Troy Jones: “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.” (Cicero)

Since becoming President a bit more than a year ago, these are just a few of President Trump’s successes on the war against radical Islam and its multi-headed monsters (ISIS, al Quaeda, etc.).

1) A virtual obliteration of the Islamic State and it’s supposed Caliphate- Instead of following the conventional wisdom the first step to defeating this borderless “State” was to have regime change in Syria and bolster the Iraqi regime. Trump took the fight direct to the “Caliphate” and they folded like a cheap suit.

2) The defeat of ISIS in Syria had the domino effect in Iraq where these cowards laid down their arms faster than Tom Brady ran off the field on Sunday.

3) Our President called their bluff and announced moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. They yelled, screamed and folded again.

4) In Afghanistan, the President said our commitment is until the Taliban is defeated (no time deadline) and embarked on a series of mini-surges which has the Taliban fleeing to Pakistan who we have warned we will cross their border to eradicate these terrorists.

5) Using diplomatic pressures, the President got the Saudi’s to right their efforts in Yemen and ultimately got “regime change” in Saudia Arabia through the marginalization of the more extreme Wahhabi-backers in the royal family.

6) Domestically, in addition to the travel, immigrant, and refugee ban from certain nations, the President’s clear speech at the UN with regard to our vigilance to safety is international and domestic sent a message to our enemies, our allies, our military, our law enforcement (note this includes Homeland Security and Department of Justice), and our citizens this is an effort for which he has called for unity of purpose.

In short, our President knows what he is doing and has marshaled the resources of the United States toward his goals.

But, the South Dakota Senate has 16 members who doubt President Trump, don’t think his Cabinet is competent, and supported a resolution usurping President Trump’s authority. The operative final words of Senate Concurrent Resolution 13 is: “Now, therefore, be it resolved, by the Senate of the Ninety-Third Legislature of the State of South Dakota, the House of Representatives concurring therein, that South Dakota petitions the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Department of Justice to identify the root cause of global war on terrorism in order to keep our cities and citizens safe.”

President Trump has enough No-Trumpers, liberals, and mainstream media spreading innuendo about President Trump’s capabilities and leadership. It is embarrassing to have so many South Dakota elected Republicans piling on.

Here is the list of Trump-haters who are second-guessing President Trump’s Departments of Homeland Security and Justice and question President Trump’s leadership and efforts to keep us safe.

R. Blake Curd, Majority Leader, Brock Greenfield, President Pro Tempore, Jim Bolin, Gary Cammack, Phil Jensen, Josh Klumb, Ryan Maher, Jeff Monroe, Stace Nelson, Jenna Netherton, Al Novstrup, Lance Russell, Jim Stalzer, Neal Tapio, John Wiik, Jordan Youngberg.

Bruce Whalen climbs aboard Hubbelcraft as first mate. (Whalen to run for Lt. Gov. with Lora Hubbel)

From the Mitchell Daily Republic, Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Lora Hubbel has named former Republican Congressional candidate Bruce Whalen as her running mate.

Despite not having the signatures to get on the ballot yet:

Bruce Whalen, who challenged then-U.S. Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin in the 2006 midterm election, was announced as Hubbel’s running mate. Hubbel, a Republican, is the first candidate to announce a candidate for lieutenant governor.

“It is a great honor for Lora to consider me as a running mate,” Whalen said in a press release. “Lora knows of my advocacy for increasing quality of life on Indian Reservations and my views that federal policy induces a void of jurisdiction between state and federal governments with federally recognized tribes.”

Read it here.

Hubbel had previously hinted at the Whalen pick via facebook at the time she was trying to claim she was not being racist for calling Democrat State Senator Troy Heinert “Pocahontas” and “A Dutchman pretending to be an Indian.

So, Bruce Whalen decided to climb aboard the Hubbelcraft to join Lora as the spaceship’s first mate? Well, good luck with that.

Americans for Prosperity Applauds Advancement of Microbrew Bill

Americans for Prosperity Applauds Advancement of Microbrew Bill

Grassroots group commends Senate Commerce and Energy Committee for passage of bill to promote small businesses and entrepreneurs.

PIERRE, S.D.—Americans for Prosperity-South Dakota (AFP-SD), the largest free market, grassroots organization in South Dakota, on Tuesday applauded the Senate Commerce and Energy Committee’s passage of Senate Bill 169, which would allow small businesses to grow and thrive in South Dakota.

“Government at any level should work to promote the prosperity of its people,” said AFP-SD Deputy State Director Andrew Curley. “This bill would reduce the current barriers our state’s microbrewers and their employees face as they work to grow and serve their customers. Not only would this legislation open the market and bring South Dakota more in line with our neighboring states, it would also be a signal to others that South Dakota welcomes your small business and will be a partner, not inhibitor, to your success. We raise our glass to the Senators on the committee for advancing this bill, and we urge the full Senate to support this bill as it comes to the floor.”

Curley testified before the committee on Tuesday in support of this bill. The transcript of his testimony can be found here.

