which highlights some of these ideas.

The book is being released digitally at – a domain hosted by the new social publishing platform, The 33 different articles will be released over a three-week period as part of a special digital publication, however, journalist may download the book in its entirity by clicking here. Senator Rounds’s piece my be viewed digitally here. The public may also request a hard copy of the book at

Tea Party Express Executive Director Taylor Budowich said, The Tea Party movement has been successful in electing an unprecedented number of conservatives to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.  Republicans now enjoy more Members of Congress since 1928.  Our goal is not just to elect people to office, but to change the policies in Washington.  The call from the Tea Party movement has been to reduce the size, cost and intrusiveness of the federal government, rein in the national debt, and end anti-growth tax and regulatory policies that are denying too many people their share of the American Dream.

“The electoral success is not the ultimate goal.  The Tea Party Express was created as a political action committee to change the players in Washington as the means to change the policies.  Ultimately, the Tea Party’s contribution and success should be measured by the ideas to reform government that are introduced, debated and enacted into law.  The first step was Congressional control, and the final step will be winning the White House in 2016.  Now, however, is the time to bring forward the new ideas that will transform our government to be more responsive to the American people and provide for less government and more dynamic economic growth.

“Now, after finishing the sweep of Congress, this book unveils the fresh, conservative, idea-based face of the new GOP. While some have tried to define the Tea Party with labels, the truth is that it’s a movement driven by ideas. That’s why some in the media may be surprised at the broad range of contributors we’ve included in this book. Republicans from every corner of the nation, with different backgrounds and constituencies, are all championing Tea Party ideas.

“Since the Tea Party’s inception, activists have capitalized on the democratizing nature of digital platforms to organize events and share ideas. That’s why, along with the physical copy of the book that we will be making available for free, we are utilizing, an innovative social publishing platform, to release this book digitally. will serve as an online publication, providing the individual authors with the ability to deliver their ideas directly to their constituents.

“This book does not include every idea out there, nor does it try to suggest that there is only one viable solution to a problem. However, with so many in the media falsely characterizing the Tea Party by claiming that the movement should be defined by our opposition to a reckless growth of government, this book presents many thoughtful, Tea Party solutions to problems that face America,” Budowich concluded.

The following are contributors to the book:

Senator Steve Daines (MT) Senator John Barrasso, M.D. (WY) Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-1) Congressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-3)
Senator Rob Portman (OH) Senator Jeff Sessions (AL) Congressman Steve Scalise (LA-1) Congressman Markwayne Mullin (OK-2) Congressman Dave Brat (VA-7)
Senator Rand Paul (KY) Senator Chuck Grassley (IA) Congressman Steve King (IA-4) Congressman Louie Gohmert (TX-1) Congressman Curt Clawson (FL-19)
Senator Mike Rounds (SD) Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins (KS-2) Congressman Scott Perry (PA-4) Congressman John Fleming, M.D. (LA-4) Congressman Brad Wenstrup (OH-2)
Senator Mike Lee (UT) Congresssman Ted S. Yoho (FL-3) Congressman Rodney Davis (IL-13) Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-5) Congressman Bob Goodlatte (VA-6)
Senator Mike Enzi (WY) Congressman Tom Price, M.D. (GA-6) Congressman Pete Olson (TX-22) Congressman Jim Jordan (OH-4) Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-3)
Senator Marco Rubio (FL) Congressman Tom Graves (GA-14) Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) Congressman Jim Bridenstine (OK-1) Congressman Dave Brat (VA-7)


Senate GOP Caucus to meet May 9th; President Pro Temp Corey Brown to seek Maj. Leader position.

After an unexpected void was created in South Dakota GOP Senate Leadership by the twin resignations of Assistant Majority Leader Dan Lederman, and Majority Leader Tim Rave a day later, many have been have been wondering who is going to take the reins, and when the decision is going to be made.

