Troy Jones: “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.” (Cicero)
Since becoming President a bit more than a year ago, these are just a few of President Trump’s successes on the war against radical Islam and its multi-headed monsters (ISIS, al Quaeda, etc.).
1) A virtual obliteration of the Islamic State and it’s supposed Caliphate- Instead of following the conventional wisdom the first step to defeating this borderless “State” was to have regime change in Syria and bolster the Iraqi regime. Trump took the fight direct to the “Caliphate” and they folded like a cheap suit.
2) The defeat of ISIS in Syria had the domino effect in Iraq where these cowards laid down their arms faster than Tom Brady ran off the field on Sunday.
3) Our President called their bluff and announced moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. They yelled, screamed and folded again.
4) In Afghanistan, the President said our commitment is until the Taliban is defeated (no time deadline) and embarked on a series of mini-surges which has the Taliban fleeing to Pakistan who we have warned we will cross their border to eradicate these terrorists.
5) Using diplomatic pressures, the President got the Saudi’s to right their efforts in Yemen and ultimately got “regime change” in Saudia Arabia through the marginalization of the more extreme Wahhabi-backers in the royal family.
6) Domestically, in addition to the travel, immigrant, and refugee ban from certain nations, the President’s clear speech at the UN with regard to our vigilance to safety is international and domestic sent a message to our enemies, our allies, our military, our law enforcement (note this includes Homeland Security and Department of Justice), and our citizens this is an effort for which he has called for unity of purpose.
In short, our President knows what he is doing and has marshaled the resources of the United States toward his goals.
But, the South Dakota Senate has 16 members who doubt President Trump, don’t think his Cabinet is competent, and supported a resolution usurping President Trump’s authority. The operative final words of Senate Concurrent Resolution 13 is: “Now, therefore, be it resolved, by the Senate of the Ninety-Third Legislature of the State of South Dakota, the House of Representatives concurring therein, that South Dakota petitions the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Department of Justice to identify the root cause of global war on terrorism in order to keep our cities and citizens safe.”
President Trump has enough No-Trumpers, liberals, and mainstream media spreading innuendo about President Trump’s capabilities and leadership. It is embarrassing to have so many South Dakota elected Republicans piling on.
Here is the list of Trump-haters who are second-guessing President Trump’s Departments of Homeland Security and Justice and question President Trump’s leadership and efforts to keep us safe.
R. Blake Curd, Majority Leader, Brock Greenfield, President Pro Tempore, Jim Bolin, Gary Cammack, Phil Jensen, Josh Klumb, Ryan Maher, Jeff Monroe, Stace Nelson, Jenna Netherton, Al Novstrup, Lance Russell, Jim Stalzer, Neal Tapio, John Wiik, Jordan Youngberg.