Kristi Noem Endorses SB67, Outlines Stronger Anti-Trafficking Measures


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Kristi Noem today endorsed S.B.67, which would permit child trafficking survivors to expunge criminal records obtained as a result of the victimization. Noem also outlined stronger anti-trafficking measures she would seek as governor. Click to view initiative.

“By some estimates, 100,000 individuals are trafficked in the U.S. each year, most of them women and many of them children. Sadly, South Dakota is not immune,” said Noem. “Month after month, we read stomach-churning reports of sex trafficking from across the state. There is a role each of us can play in fighting trafficking by simply understanding what to look out for, but a broader policy shift needs to occur as well to better prevent trafficking, intervene when it does occur, and help survivors rebuild.”

In 2015, Noem championed the decade’s most comprehensive anti-trafficking initiative – an effort led by the Bipartisan Women’s Caucus of which Noem was the chair. The legislation enhanced law enforcement tools, better supported intervention programs, and provided additional resources to survivors. It also included safe harbor provisions similar to S.B.67, helping ensure trafficking survivors would be treated as victims, not criminals. Since the 2015 bill became law, Noem has pushed legislation to expand trafficking demand reduction programs, go after online actors who knowingly facilitate trafficking, and help survivors with housing and other needs.


Get tough on those who sell, buy, or market trafficking victims for sex. Whether you’re a trafficker, a website that facilitates trafficking, or someone who purchases trafficking victims for sex, your activity will have no place in South Dakota. As Governor, I will ensure South Dakota does not go easy on perpetrators – the punishment will fit the heinousness of these crimes.

Make sure traffickers pay. Traffickers make an estimated $150 billion annually, according to the International Labor Organization. If elected governor, I will fight to strengthen the state’s restitution laws in trafficking cases, bringing justice and offering victims more financial support for medical and mental health services, housing, childcare and other related expenses.

Expand intervention training to first responders and medical professionals. Research indicates more than 85% of survivors received medical treatment while being trafficked, but the vast majority of healthcare professionals have never received training on how to identify a victim or intervene should they suspect something is going on. We must leverage federal and state training resources, in partnership with nonprofits and professional organizations, to ensure South Dakota’s healthcare professionals are equipped to identify and intervene when a victim enters the exam room.

Secure access to emergency and transitional housing. A home is so often where recovery begins, and yet, transitional housing for sex trafficking survivors is scarce. In many cases, sex trafficking survivors require stronger security protocols and different support services than other victims of violence. If elected, I would expand existing grant programs in order to offer transitional housing, healing, and hope to many more trafficking survivors.

Neal Tapio: 13 Republicans, 6 Democrats Vote to Reject Notion that Radical Islam is the Root Cause of Global Terrorism

13 Republicans, 6 Democrats Vote to Reject Notion that Radical Islam is the Root Cause of Global Terrorism

South Dakota Congressional Candidate and Watertown State Senator, Neal Tapio  this week introduced a  concurrent resolution formally acknowledging the full implementation of Islamic Law, known as  Sharia Law, as  the root cause of the global war on terrorism and challenging South Dakota businesses, organizations and political leaders to support the resolution in a show of unified support of America’s military personnel.  After an  orchestrated effort to limit discussion Tuesday on the Senate floor, lawmakers voted to reject the resolution by a vote of 19-16. Tapio says the vote and the events that framed it illustrate both the broken nature of a legislative process fixated on avoiding tough issues, and the way process and procedure are used to provide cover for the lack of courage and leadership in facing truth about a difficult topic.

“I offered this very simple resolution on behalf of the American patriots, soldiers and their families after countless hours in personal conversation with legislators who claim to understand the threat of Islamic terrorism, but who either think it is not their responsibility to confront this issue, or are afraid to talk about this issue in public,” Tapio said.

“It is important for the people who care about the costs of the endless war on terror, and its affect on our loved ones and our communities, to understand the dysfunctional nature of the process in Pierre, and also to highlight the lack of courage of those charged with protecting the good people of South Dakota,” Tapio said.

“The war on terror is real. Last year, legislators were afraid to say they support ‘President Trump in his effort to keep America safe from radical Islamic terrorism.’ Legislators, along with lobbyists for Sanford and Avera hospitals, and the leadership of the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce and Lutheran Social Services, pushed hard to remove the term “Islamic” out of the resolution.” Tapio said.

“The question is why would these organizations be afraid to address this issue head on and call it by its name, in light of the overwhelming evidence that we see every night on the nightly news. What alternate reality are they living in?”

“If we can’t acknowledge the root cause of the war on terror, and understand those people we are fighting subscribe to a hateful and deadly ideology of the full implementation of Islam Law, then we will fail to recognize those Islamic terrorist organizations intend to infiltrate the entire world with their hateful and deadly ideology.”

“I’m disappointed and saddened to see an utter lack of recognition or resolve on the part of some of South Dakota’s Republican elected leadership,” Tapio said.

The resolution which identified Islamic laws of apostasy and the belief in capital punishment for anyone who leaves the Islamic faith as the driving doctrine behind the violent Jihadist tendencies in both Europe and North America also made a formal request that businesses, organizations and political leaders in South Dakota stand up and be counted as supporters of that message in order to facilitate a renewed dialogue. Tapio says seeing even narrow defeat of his resolution sends a troubling signal about the moral resolve of leadership to show even a basic understanding of an existential threat.