Well, wait no more.  The word I’m getting is that the Republican Senators are tentatively planning to caucus in about 2 1/2 weeks on May 9th to choose who will assume those positions.

brownAnd, while the list of those who are running is still rumbling quietly, one of those I’ve been able to confirm will be running is President Pro Temp Corey Brown who will be seeking the Senate Majority Leader position.

In my mind, that’s actually the best of all scenarios, allowing an experienced hand to manage caucus affairs while bringing others who might  be in whip positions up to speed to be ready to lead the following year. It sounds as if the decision was made with a bit of reluctance, as Brown noted to me that “it wasn’t an easy decision,” but serving in the majority leader role is “better for the caucus.”

We’ll find out who else might be running, and how the caucus will reconfigure in the coming days. So, keep your bookmarks at SDWC for the latest on what’s happening in caucus elections!

I smiled when I saw the listing for “several megaphones”

I was noticing on the Argus Leader web site this morning that there’s a huge auction coming up on Saturday in Brandon. I’ve got family from out of state in town this weekend, otherwise, I’m sure I’d be there.

And I have to admit I smiled when I saw that included in the property were “several megaphones.”


We will offer the following personal property located at 26437 481st Ave., (N. Hwy. #11), Brandon, SD or from the Brandon Exit #406 on I-90 – 4 miles south on Splitrock Blvd. (Hwy. 11 – just 1 mile S of Husets Speedway) or from the Jct. of Hwys. #11 & #42 – 2 miles north; from Sioux Falls, SD – (Jct. of E. 10th St. & S. Hwy. #11) – 3 miles east on Hwy. #42 and 2 miles north on 481st Ave.

AUCTIONEERS NOTE:  This auction has something for everyone!  This will be a very interesting auction with a wide variety of items – Note 2 Rings will be utilized throughout a good portion of this auction!  Make plans to come spend the day.  A spacious Parking Area will be off of Hwy. #11 in the pasture located directly south of the farmstead. 


PROFESSIONAL SOUND & CIVL DEFENSE TYPE EQUIPMENT, 8′ CHANGEABLE SIGN w/LETTERS & MISC.:  2 Lg. UBL Mdl. 4699B Professional Series Speakers; 4 Mackie SRS 1560 Active Subwoofer Speakers; 2 JBL 3 Way Speakers; 3 Mackie SRM 450 Active Sound Reinforc. Monitor System; Anchor Audio Megavox PV-35 Loudspeaker; Galls Street Thunder Megaphone; Several Megaphones; Stereo Equip.; Cyclops 14 Million Candlepower Spotlite; 2 Speaker Tripods; 12V Recharg. Spotlites; Fuel Operated Safety Flares; 8′ Light Up Sign w/Arrow & Letters & Other Related Misc. Items.


Read it all here.

I’m sure there will be many fond memories discussed this weekend at the sale involving our former Governor, who no one can deny was a “take charge” guy, with many photos of him with a megaphone in hand.

Todd Epp @ KSOO: Dems hire new ED, but won’t tell anyone who.

Todd Epp is writing this afternoon on how the State Democratic Party has possibly hired a new Executive Director. But, there’s a catch – despite Ann Tornberg being 3-4 months late in hiring someone, she won’t say who, because it’s a secret. (Like the candidates they have running?)

According to a source well-known to me who has a history of reliability, the South Dakota Democratic Party has selected a new executive director. Finally, about three months later than they said they would.

But the party of open government in South Dakota won’t reveal who the person is, even though the SDDP leadership has apparently set their salary and benefits.

My source says the speculation is that the person is somehow involved with the federal courts, where political activity is strictly verboten! The new ED also may have worked for former Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.

Read it all here.

Anyone know who the poor soul is that we need to send a condolence card to?


Larry Pressler has now been baptized as a Mormon. Really.

I did a double take, as I thought someone was referring to him as a moron, but no. The Tweet was that Larry Pressler was now a Mormon.

Having observed him over the past few decades, if someone was referring to him as a moron, I could understand where they were coming from.  But, you got me with this one. Apparently, former US Senator Larry Pressler has now officially been baptized as a Mormon:

The announcement was ordinary and without fanfare. Larry Pressler would be confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during the weekly services of the Chevy Chase congregation.

