Rapid City legislative races to switch from sleepy to competitive..

Just when you think things are going to be static with certain legislative races, it looks like at least two Rapid City districts are going to be as competitive as they were last election.

It appears that District 32 is going to have a potential open seat in the House, as State Representative Becky Drury is said to be moving from one house to another house. In more ways than one.

I’m hearing that Representative Drury is planning a move within Rapid City as she has a new home that the Drury family are in the process of fixing up and remodeling.. except this new House is not in D32, but in District 34, where you might expect the former City Councilwoman to hang her hat, and to run for office from in 2024, leaving an open seat in D32, Rapid City’s most challenging district for Republicans.  I have no doubt they will find a qualified candidate, but that will make things interesting.

How does that affect District 34? Currently, With Mike Derby and Jess Olson in the House, Rep. Drury would make three.. except I’m also hearing that there is a possibility that State Rep. Jess Olson may take a pass on seeking re-election, winnowing the numbers back down to two.

Stay tuned… because it’s barely over 60 days until petitions can be taken out!

3 thoughts on “Rapid City legislative races to switch from sleepy to competitive..”

  1. Olson has said privately to multiple people that she will not seek re-election. She’s also faced criticism for voting against bills to help tourism, and being too comfy with what many people are staring to label as ‘too liberal’ Democrats.

    Drury will be great for District 34.

  2. Even though it went widely unreported, it’s been heard that Olson has at least one state contract with state agencies…another Castleberry Scandal? Seems worth looking into.

  3. hmmm. i enjoyed being in district 32 for so many years. i got shoved out of it when the south border got ratcheted up to fairmont, and i find myself as part of the obscene gerrymandered dirt moat that connects the extreme south and extreme north parts of rapid city to our close neighbors in hisega and rochford.
    i hear a lot of blather about “election protection” from people whose overwhelming majority is never in danger, and nothing about map drawing abuses, which clearly are a thing.

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