“I tried to work within this system, now it’s time to go around the system,” Tapio said. “We simply don’t have the luxury to play nice and do and say the comfortable things during these extraordinary times.”

“We can either fight to win a petty popularity contest within the GOP establishment and the lobbyists who control them in Pierre, or we can continue to fight everyday on tough issues for the people of South Dakota,” Tapio said.

“I simply choose not to be distracted by the dog and phony show of the political circus when there are real threats and challenges to be faced.”

Jackley for Governor to Host Sioux Falls Office Grand Opening


SIOUX FALLS, SD: The Marty Jackley for Governor campaign will host a grand opening of their Sioux Falls campaign office on Friday, Feb. 9 from 5-7 p.m.

“My team has been putting in an incredible amount of work to spread our message to every corner of the state,” Jackley said. “Friday is an opportunity to meet with our supporters in the Sioux Falls area, talk about the issues that are the foundation of this campaign, and celebrate the momentum we’ve had so far this year.”

Supporters can find yard signs, bumper stickers and volunteer information at the office, which is located at 3508 W 41 Street.

Refreshments will be served.


Thune: More Benefits and Opportunities for the American Worker on the Way

Thune: More Benefits and Opportunities for the American Worker on the Way

“And as the tax law helps U.S. businesses, large and small, grow and thrive, we can expect to see a lot more benefits and opportunities for American workers in the future.”


WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), a member of the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee and a key voice during the tax reform debate, this week discussed the positive news that continues to be announced as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Thune explained that small and medium-sized businesses, including farms and ranches, will also see positive results from the new tax law by expanding their ability to recover investments they make in their businesses, which will free up cash that they can reinvest in their operations and their workers.

SDSOS Dissolves ActBlue PAC in SD. So what about all those donations to Sutton for Gov?

Here’s an interesting letter that was just posted to the Secretary of State’s website:

So, the Democrat organization ActBlue is not a PAC but merely a “donation processor,” …which is not defined in South Dakota campaign finance law that I’m aware.

But if that’s the case, what happens here:

Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Billie Sutton’s recently filed campaign finance report indicates that he received over $180,000 through the ActBlue South Dakota PAC.   Which the Secretary of State indicates is not actually a PAC, so all of that has to be reported individually.

So, as we wait for the revised report…

Release: Tyler Swanger announces for D14 State Senate

From a release:

Sioux Falls-February 7th 2018, Tyler Swanger a Sioux Falls resident and member of the Republican party has announced his candidacy for District 14 State Senate

Tyler Swanger was born in Sioux City and spent his early childhood growing up in North Sioux City, South Dakota. He’s not just a brother but a true role model to his siblings (Emily, Alex and Madison). Tyler was an early-leader both in his family and among his peers. He was born of strong Christian faith and was one of the youngest delegates for the Northwest Iowa Lutheran Synagogue.

Tyler was later a graduate of Lincoln High School; followed by the pursuit of an education in business at Southeast Technical Institute.

He is currently one of the top, award-winning, salesman at Vern Eide Honda. Tyler is a proud homeowner in Southeast Sioux Falls where he resides with his fiancé, Sabrina. In December 2017, Tyler was blessed and became the proud father to Tucker Scott.

Tyler is passionate about family values and the core-beliefs of his constituents. In 2016, Tyler ran for State Senate against Deb Soholt and had admirable success among voters. He’s the proud fiancé to an Army Reservist and son of an Air Force Veteran.

Tyler’s hobbies involve anything related to cars and family. He has been an active participant in the Great Plains Street Rodders for eight (8) years. It’s not uncommon to see him accompanying his greatest supporters (parents Scott and Cindy Newman and siblings Emily Swanger and Alex Newman) for the Sunday morning service at Gloria Dei. He’s passionate about his commitments to philanthropic organizations such as Big Brother/Big Sister. Tyler has spent the past seven (7) years learning from and loving his responsibility with his ‘Little Brother.’

Tyler is also the Chairman of the Vern Eide Gives program. This program intentionally and actively supports the Sioux Falls community through a variety of privately funded services. Through this program and Tyler’s leadership, more than 110 families were provided Christmas presents. When asked why this program is so important to Tyler he said, “This program, along with so many other local programs, are the reason Sioux Falls is such a wonderful place to live. This is, in part, why I want to represent not only Sioux Falls, but South Dakota. South Dakotans are passionate about coming together and taking care of our neighbors. Vern Eide Gives, along with so many other wonderful, local non-profits – and individuals – provide families in our community with food, clothing, warmth, financial assistance and most of all faith and hope. It is this partnership and will or desire – to give and provide – that makes this community and state such a wonderful place to live. Nowhere else in the country will you find people that take such a vested interest and personal responsibility for taking care of – not just family, but friends, neighbors and most importantly strangers. Vern Eide Gives and Big Brother give me the chance to provide hope, inspiration and a piece of myself to our community.”