But those who know the man from his three terms in the U.S. Senate and who have shared in his spiritual journey count Pressler — whether referring to him as “senator,” “brother” or just “Larry” — as extraordinary.

On Sunday, April 19, Pressler was confirmed as a church member by Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, a Mormon who introduced him to the faith’s signature book of scripture. He was baptized earlier in the day by Clayton Christensen, whose conviction of the Book of Mormon detailed in The New Yorker magazine compelled the former senator to seriously study the book.

Read it here.

Ooookay.  Not something I expected to see. Or read in the paper.

His Wikipedia reference refers to him as a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints, It had noted his religion as “Christianity” prior to it’s most recent change, and to be more specific, most bios note his religion as Roman Catholic.

It’s not often you see someone in his 70’s changing religions.

Since he’s leaving the Catholic faith, is this a bad time to ask if he’s going to hell?

A new addition to my button collection – Our 4th Governor Charles Herreid


I just got this sweet button in the mail today – a campaign pin for Charles Herreid, South Dakota’s 4th Governor. From Wikipedia:

Herreid was elected Lieutenant Governor of the new State of South Dakota from 1892 to 1896. He chaired the Republican State Central Committee from 1898 until 1900, when he was elected governor. Herreid, a Republican from Eureka, South Dakota, served from 1901 to 1905. He had previously served as the third Lieutenant Governor of South Dakota from 1893 to 1897 under Governor Charles H. Sheldon.

Read it here.

Delegation Applauds Transition of 28th Bomb Wing under Global Strike Command

Delegation Applauds Transition of 28th Bomb Wing under Global Strike Command

-Transition further solidifies Ellsworth as a premiere Air Force Base, helps ensure B-1 fleet remains cornerstone of our air defense-

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and Rep. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) today praised Ellsworth Air Force Base’s announcement that the 28th Bomb Wing will be moving under the control of Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC). The official transition will take place on October 1. The command structure of the Air Force divides the Air Force into 10 major commands. Although AFGSC will be the controlling command for Ellsworth Air Force Base and the B-1B bombers, Air Combat Command (ACC) will continue to oversee the M-Q9 Reaper control stations located at Ellsworth, and will remain the controlling command for the Powder River Training Complex. This change will only impact the Air Force command structure that oversees Ellsworth and the B-1 bomber fleet. No personnel changes at the base will take place as a result of this decision.

“I applaud the Air Force’s decision to transition the 28th Bomb Wing under Global Strike Command,” said Thune “As the Air Force begins planning ahead for the Next Generation Bomber, moving all the bomber wings under one command will allow for a smoother transition. Air Combat Command will still maintain a role at Ellsworth, continuing its command of the recently expanded Powder River Training Complex (PRTC), and the control stations for the M-Q9 Reapers operating overseas. This transition further solidifies Ellsworth as a premiere U.S. Air Force Base and helps ensure our B-1 fleet remains the cornerstone of our air defense and global strike force. I thank the Air Force personnel who tirelessly worked to make this transition a reality. The men and women who serve at Ellsworth continue to make our state and nation proud.”

“I applaud today’s announcement by the Air Force, which underscores the important role Ellsworth Air Force Base continues to play in our national security,” said Rounds. “As a member of the Armed Services Committee, I look forward to continuing to find ways to support Ellsworth and our service members stationed there.”

“Ellsworth Air Force Base and the resilient airmen there serve an integral role in our national security strategy,” said Noem. “Time and again, they’ve provided strength and reliability in the face of 21st century threats. Today’s announcement by the Air Force further reinforces Ellsworth’s place within the military’s strategic framework. I’m hopeful the transition to the new command will further enable Ellsworth to fly, fight and win.”

According to its mission, Global Strike Command seeks to develop and provide combat-ready forces for nuclear deterrence and global strike operations. Currently, Global Strike Command is responsible for the nation’s three intercontinental ballistic missile wings, the two B-52 wings, and the only B-2 wing.
